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Тамбовское ВВАУЛ - 5 (продолжение



Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 12:35
Здравствуйте господа !!!
А ухо тут при чём ???
Санёк, стареем, поэтому ни хрена не помним после "Ёлок"...
Вов, картошки нажарь 11-го к обеду, попробуем Серпуховской земленой сливы...
А спецы, чёта заламили не реальную сумму....
Миш, ну как переварил закуску из тюбиков ?????????????
Лёш, на счёт пацанов:- када фантазия (эротическая) перестаёт работать, тада туалетной бумагой остаётся только жопу вытирать :-)))
Пацаны изголяются с пъяну, а ты их в пидоры записываешь, ониж не друг-друга имили, а тёток после стандартного секеса....... :-)))

Иномарки, не иномарки..., а САМОЛЁТЫ ЛУЧИ....
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 12:39
Советские поезда - самые поездатые поезда в мире !!!!!!!!!!!

Это что-бы страницу перелеснуть..........
Беляев 81
08.05.2007 13:48
Чёт тишина в эфире, к праздникам что ли уже народ готовится???
Беляев 81
08.05.2007 13:55
Млять, опять не листается!!!!
Беляев 81
08.05.2007 13:59
А у нас кирдык весне. Вчера +25, ночью +16, сёння +12 и дождь, ночью +1 и мокрый снег обещают. Отошла лафа. Сибирь однако:-))))
Беляев 81
08.05.2007 14:09
Журавлёв А.Е.:
ониж не друг-друга имили, а тёток после стандартного секеса....... :-)))

У-у-фффф, успокоил, а то я уж всякую херню думать начал:-)))))
Ты уж в следующий раз пиши попонятней, а то пацаны... анус... апосля подтирались... А с телкой в анус это не эротические фонтазии, это для здоровья полезнее. Говорят там "червей" меньше.
А САМОЛЕТЫ и правда лучи!!! До сих пор башку задираю, как только услышу пролетающий самолет.
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 15:18
Лёш, какие червики ????????????????????????????????????????????
Там кроме спида и глистов в "душистой глине", ни хрена нет....
Иногда правда, арбузные косточки попадаются.....
И какое нахрен здоровье, у мужиков пенис в мазолях, а у баб какашки самопроизволино вываливаются где не надо.....
Яж говорю "глумятся" :-)))

САМОЛЁТЫ ЛУЧИ, базара нет !!!!!!!
08.05.2007 15:59
Радость у меня большая, сынуля достойно экзамен по психологии сдал, на целых три балла умудрился наотвечать. Бухать сенни буду на радостях :-).
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 16:03
Вов, наши товарисчи, совсем нам не товарисчи... Не хотять с нами видаться, ну и фуй с ними... Нам с тобой картафана больше достанется...
Сань, чё молчишь, поди на работе в свиноподобие потехоньку превращаешся ???
Документы и нал оставь в сейфе..., а то опять приключений на анус найдёш :-)))

Чёта Санька Новойдарского давно не слыхать..., наверняка деньги прячет от жены :-)))
08.05.2007 16:05
Всех с наступающим праздником!
Mashtak: Саня 10 мая буду у тебя, заберу "золотое" колесико. Счет приготовь.
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 16:05
Во мы с тобой разошлись в 4-е минуты...
Поздравляю, налупишся дома, а на работе 9-е мая ??????????????
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 16:10
Миха привет !!!!

Санёк писал нам, что твоё колесо, за хронение выросло в цене в два раза, а поэтому с тебя опять "Ёлки", Сашка получил зарплату и готов куртку с баблом оставить опять в кабаке и уехать в твоей (одевайся теплее). :-)))
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 18:47
Все уже наверное празднуют ?!
08.05.2007 18:59
Дмитриев: Меня десятого после 11-ти не будет, в Зеленограде сдаю объект. Зайдешь в офис и получишь свое колесо, я проинструктирую подчиненных. Калашь отдашь секретарше, она мне передаст 11-го :-).
Журавлёв А.Е.: Ты про какие 4 минуты Андрюха, чет не въеду?
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 19:09
4-е минуты разница между твоим и моим постом. Пока я писал ты уже объявился...
(08/05/2007 15:39 и мой 08/05/2007 16:03) - въехал ???????????????
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 19:12
Да и ещё, калаш Миха отдаст секретутке, она тебе, а ты мне (ствол детишкам не игрушка). :-)))
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 19:22
Маджахеды на трубу затрахали звонить, дачу на Багамах уже достраивают, а вагона с калашами всё нет и нет, обещали Миху на счётчик поставить..., дык вот я им в качестве аванса хотя-бы первый отдам. А то они обещали такие штрафные санкции выдвинуть, что Михе придётся продавать весь Ижевский завод :-)))
08.05.2007 19:26
Журавлёв А.Е.: 16.03 - 15.39 = 24 минуты, ты математику в школе учил?
Стая товарищей.
08.05.2007 19:28
to Журавлёв А.Е.: Голубев Николай 42к.о. 86г выпуска.
дорвался до бесплатного инета, вот и разгуливаю.
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 19:35
Не умничай, этож я тебя проверял, сообразишь аль нет :-)))
Значит тверёзый есшо...
Ты мне зубы не заговаривай, с калашом понял чё делать ???
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 19:38
Стая товарищей.:
К/о мне не очём не говорит, а вот Ф.и. вроде как знакомое.........
Стая товарищей.
08.05.2007 19:43
to Журавлёв А.Е.: а у нас две фамилии звучало - ещёи Бетин (Андрей).
08.05.2007 19:46
Журавлёв А.Е.: Да лана, проверяльщик ты ешо тот. Твой пост в 16.03, а мой в 15.59, вот эти 4 минуты где сидят, а ты цифры левые какие то набил. Правда я умный? :-)))
С калашами все понял, у меня склад есть в подвале на работе, там мона на роту ружей упаковать, тока боюсь с таким количеством оружия Миху ешо на подступах к Москве тормознут, и останемся мы с тобой ни с чем. Мож лучше он нам заказной бандеролькой отправит, верняк 100%.

Был сенни у Генки Ермакова на могилке, 42 годка исполнилось бы пацану если не тот роковой случай. Помянуть там не мог, занимаюсь этим в настоящий момент.

Зашел также на могилу генерала Дементьева К.К., от всех дальников поклонился памятнику Великому Летчику и Командиру.
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 19:48
Стая товарищей.:
Звучали в каком плане ???
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 19:56
Дык я в цифирях тебя и проверял, если двоится, ни хрена не увидит - значит нализался Устин Акимыч, а если увидит подвох - знать тверёзый (я тоже умный, правда ???) :-)))

Сань, земля им пухом..., сёння приеду в деревню, обязательно помяну.

У меня сённи тоже праздник:-расплатился с кредитом за авто !
Стая товарищей.
08.05.2007 19:56
to Журавлёв А.Е.: в качестве не совсем дисциплинированных курсантов. 2 года ПЗО.
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 19:59
Стая товарищей.:
Да-а-а, "пионеров" из вас не получится :-)
Стая товарищей.
08.05.2007 20:13
to Журавлёв А.Е.: Годы уж не те, да и страна давно не та ..... вот если в скауты податься .....
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 20:16
Пора пилить в деревню.
Всем пока, мойте руки перед употреблением, а то педикулёз замучает или деарея, хрен разберёшь эту медицину, но врачи советуют... :-))))
Да, и в праздник ведите себя по людски..., не спите в тарелках, не гадьте по углам, ну и т.д., чай всё-же офицуцеры :-)))
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 20:18
Стая товарищей.:
Не Коль, ты меня не правильно понял, не вы первые...
08.05.2007 20:31
Журавлёв А.Е.: Какой такой кредит? Шо, опять Волгу взял последней модели?
Генку обязательно помяни, корешка моего, номаный был мужик, за друга голову любому оторвет, тока сорви-голова, ну ты такой-же отчаянный, епрст, береги себя Андрюх. Помянем Ермака.
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 20:40
За "Волгу" предыдущей модели, по совету друзей....

Геныча обязательно помяну, попросил корешей (Андрюху с которым в "Ёлку" приезжал, тоже безотказный малый), он всё взял и в морозилку положил..., так-что до деревни доеду, третий тост за него...
Ну лана, до 11-го. Всем удачи во всём !
Журавлёв А.Е.
08.05.2007 20:43
Опечатка, до 10-го...
08.05.2007 20:52
Мужики, привет.Всех с наступающим праздником ДНЁМ ПОБЕДЫ!!! Счастья, здоровья, удачи!!!
И хай с ними бывшими соцреспубликами. Энергитический кризис в Европе не за горами, они к нам ещё в очередь с трёх литровами банками выстроятся, -"плеснииите литровочку". А если у нас скважины иссякнут, засадим поля картохой, врубим те же нефтеперегонные заводы и думаю качество самогона С-92 будет не хуже(куда уж хуже) Б-92го. И наконец-то отменят эту унизительную процедуру обнюхивания водителя, а просьба подсосать из бака топлива будет выполнятся с превеликим удовольствием!
Беляев 81:
Лёш, боюсь 11 числа выйти в эфир в обед не представиться возможности. Ты же читал выше, что надо будет выполнить все пункты "Дипломатического Протокола" т.е. нажарить картафана!(Ума не приложу где я Ему Серпуховской картошки возьму?, мы её ещё в октябре всю стрескали). Ладно, курская не хуже.
Ещё раз с Праздником. В.Сигаев.
Стая товарищей.
08.05.2007 20:59
С разрешенья или без, но за Ермака, Голика, Харченко и других, к сожалению многих. Сегодня можно. Третий тост ещё никто не отменял.
Ещё раз всех с натупающим Великим празником и до будней.
08.05.2007 21:06
Стая товарищей.: На это разрешение не требуется, но еще добавлю за 86-й год: за Кривова, Кириллова, Клейменова, Сосновского, Цветкова третий тост молча. Мож забыл кого, память уже не та, земля ребятам пухом.
08.05.2007 21:13
Журавлёву А.Е.:
С тобой мы разошлись на 8мин.22сек.(Трезвый штурман звиздеть не будет).
Пока сочинял да отсылал, ты уже слинял.
С Праздником!!! Жду тлф. звонка!
09.05.2007 00:21
Журавлёву А.Е. Сегодня только доехал до Москвы. С Тимохой только по телефону пообщались-честно, времени не было заехать, дюже плотная программа у меня там была. А к нему ж если ехать-это же сутки "навылет"! Потом нельзя за руль сесть. Вчера ехал по Краснодарскому краю и Ростовской области-гайцы как на параде через 500 м паслись. Такое ощущение, что по мусоропроводу едешь!
09.05.2007 10:09
Ребята!!! Поздравляю всех Вас и Ваших родных с Праздником Великой ПОБЕДЫ!
Здоровья Вам, Счастья и Мирного неба.
С Уважением Сергей Скачков (85 г/в)
09.05.2007 11:32
09.05.2007 11:34
sskachkov : Серег фоты твои получил спасибо тебе огромное, Лапин все такой молодой!
А ты куда пропал?
09.05.2007 17:24
Мужики, всех с Праздником!!
Поднимаю рюмку за Великую ПОБЕДУ!!
Дай Бог нам всем... !!!
09.05.2007 20:45
Sent: Monday, May 7, 2007 6:30 PM
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Subject: Did not exist Democracy, Justice and Solidarity.....

Attachment: LetterstotheEuropeanCourtofHumanRightsCouncilofEuropeStrasbourgCedexFRANCEnr2.doc (0.65 MB), AhellofalifeforimmigrantsintheWesternWorld..doc (0.65 MB)

A hell of a life for immigrants in the Western World.

Did not exist Democracy, Justice and Solidarity.....

Letter to the European Court of Human Rights Council of Europe Strasbourg-Cedex FRANCE, etc!

Regarding the Swedish and the West European anti democratic, violating, Nazi, Fascist, injustice and criminal mafia authorities, institutions and organizations and the deceitful violations against human rights, serious discrimination, oppression, physical and psychic maltreatment and torture, extortion, threats and incitement to racial hatred that are being executed by above-mentioned groups! This is inhumane and gross fraud against immigrants!

The letters below are not original but transcription of the originals.

Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx
Xxxxxxxx X


September 16th, 2004

International Court of Justice
President Shi Jiuyong
Peace Palace
2517 KJ The Hague
The Netherlands

To the International Court of Justice

I am writing to you about the gross discrimination, violation, criminal conduct and incitement to racial hatred that has been done to me by different Swedish authorities, institutes and organizations. For a long time I have been discriminated and violated, robbed and even maltreated. My health has been destroyed by 95%.

I do not know if I have reached the right instance when I contact you. If it is wrong, I ask you to send this letter with enclosed copies to the right instance and then inform me about this.

Unfortunately I cannot send you all my material about the discrimination and violation that I have been exposed of since the material is extensive and I cannot afford to send you everything because of my bad financial position. Only one copy costs 3 Swedish krona. Furthermore, some of the original documents cannot be copied since they are in bad condition. The documents are in Swedish.

I have previously sued the Swedish authorities to the antidemocratic, anti loyal and unjust West European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France. The report was made April 2nd, 2003. I had to sue the Swedish criminal Mafia authorities to this so-called European Court since all doors are closed to us immigrants here in Sweden. There is no just court, judge, prosecutor or lawyer. They only work for their own authorities and destroy our lives. My understanding is that they are true Fascists and Nazis.

I not only feel that I am discriminated, violated and robbed. I also feel that I live in a society that is oppressing and where we immigrants are treated as the Germans treated the Jews during the time of Hitler. That is why I had to turn to the "European Court of Human Rights" in Strasbourg. I sent them all my material, facts and evidence. They have shut their eyes and kept quiet for 1 year and 4 months and they have not lifted a finger to help me. Instead they are supporting/co-operating with the Swedish authorities. I feel discriminated and violated. I have lost more than one year and it has cost me dearly, financially, mentally and physically. That is why I am also suing the "European Court of Human Rights" in Strasbourg for collaboration with Swedish authorities.

I have sued the enforcement service (kronofogdemyndigheten), the social insurance office (fцrsдkringskassan), the tax authorities (skattemyndigheten), the public dental service (folktandvеrden), the dentist Ingemar Vighagen (Citytandlдkarna) and the medical service (sjukvеrden).

August 17th, 2004, I received an offending and criminal letter from the Kronofogdemyndigheten in Landskrona where it said that they were going to deduct 3300 Swedish Krona/month of my pension. These violations, criminal acts and discriminations are hard to describe with words. I have lived in poverty during my whole time here in Sweden because of such Mafia bandits, Fascists and Nazis.

It is not enough with the hundreds-of-thousands of Swedish Krona that they already have robbed me of. They will not stop until the day I die. What they want is to make a profit on me, just as vampires who suck the blood out of people. If it would be possible they would gladly have drained me of 1 kilo blood per month. They will do everything to make more money.

I have a very small disablement pension. It is very difficult to survive with this pension. I live in poverty. If the Kronofogdemyndigheten starts to make deductions on my pension I will be even poorer.

What can I give my children, now and for their future? What can I buy for my children when I only have 3100 Swedish Krona/month (after the Kronofogdemyndigheten's deduction) to live for (then I have not counted variable costs as electricity, telephone and TV)?

I have a 20-year-old daughter. She studies medicine in Xxxxxx. She needs my support but I cannot give her a penny. Before this I had difficulties supporting her financially. With 3300 Swedish Krona less per month my chances of helping her are even smaller.

What can I give to my 13-year-old daughter who lives in Landskrona, here in Sweden? I cannot longer buy her a school bag because of the Swedish Fascists, racists and Mafia bandits who make me poor, sad and disappointed.

This is both physical and mental abuse, this is inhuman. These people have no human feelings. They are egoists and materialists. Anyone can understand that this is gross discrimination, violations and incitement to racial hatred, to steal from a disabled immigrant with a pension of 11300 Swedish Krona. With this pension I have to pay 3700 Swedish Krona/month in rent and 1200 Swedish Krona/month in child support. In addition to that I have to pay electricity, telephone and TV. How can I survive with what is left? It is hard to explain with words.

I need money to physiotherapy, medical treatment etc. Only massage costs 300 Swedish Krona and I need to go three times per month. A chiropractor costs even more. Even before the Kronofogdemyndigheten's last letter it was difficult for me to pay these sums because of my poor economy. How will I be able to afford it now?

After the insulting letter from the Kronofogdemyndigheten I had to cancel my dentist appointment. I have severe problems with my teeth and terrible pains but I cannot longer afford going to the dentist because of the Kronofogdemyndigheten. I have only 12 teeth left in my mouth and they are all loose. The whole mouth cavity is inflamed and therefore I have to see the dentist regularly.

In November 2003 I separated from my family. During following 6 months I managed some way to scrape together money to buy a used sofa and a used TV. I have no bed, kitchen table, chairs or bookcase. The first 6 months I slept on an old mattress on the floor. Now I sleep on the sofa but I can assure you that this is also hell for a disabled person. Now because of the Kronofogdemyndigheten I can only dream of a bed, when I am able to sleep.

It is not only the Kronofogdebandits who are involved but also the Fцrsдkringskassan (the social insurance office) and the Skattemyndigheten (the tax authorities).

At the Fцrsдkringskassan they know how much money during the last 15 years, hundreds-of-thousands of Swedish Krona that has been paid to the Kronofogdemyndigheten. My debt was at the beginning not more that 90000 Swedish Krona but the Swedish bandits know how to manage. I guarantee that they have useful contacts with the "West European" court and you can see in black and white that there are only West Europeans sitting there.

This is why I am forced to turn to the International Court of Justice. This is my last chance. If the International Court does not punish the Swedish Mafia bandits then there is no justice any longer in this world. Great criminal Mafia bandits will become greater and greater and millions of good people will suffer, starve and die because of the Western World's bureaucrats, Fascists and Nazis.

As I have mentioned earlier, my income is very poor, but nevertheless I have been compelled to acquire a bigger flat because of my daughter. She should not have to suffer and be embarrassed because her father is poor and cannot give her anything. When she is here she wants to bring home her friends. And because of my illness I also need to have a room of my own where I can be alone when I am in great pain. I know that my pension does not allow me to have a bigger flat but my plan was that if I do not indulge myself anything and if I exclude physiotherapy etc (except my frequent dentist appointments although, after the letter from the Kronofogdemyndigheten, I have to exclude this too) and if cut down even more on my meals then I should be able to manage this rent. Now I do not how I will survive. My rent will be 5700 Swedish Krona/month. I will probably receive some accommodation allowance although it will not be much, perhaps 500 - 700 Swedish Krona/month. If I had had a proper pension as I should have had I would have managed but my pension has not increased. I have complained to the Fцrsдkringskassan but they think that I should manage with a minimum pension. If I had been Swedish I would have received a larger income but we foreigners receive the lowest. When I have moved in to my new flat (that will be October 1st) and the Kronofogdemyndigheten starts to make reductions on my pension, I will only have 1100 Swedish Krona/month left to live for. A joke that is what it is (although I am not laughing). I do not know what to do about furniture. It was difficult beforehand. Now it will be impossible. It is strange; nothing can go right whatever I do. No matter how much I try to save (I eat cheap, I do not make any visits to the doctor etc), still I never have any money. The Kronofogdemyndigheten takes everything. I do not owe them anything but they owe me plenty!!

Since I do not have any lawyer who can defend me in this country I ask you to arrange this - lawyer or prosecutor. I will also ask you to see to that this lawyer/prosecutor will contact me as soon as possible so that I can complete the material I have and to send to him/her. Unfortunately there is material that I lack because the Swedish authorities have not bothered to send it to me. There are also documents that cannot be copied because of poor quality as I have mentioned earlier.

I demand damages for my health that has been destroyed by 95% by the medical service (sjukvеrden), the dentist Ingemar Vighagen (Citytandlдkarna) and the public dental service (folktandvеrden), damages for the discriminations and violations that I have suffered by the social insurance office (fцrsдkringskassan), both concerning my pension that has not been raised for 15 years, and for their collaboration with the enforcement service (kronofogdemyndigheten). I also claim damages from the Kronofogdemyndigheten who have stolen hundreds-of-thousands of Swedish Krona from me. Although I have paid everything the debts are still growing and the Kronofogdemyndigheten craves for more. I also claim damages from the tax authorities (skattemyndigheten) for their collaboration with the Kronofogdemyndigheten. I demand that my money will be paid back with damages and interest. My claim for damages including interest is 3, 5 million Swedish Krona. Other matters (as for example a raise of my pension) can be discussed at a later time when you have appointed a lawyer/prosecutor. Some documents cannot be completed since the Fцrsдkringskassan does not give me any information about what deductions that have been made to the Kronofogdemyndigheten. That is why the Fцrsдkringskassan must attend the trial and show how much money that has been paid to the Kronofogdemyndigheten.

There is one thing I want to mention. I do not accept any lawyer/prosecutor or at all any person from Scandinavia. I want the lawyer/prosecutor to come from without the Western borders: Asia, Africa or South America - an impartial, just person who is against the discriminators, the violators and criminals. If it will go to trial I wish to attend it and that the Swedish Mafia bandits will be summoned.

I apologize for my harsh words but I cannot express myself in any other way, the Swedish authorities have not earned it.

Thank you for having read my letter.

Yours faithfully,

Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx



Mr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Xxxxxxxx XXX X
S - XXX XX Xxxxxxxxx

21 October 2004

Dear Sir,

I acknowledge recept of your letter of 16 September 2004 addressed to the President.

I regret to inform you that, virtue of Article 34 of the Statute of the international Court of Justice, ''only States may be parties in cases before the Court'', and that only international organizations authorized within the meaning of Article 65 of the Statute may reguest advisory opinions of the Court.

It follows that neither the Court nor ist Members may consider applications from private individuals or groups, provide them with legal advice, or assist them in their relations with the authorities of any country.

That being so, you will, I am sure, understand that no action can be taken on your letter.

Yours faithfully,

The Deputy-Registrar

Ett helvetes liv fцr invandrare i vдstvдrlden.

Brev till Europeiska domstolen fцr de mдnskliga rдttigheterna i Strasbourg-Cedex Frankrike, etc!

Angеende de svenska och de vдsteuropeiska anti demokratiska, krдnkande, nazistiska, fascistiska, orдttvisa och kriminella, maffiamyndigheter, institutioner och organisationer och de bedrдgliga brott mot mдnskliga rдttigheter, grov diskriminering, fцrtryck, fysisk och psykisk misshandel och tortyr, utpressning, hot och hets mot folkgrupp som utfцrs av ovannдmda grupper! Detta дr omдnskligt och grovt bedrдgeri mot invandrare!

De nedanstеende breven дr inte original utan avskrifter av originalen.



D R O I T S D E L ? H O M M E






Xxxxxxxx XXX X

17 DEC 2004


Mеl nr 13585/03
XXXXXXXX mot Sverige

Hдrmed vill jag upplysa Er att Europadomstolen fцr de mдnskliga rдttigheterna, bestеende av en kommittй om tre domare (A.B. Baka, Ordfцrande, R. Turmen och D. Jociene) enligt artikel 27 i konventionen, den 7 december 2004 har beslutat, i enlighet med artikel 28 i konventionen, att avvisa ovan nдmnda klagomеl dе det inte uppfyllde kraven som anges i artiklarna 34 och 35 i konventionen.

Domstolen fann, efter att den hade beaktat allt tillgдngligt material, att, i den mеn klagomеlet fцll under dess tillдggsprotokoll hade krдnkts.

Detta beslut дr slutligt och kan inte цverklagas till domstolen (ej heller dess ''Grand Chamber'') eller nеgot annat organ. Domstolens kansli kan inte bistе med ytterligare detaljer om kommittйns цverlдggningar eller svara pе korrespondens fеn Er angеende domstolens beslut i detta mеl. Ni kommer inte att erhеlla nеgra ytterligare skrivelser frеn domstolen rцrande detta mеl. I enlighet med domstolens instruktioner, kommer akten i mеlet att fцrstцras ett еr efter expedieringen av detta brev.

Denna underrдttelse дr gjord i enlighet med Regel 53  2 i Domstolens arbetsordning.

Med vдldig hдlsning
Pе kanslichefens vдgnar

T.L. Early
Vice kanslichef

CONSEIL DE L ?EUROPЙ / COUNCEL OF EUROPЙ (0) 3 88 41 20 18 www.echr.coe.int (0) 3 88 41 27 30

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! http://messenger.msn.click-url ...

| | | | | Inbox

Notice: Attachments are automatically scanned for viruses using Trend Micro products
09.05.2007 20:47
From: HERE IS VMRO-MNM here_is_vmro_mnm_macedonia_for_the_macedonians@hotmail.com
Sent: Monday, May 7, 2007 6:30 PM
To: info@wordpress.org, support@wordpress.org, info@un.org, un@un.org, webmaster@un.org, info@unep-wcmc.org, wh-info@unesco.org, lemore@un.org, ecu@un.org, president@whitehouse.gov, vice.president@whitehouse.gov, secretary@state.gov, mail@icj-cij.org, webmaster@echr.coe.int, nato-su-@topica.com, info@multimedia.org.mk, vsimjan@mutlimedia.org.mk, info@pollitecon.com, vbivell@pollitecon.com, contact@maknews.com, info@publications.europa.eu, copyright-info@publications.europa.eu, infso-media@ec.europa.eu, euro-ombudsman@europarl.europa.eu, press-info@era.europa.eu, info@osce.org, press@osce.org, kolb@ihf-hr.org
CC: webadmin@hrw.org, hrwdc@hrw.org, hrwlasb@hrw.org, hrwsf@hrw.org, hrwuk@hrw.org, hrwbe@hrw.org, hrwgva@hrw.org, berlin@hrw.org, toronto@hrw.org, hrwpress@hrw.org, porteot@hrw.org, shahu@hrw.org, lattigl@hrw.org, heuwagm@hrw.org, eupress@hrw.org, whitea@hrw.org, genaos@hrw.org, permissions@hrw.org, chicago@hrw.org, here_is_vmro_mnm_macedonia_for_the_macedonians@hotmail.com
Subject: Did not exist Democracy, Justice and Solidarity.....

Attachment: LetterstotheEuropeanCourtofHumanRightsCouncilofEuropeStrasbourgCedexFRANCEnr2.doc (0.65 MB), AhellofalifeforimmigrantsintheWesternWorld..doc (0.65 MB)

A hell of a life for immigrants in the Western World.

Did not exist Democracy, Justice and Solidarity.....

Letter to the European Court of Human Rights Council of Europe Strasbourg-Cedex FRANCE, etc!

Regarding the Swedish and the West European anti democratic, violating, Nazi, Fascist, injustice and criminal mafia authorities, institutions and organizations and the deceitful violations against human rights, serious discrimination, oppression, physical and psychic maltreatment and torture, extortion, threats and incitement to racial hatred that are being executed by above-mentioned groups! This is inhumane and gross fraud against immigrants!

The letters below are not original but transcription of the originals.

Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx
Xxxxxxxx X


September 16th, 2004

International Court of Justice
President Shi Jiuyong
Peace Palace
2517 KJ The Hague
The Netherlands

To the International Court of Justice

I am writing to you about the gross discrimination, violation, criminal conduct and incitement to racial hatred that has been done to me by different Swedish authorities, institutes and organizations. For a long time I have been discriminated and violated, robbed and even maltreated. My health has been destroyed by 95%.

I do not know if I have reached the right instance when I contact you. If it is wrong, I ask you to send this letter with enclosed copies to the right instance and then inform me about this.

Unfortunately I cannot send you all my material about the discrimination and violation that I have been exposed of since the material is extensive and I cannot afford to send you everything because of my bad financial position. Only one copy costs 3 Swedish krona. Furthermore, some of the original documents cannot be copied since they are in bad condition. The documents are in Swedish.

I have previously sued the Swedish authorities to the antidemocratic, anti loyal and unjust West European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France. The report was made April 2nd, 2003. I had to sue the Swedish criminal Mafia authorities to this so-called European Court since all doors are closed to us immigrants here in Sweden. There is no just court, judge, prosecutor or lawyer. They only work for their own authorities and destroy our lives. My understanding is that they are true Fascists and Nazis.

I not only feel that I am discriminated, violated and robbed. I also feel that I live in a society that is oppressing and where we immigrants are treated as the Germans treated the Jews during the time of Hitler. That is why I had to turn to the "European Court of Human Rights" in Strasbourg. I sent them all my material, facts and evidence. They have shut their eyes and kept quiet for 1 year and 4 months and they have not lifted a finger to help me. Instead they are supporting/co-operating with the Swedish authorities. I feel discriminated and violated. I have lost more than one year and it has cost me dearly, financially, mentally and physically. That is why I am also suing the "European Court of Human Rights" in Strasbourg for collaboration with Swedish authorities.

I have sued the enforcement service (kronofogdemyndigheten), the social insurance office (fцrsдkringskassan), the tax authorities (skattemyndigheten), the public dental service (folktandvеrden), the dentist Ingemar Vighagen (Citytandlдkarna) and the medical service (sjukvеrden).

August 17th, 2004, I received an offending and criminal letter from the Kronofogdemyndigheten in Landskrona where it said that they were going to deduct 3300 Swedish Krona/month of my pension. These violations, criminal acts and discriminations are hard to describe with words. I have lived in poverty during my whole time here in Sweden because of such Mafia bandits, Fascists and Nazis.

It is not enough with the hundreds-of-thousands of Swedish Krona that they already have robbed me of. They will not stop until the day I die. What they want is to make a profit on me, just as vampires who suck the blood out of people. If it would be possible they would gladly have drained me of 1 kilo blood per month. They will do everything to make more money.

I have a very small disablement pension. It is very difficult to survive with this pension. I live in poverty. If the Kronofogdemyndigheten starts to make deductions on my pension I will be even poorer.

What can I give my children, now and for their future? What can I buy for my children when I only have 3100 Swedish Krona/month (after the Kronofogdemyndigheten's deduction) to live for (then I have not counted variable costs as electricity, telephone and TV)?

I have a 20-year-old daughter. She studies medicine in Xxxxxx. She needs my support but I cannot give her a penny. Before this I had difficulties supporting her financially. With 3300 Swedish Krona less per month my chances of helping her are even smaller.

What can I give to my 13-year-old daughter who lives in Landskrona, here in Sweden? I cannot longer buy her a school bag because of the Swedish Fascists, racists and Mafia bandits who make me poor, sad and disappointed.

This is both physical and mental abuse, this is inhuman. These people have no human feelings. They are egoists and materialists. Anyone can understand that this is gross discrimination, violations and incitement to racial hatred, to steal from a disabled immigrant with a pension of 11300 Swedish Krona. With this pension I have to pay 3700 Swedish Krona/month in rent and 1200 Swedish Krona/month in child support. In addition to that I have to pay electricity, telephone and TV. How can I survive with what is left? It is hard to explain with words.

I need money to physiotherapy, medical treatment etc. Only massage costs 300 Swedish Krona and I need to go three times per month. A chiropractor costs even more. Even before the Kronofogdemyndigheten's last letter it was difficult for me to pay these sums because of my poor economy. How will I be able to afford it now?

After the insulting letter from the Kronofogdemyndigheten I had to cancel my dentist appointment. I have severe problems with my teeth and terrible pains but I cannot longer afford going to the dentist because of the Kronofogdemyndigheten. I have only 12 teeth left in my mouth and they are all loose. The whole mouth cavity is inflamed and therefore I have to see the dentist regularly.

In November 2003 I separated from my family. During following 6 months I managed some way to scrape together money to buy a used sofa and a used TV. I have no bed, kitchen table, chairs or bookcase. The first 6 months I slept on an old mattress on the floor. Now I sleep on the sofa but I can assure you that this is also hell for a disabled person. Now because of the Kronofogdemyndigheten I can only dream of a bed, when I am able to sleep.

It is not only the Kronofogdebandits who are involved but also the Fцrsдkringskassan (the social insurance office) and the Skattemyndigheten (the tax authorities).

At the Fцrsдkringskassan they know how much money during the last 15 years, hundreds-of-thousands of Swedish Krona that has been paid to the Kronofogdemyndigheten. My debt was at the beginning not more that 90000 Swedish Krona but the Swedish bandits know how to manage. I guarantee that they have useful contacts with the "West European" court and you can see in black and white that there are only West Europeans sitting there.

This is why I am forced to turn to the International Court of Justice. This is my last chance. If the International Court does not punish the Swedish Mafia bandits then there is no justice any longer in this world. Great criminal Mafia bandits will become greater and greater and millions of good people will suffer, starve and die because of the Western World's bureaucrats, Fascists and Nazis.

As I have mentioned earlier, my income is very poor, but nevertheless I have been compelled to acquire a bigger flat because of my daughter. She should not have to suffer and be embarrassed because her father is poor and cannot give her anything. When she is here she wants to bring home her friends. And because of my illness I also need to have a room of my own where I can be alone when I am in great pain. I know that my pension does not allow me to have a bigger flat but my plan was that if I do not indulge myself anything and if I exclude physiotherapy etc (except my frequent dentist appointments although, after the letter from the Kronofogdemyndigheten, I have to exclude this too) and if cut down even more on my meals then I should be able to manage this rent. Now I do not how I will survive. My rent will be 5700 Swedish Krona/month. I will probably receive some accommodation allowance although it will not be much, perhaps 500 - 700 Swedish Krona/month. If I had had a proper pension as I should have had I would have managed but my pension has not increased. I have complained to the Fцrsдkringskassan but they think that I should manage with a minimum pension. If I had been Swedish I would have received a larger income but we foreigners receive the lowest. When I have moved in to my new flat (that will be October 1st) and the Kronofogdemyndigheten starts to make reductions on my pension, I will only have 1100 Swedish Krona/month left to live for. A joke that is what it is (although I am not laughing). I do not know what to do about furniture. It was difficult beforehand. Now it will be impossible. It is strange; nothing can go right whatever I do. No matter how much I try to save (I eat cheap, I do not make any visits to the doctor etc), still I never have any money. The Kronofogdemyndigheten takes everything. I do not owe them anything but they owe me plenty!!

Since I do not have any lawyer who can defend me in this country I ask you to arrange this - lawyer or prosecutor. I will also ask you to see to that this lawyer/prosecutor will contact me as soon as possible so that I can complete the material I have and to send to him/her. Unfortunately there is material that I lack because the Swedish authorities have not bothered to send it to me. There are also documents that cannot be copied because of poor quality as I have mentioned earlier.

I demand damages for my health that has been destroyed by 95% by the medical service (sjukvеrden), the dentist Ingemar Vighagen (Citytandlдkarna) and the public dental service (folktandvеrden), damages for the discriminations and violations that I have suffered by the social insurance office (fцrsдkringskassan), both concerning my pension that has not been raised for 15 years, and for their collaboration with the enforcement service (kronofogdemyndigheten). I also claim damages from the Kronofogdemyndigheten who have stolen hundreds-of-thousands of Swedish Krona from me. Although I have paid everything the debts are still growing and the Kronofogdemyndigheten craves for more. I also claim damages from the tax authorities (skattemyndigheten) for their collaboration with the Kronofogdemyndigheten. I demand that my money will be paid back with damages and interest. My claim for damages including interest is 3, 5 million Swedish Krona. Other matters (as for example a raise of my pension) can be discussed at a later time when you have appointed a lawyer/prosecutor. Some documents cannot be completed since the Fцrsдkringskassan does not give me any information about what deductions that have been made to the Kronofogdemyndigheten. That is why the Fцrsдkringskassan must attend the trial and show how much money that has been paid to the Kronofogdemyndigheten.

There is one thing I want to mention. I do not accept any lawyer/prosecutor or at all any person from Scandinavia. I want the lawyer/prosecutor to come from without the Western borders: Asia, Africa or South America - an impartial, just person who is against the discriminators, the violators and criminals. If it will go to trial I wish to attend it and that the Swedish Mafia bandits will be summoned.

I apologize for my harsh words but I cannot express myself in any other way, the Swedish authorities have not earned it.

Thank you for having read my letter.

Yours faithfully,

Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx



Mr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Xxxxxxxx XXX X
S - XXX XX Xxxxxxxxx

21 October 2004

Dear Sir,

I acknowledge recept of your letter of 16 September 2004 addressed to the President.

I regret to inform you that, virtue of Article 34 of the Statute of the international Court of Justice, ''only States may be parties in cases before the Court'', and that only international organizations authorized within the meaning of Article 65 of the Statute may reguest advisory opinions of the Court.

It follows that neither the Court nor ist Members may consider applications from private individuals or groups, provide them with legal advice, or assist them in their relations with the authorities of any country.

That being so, you will, I am sure, understand that no action can be taken on your letter.

Yours faithfully,

The Deputy-Registrar

Ett helvetes liv fцr invandrare i vдstvдrlden.

Brev till Europeiska domstolen fцr de mдnskliga rдttigheterna i Strasbourg-Cedex Frankrike, etc!

Angеende de svenska och de vдsteuropeiska anti demokratiska, krдnkande, nazistiska, fascistiska, orдttvisa och kriminella, maffiamyndigheter, institutioner och organisationer och de bedrдgliga brott mot mдnskliga rдttigheter, grov diskriminering, fцrtryck, fysisk och psykisk misshandel och tortyr, utpressning, hot och hets mot folkgrupp som utfцrs av ovannдmda grupper! Detta дr omдnskligt och grovt bedrдgeri mot invandrare!

De nedanstеende breven дr inte original utan avskrifter av originalen.



D R O I T S D E L ? H O M M E






Xxxxxxxx XXX X

17 DEC 2004


Mеl nr 13585/03
XXXXXXXX mot Sverige

Hдrmed vill jag upplysa Er att Europadomstolen fцr de mдnskliga rдttigheterna, bestеende av en kommittй om tre domare (A.B. Baka, Ordfцrande, R. Turmen och D. Jociene) enligt artikel 27 i konventionen, den 7 december 2004 har beslutat, i enlighet med artikel 28 i konventionen, att avvisa ovan nдmnda klagomеl dе det inte uppfyllde kraven som anges i artiklarna 34 och 35 i konventionen.

Domstolen fann, efter att den hade beaktat allt tillgдngligt material, att, i den mеn klagomеlet fцll under dess tillдggsprotokoll hade krдnkts.

Detta beslut дr slutligt och kan inte цverklagas till domstolen (ej heller dess ''Grand Chamber'') eller nеgot annat organ. Domstolens kansli kan inte bistе med ytterligare detaljer om kommittйns цverlдggningar eller svara pе korrespondens fеn Er angеende domstolens beslut i detta mеl. Ni kommer inte att erhеlla nеgra ytterligare skrivelser frеn domstolen rцrande detta mеl. I enlighet med domstolens instruktioner, kommer akten i mеlet att fцrstцras ett еr efter expedieringen av detta brev.

Denna underrдttelse дr gjord i enlighet med Regel 53  2 i Domstolens arbetsordning.

Med vдldig hдlsning
Pе kanslichefens vдgnar

T.L. Early
Vice kanslichef

CONSEIL DE L ?EUROPЙ / COUNCEL OF EUROPЙ (0) 3 88 41 20 18 www.echr.coe.int (0) 3 88 41 27 30

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! http://messenger.msn.click-url ...

| | | | | Inbox

Notice: Attachments are automatically scanned for viruses using Trend Micro products
09.05.2007 20:48
From: HERE IS VMRO-MNM here_is_vmro_mnm_macedonia_for_the_macedonians@hotmail.com
Sent: Monday, May 7, 2007 6:30 PM
To: info@wordpress.org, support@wordpress.org, info@un.org, un@un.org, webmaster@un.org, info@unep-wcmc.org, wh-info@unesco.org, lemore@un.org, ecu@un.org, president@whitehouse.gov, vice.president@whitehouse.gov, secretary@state.gov, mail@icj-cij.org, webmaster@echr.coe.int, nato-su-@topica.com, info@multimedia.org.mk, vsimjan@mutlimedia.org.mk, info@pollitecon.com, vbivell@pollitecon.com, contact@maknews.com, info@publications.europa.eu, copyright-info@publications.europa.eu, infso-media@ec.europa.eu, euro-ombudsman@europarl.europa.eu, press-info@era.europa.eu, info@osce.org, press@osce.org, kolb@ihf-hr.org
CC: webadmin@hrw.org, hrwdc@hrw.org, hrwlasb@hrw.org, hrwsf@hrw.org, hrwuk@hrw.org, hrwbe@hrw.org, hrwgva@hrw.org, berlin@hrw.org, toronto@hrw.org, hrwpress@hrw.org, porteot@hrw.org, shahu@hrw.org, lattigl@hrw.org, heuwagm@hrw.org, eupress@hrw.org, whitea@hrw.org, genaos@hrw.org, permissions@hrw.org, chicago@hrw.org, here_is_vmro_mnm_macedonia_for_the_macedonians@hotmail.com
Subject: Did not exist Democracy, Justice and Solidarity.....

Attachment: LetterstotheEuropeanCourtofHumanRightsCouncilofEuropeStrasbourgCedexFRANCEnr2.doc (0.65 MB), AhellofalifeforimmigrantsintheWesternWorld..doc (0.65 MB)

A hell of a life for immigrants in the Western World.

Did not exist Democracy, Justice and Solidarity.....

Letter to the European Court of Human Rights Council of Europe Strasbourg-Cedex FRANCE, etc!

Regarding the Swedish and the West European anti democratic, violating, Nazi, Fascist, injustice and criminal mafia authorities, institutions and organizations and the deceitful violations against human rights, serious discrimination, oppression, physical and psychic maltreatment and torture, extortion, threats and incitement to racial hatred that are being executed by above-mentioned groups! This is inhumane and gross fraud against immigrants!

The letters below are not original but transcription of the originals.

Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx
Xxxxxxxx X


September 16th, 2004

International Court of Justice
President Shi Jiuyong
Peace Palace
2517 KJ The Hague
The Netherlands

To the International Court of Justice

I am writing to you about the gross discrimination, violation, criminal conduct and incitement to racial hatred that has been done to me by different Swedish authorities, institutes and organizations. For a long time I have been discriminated and violated, robbed and even maltreated. My health has been destroyed by 95%.

I do not know if I have reached the right instance when I contact you. If it is wrong, I ask you to send this letter with enclosed copies to the right instance and then inform me about this.

Unfortunately I cannot send you all my material about the discrimination and violation that I have been exposed of since the material is extensive and I cannot afford to send you everything because of my bad financial position. Only one copy costs 3 Swedish krona. Furthermore, some of the original documents cannot be copied since they are in bad condition. The documents are in Swedish.

I have previously sued the Swedish authorities to the antidemocratic, anti loyal and unjust West European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France. The report was made April 2nd, 2003. I had to sue the Swedish criminal Mafia authorities to this so-called European Court since all doors are closed to us immigrants here in Sweden. There is no just court, judge, prosecutor or lawyer. They only work for their own authorities and destroy our lives. My understanding is that they are true Fascists and Nazis.

I not only feel that I am discriminated, violated and robbed. I also feel that I live in a society that is oppressing and where we immigrants are treated as the Germans treated the Jews during the time of Hitler. That is why I had to turn to the "European Court of Human Rights" in Strasbourg. I sent them all my material, facts and evidence. They have shut their eyes and kept quiet for 1 year and 4 months and they have not lifted a finger to help me. Instead they are supporting/co-operating with the Swedish authorities. I feel discriminated and violated. I have lost more than one year and it has cost me dearly, financially, mentally and physically. That is why I am also suing the "European Court of Human Rights" in Strasbourg for collaboration with Swedish authorities.

I have sued the enforcement service (kronofogdemyndigheten), the social insurance office (fцrsдkringskassan), the tax authorities (skattemyndigheten), the public dental service (folktandvеrden), the dentist Ingemar Vighagen (Citytandlдkarna) and the medical service (sjukvеrden).

August 17th, 2004, I received an offending and criminal letter from the Kronofogdemyndigheten in Landskrona where it said that they were going to deduct 3300 Swedish Krona/month of my pension. These violations, criminal acts and discriminations are hard to describe with words. I have lived in poverty during my whole time here in Sweden because of such Mafia bandits, Fascists and Nazis.

It is not enough with the hundreds-of-thousands of Swedish Krona that they already have robbed me of. They will not stop until the day I die. What they want is to make a profit on me, just as vampires who suck the blood out of people. If it would be possible they would gladly have drained me of 1 kilo blood per month. They will do everything to make more money.

I have a very small disablement pension. It is very difficult to survive with this pension. I live in poverty. If the Kronofogdemyndigheten starts to make deductions on my pension I will be even poorer.

What can I give my children, now and for their future? What can I buy for my children when I only have 3100 Swedish Krona/month (after the Kronofogdemyndigheten's deduction) to live for (then I have not counted variable costs as electricity, telephone and TV)?

I have a 20-year-old daughter. She studies medicine in Xxxxxx. She needs my support but I cannot give her a penny. Before this I had difficulties supporting her financially. With 3300 Swedish Krona less per month my chances of helping her are even smaller.

What can I give to my 13-year-old daughter who lives in Landskrona, here in Sweden? I cannot longer buy her a school bag because of the Swedish Fascists, racists and Mafia bandits who make me poor, sad and disappointed.

This is both physical and mental abuse, this is inhuman. These people have no human feelings. They are egoists and materialists. Anyone can understand that this is gross discrimination, violations and incitement to racial hatred, to steal from a disabled immigrant with a pension of 11300 Swedish Krona. With this pension I have to pay 3700 Swedish Krona/month in rent and 1200 Swedish Krona/month in child support. In addition to that I have to pay electricity, telephone and TV. How can I survive with what is left? It is hard to explain with words.

I need money to physiotherapy, medical treatment etc. Only massage costs 300 Swedish Krona and I need to go three times per month. A chiropractor costs even more. Even before the Kronofogdemyndigheten's last letter it was difficult for me to pay these sums because of my poor economy. How will I be able to afford it now?

After the insulting letter from the Kronofogdemyndigheten I had to cancel my dentist appointment. I have severe problems with my teeth and terrible pains but I cannot longer afford going to the dentist because of the Kronofogdemyndigheten. I have only 12 teeth left in my mouth and they are all loose. The whole mouth cavity is inflamed and therefore I have to see the dentist regularly.

In November 2003 I separated from my family. During following 6 months I managed some way to scrape together money to buy a used sofa and a used TV. I have no bed, kitchen table, chairs or bookcase. The first 6 months I slept on an old mattress on the floor. Now I sleep on the sofa but I can assure you that this is also hell for a disabled person. Now because of the Kronofogdemyndigheten I can only dream of a bed, when I am able to sleep.

It is not only the Kronofogdebandits who are involved but also the Fцrsдkringskassan (the social insurance office) and the Skattemyndigheten (the tax authorities).

At the Fцrsдkringskassan they know how much money during the last 15 years, hundreds-of-thousands of Swedish Krona that has been paid to the Kronofogdemyndigheten. My debt was at the beginning not more that 90000 Swedish Krona but the Swedish bandits know how to manage. I guarantee that they have useful contacts with the "West European" court and you can see in black and white that there are only West Europeans sitting there.

This is why I am forced to turn to the International Court of Justice. This is my last chance. If the International Court does not punish the Swedish Mafia bandits then there is no justice any longer in this world. Great criminal Mafia bandits will become greater and greater and millions of good people will suffer, starve and die because of the Western World's bureaucrats, Fascists and Nazis.

As I have mentioned earlier, my income is very poor, but nevertheless I have been compelled to acquire a bigger flat because of my daughter. She should not have to suffer and be embarrassed because her father is poor and cannot give her anything. When she is here she wants to bring home her friends. And because of my illness I also need to have a room of my own where I can be alone when I am in great pain. I know that my pension does not allow me to have a bigger flat but my plan was that if I do not indulge myself anything and if I exclude physiotherapy etc (except my frequent dentist appointments although, after the letter from the Kronofogdemyndigheten, I have to exclude this too) and if cut down even more on my meals then I should be able to manage this rent. Now I do not how I will survive. My rent will be 5700 Swedish Krona/month. I will probably receive some accommodation allowance although it will not be much, perhaps 500 - 700 Swedish Krona/month. If I had had a proper pension as I should have had I would have managed but my pension has not increased. I have complained to the Fцrsдkringskassan but they think that I should manage with a minimum pension. If I had been Swedish I would have received a larger income but we foreigners receive the lowest. When I have moved in to my new flat (that will be October 1st) and the Kronofogdemyndigheten starts to make reductions on my pension, I will only have 1100 Swedish Krona/month left to live for. A joke that is what it is (although I am not laughing). I do not know what to do about furniture. It was difficult beforehand. Now it will be impossible. It is strange; nothing can go right whatever I do. No matter how much I try to save (I eat cheap, I do not make any visits to the doctor etc), still I never have any money. The Kronofogdemyndigheten takes everything. I do not owe them anything but they owe me plenty!!

Since I do not have any lawyer who can defend me in this country I ask you to arrange this - lawyer or prosecutor. I will also ask you to see to that this lawyer/prosecutor will contact me as soon as possible so that I can complete the material I have and to send to him/her. Unfortunately there is material that I lack because the Swedish authorities have not bothered to send it to me. There are also documents that cannot be copied because of poor quality as I have mentioned earlier.

I demand damages for my health that has been destroyed by 95% by the medical service (sjukvеrden), the dentist Ingemar Vighagen (Citytandlдkarna) and the public dental service (folktandvеrden), damages for the discriminations and violations that I have suffered by the social insurance office (fцrsдkringskassan), both concerning my pension that has not been raised for 15 years, and for their collaboration with the enforcement service (kronofogdemyndigheten). I also claim damages from the Kronofogdemyndigheten who have stolen hundreds-of-thousands of Swedish Krona from me. Although I have paid everything the debts are still growing and the Kronofogdemyndigheten craves for more. I also claim damages from the tax authorities (skattemyndigheten) for their collaboration with the Kronofogdemyndigheten. I demand that my money will be paid back with damages and interest. My claim for damages including interest is 3, 5 million Swedish Krona. Other matters (as for example a raise of my pension) can be discussed at a later time when you have appointed a lawyer/prosecutor. Some documents cannot be completed since the Fцrsдkringskassan does not give me any information about what deductions that have been made to the Kronofogdemyndigheten. That is why the Fцrsдkringskassan must attend the trial and show how much money that has been paid to the Kronofogdemyndigheten.

There is one thing I want to mention. I do not accept any lawyer/prosecutor or at all any person from Scandinavia. I want the lawyer/prosecutor to come from without the Western borders: Asia, Africa or South America - an impartial, just person who is against the discriminators, the violators and criminals. If it will go to trial I wish to attend it and that the Swedish Mafia bandits will be summoned.

I apologize for my harsh words but I cannot express myself in any other way, the Swedish authorities have not earned it.

Thank you for having read my letter.

Yours faithfully,

Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx



Mr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Xxxxxxxx XXX X
S - XXX XX Xxxxxxxxx

21 October 2004

Dear Sir,

I acknowledge recept of your letter of 16 September 2004 addressed to the President.

I regret to inform you that, virtue of Article 34 of the Statute of the international Court of Justice, ''only States may be parties in cases before the Court'', and that only international organizations authorized within the meaning of Article 65 of the Statute may reguest advisory opinions of the Court.

It follows that neither the Court nor ist Members may consider applications from private individuals or groups, provide them with legal advice, or assist them in their relations with the authorities of any country.

That being so, you will, I am sure, understand that no action can be taken on your letter.

Yours faithfully,

The Deputy-Registrar

Ett helvetes liv fцr invandrare i vдstvдrlden.

Brev till Europeiska domstolen fцr de mдnskliga rдttigheterna i Strasbourg-Cedex Frankrike, etc!

Angеende de svenska och de vдsteuropeiska anti demokratiska, krдnkande, nazistiska, fascistiska, orдttvisa och kriminella, maffiamyndigheter, institutioner och organisationer och de bedrдgliga brott mot mдnskliga rдttigheter, grov diskriminering, fцrtryck, fysisk och psykisk misshandel och tortyr, utpressning, hot och hets mot folkgrupp som utfцrs av ovannдmda grupper! Detta дr omдnskligt och grovt bedrдgeri mot invandrare!

De nedanstеende breven дr inte original utan avskrifter av originalen.



D R O I T S D E L ? H O M M E






Xxxxxxxx XXX X

17 DEC 2004


Mеl nr 13585/03
XXXXXXXX mot Sverige

Hдrmed vill jag upplysa Er att Europadomstolen fцr de mдnskliga rдttigheterna, bestеende av en kommittй om tre domare (A.B. Baka, Ordfцrande, R. Turmen och D. Jociene) enligt artikel 27 i konventionen, den 7 december 2004 har beslutat, i enlighet med artikel 28 i konventionen, att avvisa ovan nдmnda klagomеl dе det inte uppfyllde kraven som anges i artiklarna 34 och 35 i konventionen.

Domstolen fann, efter att den hade beaktat allt tillgдngligt material, att, i den mеn klagomеlet fцll under dess tillдggsprotokoll hade krдnkts.

Detta beslut дr slutligt och kan inte цverklagas till domstolen (ej heller dess ''Grand Chamber'') eller nеgot annat organ. Domstolens kansli kan inte bistе med ytterligare detaljer om kommittйns цverlдggningar eller svara pе korrespondens fеn Er angеende domstolens beslut i detta mеl. Ni kommer inte att erhеlla nеgra ytterligare skrivelser frеn domstolen rцrande detta mеl. I enlighet med domstolens instruktioner, kommer akten i mеlet att fцrstцras ett еr efter expedieringen av detta brev.

Denna underrдttelse дr gjord i enlighet med Regel 53  2 i Domstolens arbetsordning.

Med vдldig hдlsning
Pе kanslichefens vдgnar

T.L. Early
Vice kanslichef

CONSEIL DE L ?EUROPЙ / COUNCEL OF EUROPЙ (0) 3 88 41 20 18 www.echr.coe.int (0) 3 88 41 27 30

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09.05.2007 22:22
Я не пропал просто, до меня очередь к компу не всегда доходит, всё-таки два студента в семье.
09.05.2007 22:46
Серег у меня тож два студента один на третьем курсе второй на первом!
И тож война из-за компа!
Опять замусорили нам ветку.
Николай, ТВВАУЛ выпуск 81 года
09.05.2007 23:15
Уважаемые летчики!
С праздником Победы! Здоровья, счастья, процветания!
09.05.2007 23:53
VMRO-MNM: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! Спасибо что вы есть. Без вас ветка просто умерла бы. Больше выражаться не буду и так уже ящик водки должен.
Беляев 81
10.05.2007 05:43
Всем доброе утро и с прошедшим праздникои !!!!

Даже плохая погода (дождь, ветер и +6) не смогли испортить этот ВЕЛИКИЙ праздник. Ветераны ещё молодцы, по 100 грамм фронтовых замахивают тока так. Дай бог им здоровья и долгих лет жизни.





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