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Форум Mila Love

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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Старожил форума
07.05.2009 00:59
What does "пермяк-солёные уши" mean??
Sorry, I don't know...
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 01:00
Mila: bye for now, see U soon.
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 02:21

some corrections:

"calm down" - "don't worry"
"do you FILL better?" - "do you FEEL better?"
"it's a usual THINK" - "it's the usual THING"
"Ok, then sit down and fasten your seat belts" - "So please sit down & fasten your seatbelts"
"i'll go to check how our passengers doing" - oops... Sorry, but I can't understand it...

Старожил форума
07.05.2009 03:22
"i'll go to check how our passengers doing" - oops... Sorry, but I can't understand it...

"Пойду посмотрю, как там пассажиры". Из этой фразы явствует, что весь монолог стюардессы обращён к экипажу.
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 03:41
Mila Love

What does "пермяк-солёные уши" mean??

Это присказка, получившая известность из повести Максима Горького "Детство" - эдакое весёлое название жителей Перми и окрестностей.

Прибежала бабушка, заохала, даже заплакала, смешно ругая меня:
– Ах ты, пермяк, солёны уши! Чтоб те приподняло да шлёпнуло!
Вдруг дедушка, достав откуда-то новенькую книжку, громко шлёпнул ею по
ладони и бодро позвал меня:
- Ну-ка, ты, пермяк, солёны уши, поди сюда! Садись, скула калмыцкая.

Сама присказка берёт истоки из старины, когда в районе Перми были обширные соляные прииски и много народу работало на них.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 09:58
Good job!!
i'll go to check how our passengers doing" - oops... Sorry, but I can't understand it...

I think there are a few Ooops! here.
Can I suggest something?

2 Pual
Thanks for your Perm History comment, appreciated!!
So much to learn yet!!!!!
My point was to ask for a kind of translation of that particular bit "пермяк-солёные уши"
Have a go!
Let's try.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 10:06
Good job!!
i'll go to check how our passengers doing" - oops... Sorry, but I can't understand it...

I think there are a few Ooops! here.
Can I suggest something?
I'd better go (pop out) and do a quick check on our passengers... (to see how are they doing)
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 10:43
2 Romeo

some corrections:
Right you are.

2 All

Calm down, calm down please, gentlemen.
В русскоязычном оригинале была еще фраза: Ну что вы как дети малые! Но я что-то сходу не сообразил как выразить такой упрек по-английски. На ум пришло что-то вроде "You behave like a little kids". Но показалось, что это bit runglish. Есть варианты получше?
NN форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 13:37
"Don't be such a naughty child, will you."
"You aren't in the kindergatten guys, are you?"
"Your misbehaviour resembles me my kids."

Hope one of the above will do. )
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 14:03
2 NN
Thanks, it's interesting
Штурман ёмоё форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 14:19
Hi everyne, nice topic!
I wish smbdy explained me the difference between: would you mind if i smoke? or wouldn't you mind if i smoke? as i feel, the last one isn't correct, but why? Is "wouldn't u be against my smoking?" the alternative?
NN форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 14:27
§є§д§е§в§Ю§С§Я §Ч§Ю§а§Ч

"Wouldn't you mind if I smoke" is just a model of Russian clichЁ¦. We think that way in Russian that's why sometimes wrong structures in a foreign language we take as cjrrect ones.
NN форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 14:31
Sorry for the mess, I didn't mean any harm.)))
Typed "Штурман ёмоё" but it turned out abrakadabra. )))
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 14:42
2 Штурман ёмоё
Be easier:
May i ...
Do you mind if I ...
Is It Ok if I...
The best advice: just stop smoking :)
NN форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 14:56
"...stop smoking" - easier said than done. I have given up smoking several times but still smoking is the winner of that battle. )))
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 15:00
Hi! what do u mean? but still smoking is the winner of that battle?
NN форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 15:05

It means - I am smoking now again despite all efforts to give it up.
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 15:10
2 NN
Just in this case I do know what I'm speaking about. Cause I've won that battle about 4 years ago after more then 10 years of smoking. Actually it's not a battle at all. Simply you need to change your attitude to smoking.
NN форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 15:27

"Simply you need to change your attitude to smoking."

Could you share your way of thinking while you were changing your attitude to smoking?
What helped you to begin thinking the opposite way about smoking? Ten years, I would call it - a very great time-span.
One more thing and no offence please:
Instead of "Cause I've won that battle about 4 years ago..." I would use Simple Past Tense cause there is an adverbial modifier of time which indicates the moment in the past you did something, so, I'd say: "Cause I won that battle about 4 years ago..."
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 15:28
fellows what did my American colleague wish to say: I truly appreciate you business and I hope our business relationship continues to grow as we go.thnks
NN форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 15:30

Tell your version first, please.
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 15:38
вроде как он ценит наше дело:)и надеется на то, что мы продолжим сотрудничать, но что он имел в виду continues to grow as we go
NN форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 15:42
Он надеется, что ваши партнерские отношения будут только крепнуть и развиваться по мере продвижения вашего бизнеса.
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 15:44
thnks надо больше читать
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 15:55
2 NN

Instead of "Cause I've won that battle about 4 years ago..." I would use Simple Past Tense cause there is an adverbial modifier of time which indicates the moment in the past you did something, so, I'd say: "Cause I won that battle about 4 years ago..."

Could you share your way of thinking while you were changing your attitude to smoking?
I think you'd better read "Easy way to stop smoking" by Allen Karr.
General idea is: addiction to smoking isn't you. And it actually doesn't bring any positive things in your life as it might appears to you. It's a complete illusion.
NN форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 16:27

Thank you. Those are impressive ideas. Three years ago an American friend of mine visited me in my town and during his stay, nearly a month, we had much of conversation. We also spoke about smoking. He like most of Americans isn't a smoker and his reaction to my smoking was always the same - "It is stupid. If you were in America, you would look like an insane dimwit. Few in the US are addicted to smoking."
But all that, to my great regret, didn't work then and doesn't work at present. : (
Деловой форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 16:30
allow myself to introduce... myself...

I could hardly believe that you wrote that....

Wouldn't it be better to say:
Well, let me introduce myself....

Mila, that was a joke,
I just quoted Austin Powers:)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 19:12
Hi guys!
Update on WOULD YOU/DO YOU...
Would you mind me smoking?
Would you mind if i smoke?
It appears that Do you mind if I smoke is less formal than Would.....
You can also say
May I smoke?- which ia a modern language tendency to simplicity:-)))
If you are completely stuck you can just say
Can I? and show a cigarette or ciggy...
But agree and support the above view point re: quitting smoking.
Smoking is good only for socialising occasionaly, if anything at all.

Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 19:17

I'd better go (pop out) and do a quick check on our passengers... (to see how are they doing)

(to see how they are doing)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 19:40
calm down- chill out, cool down
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 19:53
2 Mila

It seems to me like the discussion is too amateur for professionals and too professional for amateurs. I think you need to split up this two branches.
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 19:54
Hi, my English (BrE-, Runglish)-speaking friends!

I wanna quit smoking, but I can't...: ( I've read Karr's book but I'm still smoking... It's the biggest problem in my life and I know only one solution - just force myself to STOP. But I'm too weak to do it...

: (
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 20:18
2MSL: (about splitting) I don't think so. I'm not a beginner (or amateur - no difference), but not yet a "professional". :)) So this nice topic works good for me:)
NN форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 20:44
Hi Mila and Romeo

I am inclined to believe this forum branch more entertaining rather than educating.
May Mila forgive me if these words sound disappointing. Anyway, it's a real pleasure just to spontaneously communicate with interesting people.
NN форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 21:00

My friend from the US insisted that Americans thought smoking to be madness itself and most of them were non-smoking. As you say you have lived 15 years in the US; do your own conclusions, based on your long-term personal observations of their life-style, confirm his statement?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 21:27
Hi Mila and Romeo

Sounds so romantic, Romeo do you agree?....

I am inclined to believe this forum branch more entertaining rather than educating.
May Mila forgive me if these words sound disappointing. Anyway, it's a real pleasure just to spontaneously communicate with interesting people.

Never FORGIVE BUT GRATEFUL IMMENSELY!!!This is GREAT! If this forum were educating only (grammar+voc-correction) it would be TOO BORING!! AND I WOULD BE DEADLY BORED -to come home after teaching and ...teaching again- i would be thinking about commiting suicide;-)))
I believe that if we are coming here to have some fun, talking English and sharing other points of interest-this is the right thing to do.

Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 21:29
Would you like a glass of wine?
Деловой форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 21:31
Would you like a glass of wine?

That would be nice!
But I'm at work.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 21:33

That would be nice!
But I'm at work.

NN форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 21:53
Mila Love


Wow! I never expected such a fountain of supporting exclamations in response to my scribble. ))) Thanks Mila. Now that I learn the branch creator's opinion, being banned is no longer a matter to me. )))))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 22:14
Now that I learn the branch creator's opinion, being banned is no longer a matter to me. )))))

Never say Never, Bond...James Bond

Now that I know .....being banned is no longer an issue to me.-also possible :-)))
NN форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 22:19
Mila Love

Whatever you want, our hospitable hostess. )))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 22:29
The choice is great!
Let me see the MENU...
Can't figure out what I would like for a starter.
Prawn and avocado salad, please...and a pickled onion on the top...:-)))
Штурман ёмоё форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 22:36
thx Mila, MSL, NN!
by the way, i don't smoke :)

если бы вы вызвали полицию раньше, ...
if you would have called police earlier, ... ?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 22:42
2Штурман ёмоё

if you would have called police earlier, ... ?

...If (ONLY) you had called the police (a bit) earlier ...
Who is calling the police? Do we really need them? What's happened?
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 22:47
If (ONLY) you had called the police (a bit) earlier ...
we wouldn't have drunk so much :)
NN форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 22:49
Mila Love

The choice is great!
Let me see the MENU...
Can't figure out what I would like for a starter.
Prawn and avocado salad, please...and a pickled onion on the top..

Your sense of humour is fantastic!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 22:53
I didn't expect that a glass of wine (see above) would knock you out!!!Amazing
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 22:58
NN: your anerican friend is very close to the truth:)) What can I say? f**in' laws have transformed a smokers life into a REAL HELL : ( In most of the US states smoking is banned in all enclosed workplaces (including some bars and restaurants). But every second bar has a special smoking room :) and many tobacco shops are working w/o any problems. But, however, an official stats declares that from 1965 to 2008 rates of smoking in the US have decline from 42% to 19%.

2 Mila: oh, of course I agree with U (Re: "Sounds so romantic, Romeo do you agree?") :)
NN форум
Старожил форума
07.05.2009 23:03
Mila Love

But it wouldn't. What makes you think it would? )))
If my sclerosis serves me right, I haven't taken alcohol at least 4 years already.)))

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