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Форум Mila Love

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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Mila Love форум
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26.06.2011 10:10
Any question should be dealt with in good time, with respect!))))
Mila Love форум
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26.06.2011 17:41
Hi to all!
While clearing and tidying up a bit of my desk I've found a tiny notepad with a few notes:
The art of being English
I would have got so much further into life, and got so much move out of it, if only I had known how to ask"... (the authour is unknown?)
A degree of historical amnesia...
I have a key or think I have....
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
27.06.2011 09:41
Оказывается,  WORDS: " MAN SAID - MAN DONE " правильно звучит так: " MAN SAID. Женщина REMINDED. Женщина REMINDED. Женщина REMINDED. Женщина REMINDED. Женщина FUCKED TO DEATH. Мужик DONE ".
Mila Love форум
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27.06.2011 09:45
;-)Poor woman, she is not even mentioned in the first place....)))))just reminded....
Mila Love форум
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27.06.2011 10:11
The festival is over...and show will go on?!))))
http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/arti ...
Inna12 форум
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27.06.2011 10:32
Mila Love | форум автора сообщения

;-)Poor woman, she is not even mentioned in the first place....)))))just reminded....
27/06/2011 [09:45:08]
she IS mentioned, Mila!!!!!! But in Russian

“The Russian language is great and mighty” – wrote Lev Tolstoy (Leo Tolstoy).
Mila Love форум
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27.06.2011 20:25
Oh, those Russians...! (MSL)

"Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma".
Winston Churchill
Стервоточинка форум
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28.06.2011 05:37
After our recent visit to Pittsburgh my hubby decided to teach me how to speak like people in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania do and gave me a book:
http://www.amazon.com/Sam-McCo ...

But almost the same info you can find online:
http://www.parealtor.com/pitts ...
http://www.pittsburghwillsteel ...
Have fun!
Старожил форума
28.06.2011 09:26
Mila Love, posted by You "I would have got so much further into life, and got so much move out of it, if I only had known how to ask" confused me a great! Please, help in uderstanding and translating! Be noble and human to my shy person)
Mila Love форум
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28.06.2011 09:36
Hi Bazar_off
It was said by just another shy person. When a child he was too shy to ask for anything, had to find his own way and as a result had made a few mistakes.I can't remember his name, sorry. Nothing special, just personal view of his life
Hope this will help.
Старожил форума
28.06.2011 12:58
Wow! Now everything is as clear as a brilliant! Thnx! It's evident that named shy person, analysing it's past in present days, tryes to say (namelly tryes) that years ago he (she?) had had to enter the Life without any support and had had to do first steps alone... A kind of awareness?
Inna12 форум
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28.06.2011 13:00
a situational one:))) if you know what I mean:)
Alex Skyboy
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28.06.2011 15:33
хай эврибади энд Мила лав!

It's ----- как ставить такую запятую? :)))))
Inna12 форум
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28.06.2011 15:35
just press the " Э " key on your keyboard
Alex Skyboy
Старожил форума
28.06.2011 17:22
2 Inna12 |

just press the " Э " key on your keyboard

no body fool!
It is impossible : (
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
28.06.2011 17:23
swith your keyboard to English then
Inna12 форум
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28.06.2011 17:24
Inna12 форум
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28.06.2011 17:26
try Ё
Стервоточинка форум
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28.06.2011 17:26
Alex Skyboy
You have to have English layout of your keyboard.
Inna12 форум
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28.06.2011 17:33
btw, it's not a "comma" it's an apostrophe.
Alex Skyboy
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28.06.2011 17:41
in ru: Э, Ё
in en: ' ' ' (without shift) wow!!!!

Mila Love форум
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28.06.2011 19:19
How nice to have a really good company over here!))
Thanks to all!
Старожил форума
28.06.2011 22:39
Good night! In last sentence in my post to be written "warning" instead of "awareness"... Sorry)
Inna12 форум
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30.06.2011 09:38

-Have you lived in this town all your life?
-Not yet.

-And lastly, Gary, all your responses must be oral O.K.?
-What school do you go to?


-How old are you?


-Could you see him from where you were standing?

-I could see his head.

-And where was his head?

-Just above his shoulders.

Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
30.06.2011 09:41
Funny Newspaper Headlines

Milk drinkers are turning to powder


Farmer bill dies in house


Iraqi head seeks arms


Eye Drops Off Shelf


Squad helps dog bite victim


Dealers will hear car talk at noon


Enraged cow injures farmer with ax


Miners refuse to work after death


Two Soviet ships collide - one dies


Two sisters reunite after eighteen years at checkout counter


Nicaragua sets goal to wipe out literacy


If strike isn't settled quickly it may last a while


Cold wave linked to temperatures


Something went wrong in jet crash, experts say

Mila Love форум
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30.06.2011 10:08
Teachers and Public sector workers are striking today over pension reform.
17.000 school are closed
12.000 teachers are out of action
9.800 passport and border control workers walk out
driving tests are cancelled
some courts are closed
coastguard and rescue operation is off
This is only the beginning, the unions say....
Inna12 форум
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30.06.2011 10:11
I'm a totally happy person today - it took me less 45 min to drive the 20 something kilometres from home to work!!! The same route usually takes about an hour longer.
Inna12 форум
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30.06.2011 10:14
Mila, why don't you join them:)))
Mila Love форум
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30.06.2011 10:17
Inna, after so many years of being part of different unions, back in the USSR and Russia, I am very careful now in joining any kind of gatherings/unions etc. I am an individual!;-)
Inna12 форум
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30.06.2011 10:22
kind of 'been there, seen that', I see:)
Стервоточинка форум
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30.06.2011 22:53
Think of a famous person and answer the questions.

Have fun!

Mila Love форум
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30.06.2011 23:08
Wow, Стервоточинка! It works!)))))Thanks..
Mila Love форум
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01.07.2011 22:18
the latest fun from babies world..
http://img1.liveinternet.ru/im ...
Стервоточинка форум
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02.07.2011 00:36
http://nbcnightlynews.tumblr.c ...

Every year they have this occasions but nothing can be done against the Mother nature. :-)
Стервоточинка форум
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02.07.2011 00:39
Keep the left... the other left)))

http://www.economist.com/blogs ...
Mila Love форум
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02.07.2011 12:22
Hi to all and have a perrrrrrrfect day!
http://www.tube-video.com/very ...
Inna12 форум
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02.07.2011 20:19
where are they? I'm getting impatient
Mila Love форум
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02.07.2011 20:21
Lost..in translation?;-)
Inna12 форум
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02.07.2011 20:22
"a little bandit"?
Mila Love форум
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02.07.2011 20:24
and a pilot...May GPS be misreading? MAY DAY!MAY DAY!
Inna12 форум
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02.07.2011 20:26
PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN (Let's hope it's to early for an emergency)
Пилот Ту-22
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 20:26
Hello girls!
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 20:26
too early:)
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 20:27
Hello!!! Nice to see you here! But...wait..you hate English, don't you?!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 20:27
Welcome to our world, Pilot-22! Is your little friend with you?
Пилот Ту-22
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 20:31
Mila Love | форум автора сообщения

Welcome to our world, Pilot-22! Is your little friend with you?

Lost in the transition ...
Inna12 форум
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02.07.2011 20:32
can you relay to him, that the transition level is 1500 m:)
Mila Love форум
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02.07.2011 20:33
Inna, I believe that these guys are a bit shy over here. As this is not exactly their comfotable cockpit and typical language of communication...
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 20:35
anyway, Pilot Tu-22 is a brave man
Пилот Ту-22
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 20:38
Mila Love | форум автора сообщения

Inna, I believe that these guys are a bit shy over here. As this is not exactly their comfotable cockpit and typical language of communication...

Yes, we are...

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