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Форум Mila Love

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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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0стровитянин форум
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20.01.2011 15:18
In everyday life I speak (in Russian) as a theft in law (Avtoritet)
Hi everybody! =)))
Long time - no see.

Dear Slava,
In this case you are not "thief in law". There is no such an expression in original
language. Appeared only after "russian mafia" term occupied pages of

One of the original terms is a "kingpin".
0стровитянин форум
Старожил форума
20.01.2011 15:21
"What's a petty behaviour?"
What was an answer?
0стровитянин форум
Старожил форума
20.01.2011 15:26
2 PanRU

Nous pratiquons dans la langue de l'aviation.
Pourquoi intervenir?

Авторитет форум
Старожил форума
20.01.2011 15:46
To Oleg

I’ve seen this expression “theft in law” in a movie.
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
20.01.2011 16:16
I’ve seen this expression “theft in law” in a movie.

A mob, a mobster. "-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.01.2011 20:25
Hi to all!
Nice to "see" rather lively discussion.
May I also make a sort of grammar contribution to the following:
"theft" is someTHING that was illegally taken, for example, of another person's property without that person's consent.
synonyms are: burglary, embezzlement, larceny, looting, robbery, shoplifting, fraud and sometimes criminal conversion.

a "thief" is someONE who carries out an act of or makes a career of theft is known as a thief, and the act of theft is known as stealing, thieving, or sometimes filching.
I hope that might help a bit...))))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
28.01.2011 22:12
Hi to all!
A bit for Friday night:
wine before beer= Oh, dear....
Beer before wine= Is fine!...)))
Старожил форума
03.02.2011 01:02
Бруш ап ер енглиш.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
08.02.2011 22:19
Hi to all!
may I hope that the thread wouldn't reach the very bottom of front page? I will be away, yes, just another well deserved 2 weeks holiday, and perhaps will have a chance or two to pop in a cafe and just have a quick look...
Take care everyone and Happy Valentine and 23d of February!
See you soon.
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
14.02.2011 18:17
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...

This was all a stunt and the pilot was not really drunk.
Completes the drunk redneck look nicely.
From what I've heard, this was NOT announced to everyone at the air show,
so it did cause a little confusion at first among the crowd.
Still, it's an amazing display of flying skills and demonstrates the capabilities of the Piper Super Cub airplane.
This is definitely a video to be shared, just don't try this at home, especially when drunk.

Старожил форума
14.02.2011 20:18
Quite accurate fixations after each rollover are noticeable.
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
23.02.2011 00:36
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23.02.2011 15:05
2 Стервоточинка
I liked the word "obnoxious" :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
24.02.2011 15:40
Hi from Skyline in Singapore! Heading home...14 hours..)))Hope the weather would be OK and the Captain knows his whereabouts!)))
Старожил форума
28.02.2011 23:16
Hi Mila!
How did your journey go?
Авторитет форум
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01.03.2011 05:20

I am planning to visit Belarus with my girlfriend.
What I have found I could not describe in simple words but just in f-ck, c-nt etc.
Just look at these requirements.

However, unfortunately, at the moment visa requirements for Belarus are very strict and should be observed to the letter.
In order to obtain a tourist visa, one is supposed to prebook the hotel for the whole period of one's stay in the country. Belarussian Ministry of Foreign Affairs specifically instructed the consulates to call the hotels listed in visa support documents and check whether the booking is confirmed.
You can book a hotel in Minsk online through Way to Russia and once the booking is confirmed, the tourist invitation will be provided directly.
If the actual purpose of your visit is seeing friends and stay with them, you
need to obtain a private invitation issued by the local migration authorities
upon your friends' request and then apply for a homestay visa. Time-consuming and lengthy as this may be, for the moment there is no other option to travel to the country.

I traveled half-World with my Israeli passport without any problems.
But here in order to travel to this f-king country I need to get the docs like I’m gonna go to emigrate to that pile of crap.
I’m so angry, no, not angry I’m just f-cked up with that f-cking government and requirements in that f-cking country.
What the f-ck do they think about themselves, it’s just piece of sh-t and nothing more.
Wanted to follow my girlfriend to the marriage of her sister , and now, I just cannot do that crap.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
01.03.2011 08:35
It was a piece of cake! Truely good value for money and time...Vietnam was my first country to visit. Boosting economy from an outsider's pov and very high inflation. They do not use coins there at all!)))only notes...So I have purchased the most "expensive" nail varnish in my entire life for 47.000 (VD))))))) Felt like a millionaire...
Nice resorts all over the Pacific coast and to our horror they are very popular with Russo turisto- ob'lick amorale..)))) They occupy all the spaces round the pools, in restaurants, shops....Some of then are OK, BUT 60% are beyond imagination...Eating with hands, roaring with laugh any time of the day, drinking and shouting...Anyway it was FUN to see them as they were qute entertaining...
Saigon is another pearl, worth visiting. Vibrant and lively, melting pot of vices, pleasures and money spending...Crossing the road is a skill! As they all move towards you on their scooters in all inimaginable directions!...Were travelling on a coach and I must say that the driver was possibly a circus driver! Had a few moments when I was ready to say good-bye...))) On a train the conductor was a bit hostile from the very beginning but later on came back to us and was very chatty, friendly , beaming.. he had obviously "consumed" some stuff!))))
And yet have another burning desire to go over there again...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
01.03.2011 09:05
Can I just ask you? Have you ever applied for a Russian visa? It's exactly the same rubbish ( that was a few years ago, though): lots of money and overall time wasting business! So there you go...))))
P.S. Please be careful while using lots of swear words....))))
Авторитет форум
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01.03.2011 12:21
Mila Love

I just got used to the fact that I always cross any country and any board without any visa, except Israel-enemy countries, where I’m not allowed to go.
For traveling purpose I can get even into USA without visa, you know – even USA which has the strictest boarder control procedure.
But not in this case, holly hell, going to Belarus it’s like to have security clearance for a job in MI6.
Now, Belarus resembles me a country with Stalin’s regime or kind of.
Авторитет форум
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01.03.2011 12:22
boarder control procedure

border control procedure
Старожил форума
01.03.2011 16:12
2 Mila
Glad to see you pleased! :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
01.03.2011 22:56
Авиадиспетчер форум
Старожил форума
02.03.2011 20:06
Где Авторитет?

Старожил форума
02.03.2011 21:11
Probably he's managed to get a Belarussian visa after all?
Старожил форума
02.03.2011 21:19
he's managed to get a Belarussian visa after all?

Если у вас есть after all, то he had managed to get Bel. visa

Презент пефект - he has managed to do something- не требует обстоятельств места и времени.
вроде так по правилам грамматики.

Старожил форума
02.03.2011 21:28
2 Edmonton
В грамматике сказано:
Presrnt perfect Часто употребляется с наречиями неопределенного времени и частотности если в контексте нет никаких указаний на то, что данное действие относится к прошедшему времени.
http://www.alleng.ru/mybook/3g ...
Старожил форума
02.03.2011 21:35
Я не спорю и сразу сдаюсь. Тут есть мастера по грамматике. Я расчитывала, что меня поправят. Просто если я говорю Муж заказал билеты на самолет, то

My husband has booked 2 tickets for the trip

Если добавляются всякие обстоятельства времени или места, то had booked.
Не знаю, я уже так привыкла. Ху кеарз. ;)))))))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
02.03.2011 21:48
It looks like He managed to get his visa....
Perhaps, he has managed to get his visa after all
Оба варианта имеют место быть...
Я бы не стала наслаивать past perfct "had managed" в простой предположительной ситуации, так как присутствует неопределённость...Мы не знаем точно, что произошло...))))

Старожил форума
02.03.2011 21:55
Я бы построила свое предложение по-другому, но это уже не имеет отношения к проблеме с визами в Беларусь. :o))))))))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
02.03.2011 22:42
Leave alove Belarus visa and enjoy the per story...)
The Talking Centipede

A single guy decided life would be more fun
if he had a pet.

So he went to the pet store and told the owner that
he wanted to buy an unusual pet.
After some discussion, he finally bought a talking centipede,
(100-legged critter),
which came in a little white box to use for his home.
He took the box back home, found a good spot for the box,
and decided he would start off
by taking his new pet to church with him.
So he asked the centipede in the box,
"Would you like to go to church with me today?
We will have a good time."
But there was no answer from his new pet.
This bothered him a bit, but he waited a few minutes
and then asked again,
"How about going to church with me and receive blessings?"
But again, there was no answer from his new friend and pet.
So he waited a few minutes more, thinking about the situation.
The guy decided to invite the centipede one last time.
This time he put his face up against the centipede's house and shouted,
"Hey, in there! Would you like to go to church with me and
learn about God?"
This time, a little voice came out of the box,
"I heard you the first F****** time!
I'm putting my shoes on!"

0стровитянин форум
Старожил форума
03.03.2011 00:56
Оба варианта имеют место быть...
Я бы не стала наслаивать past perfct "had managed" в простой предположительной ситуации, так как присутствует неопределённость...Мы не знаем точно, что произошло...))))

What kind of a strange themes you are interested in.
Academics! And again - ACADEMICS.

Старожил форума
03.03.2011 01:31
2 0стровитянин

It wasn't me who started it. :-) I had to respond the challenge. To tell the truth I'm not keen on grammar at all. Yet "We shell spend on drink all we have, but won't disgrace the fleet"!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
03.03.2011 10:04
What kind of a strange themes you are interested in.
Academics! And again - ACADEMICS.
)))Police Academy...in the Air...))))) to be continued?...)))
Старожил форума
03.03.2011 18:50
)))Police Academy...in the Air...))))) to be continued?...)))

Here we likely have a pun of a Steep dive :-)))
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
03.03.2011 22:09
Very slow and persistent one!))))
Старожил форума
04.03.2011 17:58
Fiveten men on a dead man's cheast
Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of rum!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
04.03.2011 22:44
a pirate? ;-)
Старожил форума
05.03.2011 12:00
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05.03.2011 12:17
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
05.03.2011 12:29
you reminded me of that:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...

Старожил форума
05.03.2011 12:43
Mila Love форум
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06.03.2011 18:56
I am still confused re: your choice of "action"...)))
Mila Love форум
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10.03.2011 23:35
to continue with marine style...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Amazing dog!
Авторитет форум
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14.03.2011 02:43

Sample ATC - Aircraft ATIS Related Communications...
Have fun)))

Tower - Do you have Charlie? - Negative, we left him back at the hanger!
Tower - Do you have Echo? - Negative, receiving you loud and clear!
Tower - Do you have Hotel? - Negative, We are staying with friends!
Tower - Do you have Juliet? - Negative, and please don't say anything to my wife!
Tower - Do you have Kilo? - Negative, but there are a couple roaches in the ashtray!
Tower - Do you have Mike? - Negative, I have a push-to-talk button and a headset!
Tower - Do you have Oscar? - Negative, but I'm expecting a nomination this year!
Tower - Do you have Papa? - Negative, but I wrote him a letter last week!
Tower - Do you have Romeo? - Negative, Negative! Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Tower - Do you have Uniform? - Negative, just jeans and sweatshirt!
Tower - Do you have Victor? - Negative, Who is Victor?
Tower - Do you have X-ray? - Negative, my doctor wants a CAT Scan!
Tower - Do you have Whiskey? - Negative, not in last 8 hours, Am I not on assigned heading?

Старожил форума
14.03.2011 09:32
Papa Hotel Whiskey :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
14.03.2011 09:35
Стервоточинка форум
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14.03.2011 18:04
Старожил форума
14.03.2011 19:48
LOL :-))))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
14.03.2011 20:16
Well sang, though it would be quite problematic to understand them without subtitles....))
Старожил форума
14.03.2011 20:23
anyway the essence is quite clear :-)

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