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Форум Mila Love

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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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NN форум
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29.06.2010 18:27
Hi everybody

What a wonderful job - to fly very high like a mighty bird amidst clouds. Our MSL is bounding for Domodedovo at the moment. Cruising at 6000 meters.
I wish I were a pilot too some day in some future life. )))
Стервоточинка форум
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29.06.2010 18:36
Hi, Mila.))) On weekend we had a nice dinner with our friends at Devon but restaurant in Philadelphia, USA)))
http://s60.radikal.ru/i169/100 ...

You can call me Mrs.:
http://s02.radikal.ru/i175/100 ...
Mila Love форум
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29.06.2010 18:54
Never say never!- I hope you remember)))))

Good luck to MSL!

Nice to see you here!

.... On weekend we had a nice dinner with our friends at Devon but restaurant in Philadelphia, USA)))
Sounds good enough, the names on the left are quite noticable))

You can call me Mrs.:
Sorry, couldn't open that one (( ((

Стервоточинка форум
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29.06.2010 19:59
Inna12 форум
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29.06.2010 20:02
Is that your family name - Eustace?:)
Mila Love форум
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29.06.2010 20:03

Blime!!! Crikey!!!Lost in translation....
Стервоточинка форум
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29.06.2010 20:04
Yes, Ma'am.))
Стервоточинка форум
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29.06.2010 20:05
Blime!!! Crikey!!!Lost in translation

What this about?
Inna12 форум
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29.06.2010 20:06
Does it have Greek roots?:)
Mila Love форум
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29.06.2010 20:08
Mrs Eustace
Those were expressions of extreme surprise!! The plebs (common people) would probably say "Wow!"))))
Mila Love форум
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29.06.2010 20:12
I have just spotted one language pearl
"...'ll definitely respond you when I'm back home with my Russian typing comp available ;=))"
Can you spot anything that is not quite right?))))
Inna12 форум
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29.06.2010 20:13
respond TO smb
Стервоточинка форум
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29.06.2010 20:14
Nop. Gauls (Romans, French) and Irish some traces of Germans or Austrians - total melting pot.
Inna12 форум
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29.06.2010 20:14
and I don't like this mess "with my Russian typing comp available"
Mila Love форум
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29.06.2010 20:17
Inna, neither do I. But actually the author of this "pearl" once tried to teach me a lesson of good English (( ((
Стервоточинка форум
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29.06.2010 20:20

That's why Стервоточинка is just fine)))
Inna12 форум
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29.06.2010 20:21
Mila, you're joking, right?))))))
I can't believe it
Mila Love форум
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29.06.2010 20:23
Inna, I wish I were! (( (
Mila Love форум
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29.06.2010 20:27
another one
"Perhaps i'm the very luckiest pilot in the Word now ... can fly whatever i want almost anytime"
No comments (( (
Inna12 форум
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29.06.2010 20:28
some people enjoy being mean and feel better about themselves when they do it.

“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do.”

- Benjamin Franklin
Mila Love форум
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29.06.2010 20:33
My colleague's name is... Mr Franklin))) a very intelligent member of staff)))
Старожил форума
30.06.2010 12:45
Hi, all!
Have, just arrive from one flight and I'm to go for another in the evening. Glad the thread is alive.

2 NN
Pleased to see you here in the internet. Thanks again for your guidance. Unfortunately I'll be unable to communicate in English for certain period due to newborn captain on my charge :-) (it's too cruel to overload him with my fix on English phrazeology this time). Yet visiting your airport is still special pleasure for me.
0стровитянин форум
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30.06.2010 14:21
and I don't like this mess "with my Russian typing comp available"
2 Inna and Mila.

Ladies, you are quite... academical.
Internet is not a language like boors of Chekhov.
The same like the common language is not a language of BBC.

The Net making it's own rules.
And by the way - it was a problem with my teacher at school.
He was insisting that the Author HAS a right for his informal
language. Like Mayakovskiy.
But "in contra" he was very willing to press me for my written russian.
Not for spelling, though.
Inna12 форум
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30.06.2010 16:54
Dear Oleg, I'm afraid you completely missed the point.
But I'll leave it to Mila to explain to you later:)
0стровитянин форум
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30.06.2010 18:39
May be. Today is not an easy day.
"To be or not to be..." (c)
Inna12 форум
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30.06.2010 21:12
I wish you good luck and the much needed energy and patience for the venture you're undertaking:)
Mila Love форум
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30.06.2010 21:33
Hi to all brushuppers!

I am not going to say that we are all here academically oriented...
However of a person posts that his comp is typing Russian ...this is a bit a-do)))
The comp can't type Russian but Cyrillic, perhaps...and yet, IT cannot type anything. A person can)))
All he wanted to say that at the moment he couldn't type in Russian)))
What could be simplier than that?
0стровитянин форум
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30.06.2010 23:06
Sorry, but I have to talk in russian.

Мила, дорогоая наша. Аффтар конечно может убить себя ап стену и выпить йаду и уехать в Бобруйск и Маяковский может писать как угодно и вообще если преподаватель русского языка в Оксфорде увидит перлы Петровича - то он охренеет.

Не надо излишней академичности.
Кстати этим ОЧЕНЬ страдают многие советские преподаватели - и необязательно английского.
Просто для меня инглиш более виден. Не - ну экономика еще очевиднее, но просто ...
Кстати - а склько грамматических и пунктуационных ошибок Вы заметили в данном посте - их здесь до бениной мамы =)))
Но ведь это право автора?
Или не так?
Mila Love форум
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30.06.2010 23:12
Thanks for your clarification and... anyway
Keep on talking)))this is the best way to communicate...in English))))
0стровитянин форум
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30.06.2010 23:25
So - Let it be? =))
Mila Love форум
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30.06.2010 23:28
Yesterday...when my troubles seemed so far away))))
Inna12 форум
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01.07.2010 09:37
After rain on Thursday:)
Mila Love форум
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01.07.2010 09:41
Is it raining now?
Старожил форума
01.07.2010 15:48
No, Mila, it isn't at all! + 26 deg.C and clear skies
Mila Love форум
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01.07.2010 19:49
Looks good))) we have +27 and some clouds around...
0стровитянин форум
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02.07.2010 00:48
Come to The Island, Ladies!
Nice wheather so far.
"Там тепло, там - яблоки" (с)

Mila Love форум
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02.07.2010 01:17
Well, we might do it one day, when fed up with rain and cold))))
0стровитянин форум
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02.07.2010 01:38
Mila, wheather in London and around is one of the best on the planet.
Mila Love форум
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02.07.2010 01:43
In London it could be difficult to breathe in when in the heat wave, while on the coast you can experience cooling breeze. In general one can have moderate temperatures round the whole year, humidity to be excluded)))
Mila Love форум
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02.07.2010 01:43
See you))))
Авиадиспетчер форум
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02.07.2010 10:54
0стровитянин форум
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03.07.2010 00:12
while on the coast you can experience cooling breeze
On a coast, on the beach, in a swimsuit, whith a cold mohito in a hand - yes.
But could I remind you that some people are still working in some other conditions?
Старожил форума
03.07.2010 00:18
Coast costs, you know :-)
Mila Love форум
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03.07.2010 00:20
Oleg people can adjust themselves and work anywhere)))
Mila Love форум
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03.07.2010 00:21
I like that MSL)))
Mila Love форум
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03.07.2010 00:28

http://www.moskva.fm/artist/vi ...
can't listen to it (( ((

Старожил форума
03.07.2010 00:40
Could anyone give me a piece of advice. How do I say correct: We are flying at THE altitude... meters. or We are flying at AN altitude ... meters. Mayby it's stupid but I've got stumbled on it.
Mila Love форум
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03.07.2010 00:53
Here are some examples:

1.One can be flying at an altitude of 3000 feet.
2.We were flying at an altitude of about 3000 feet.
3.In Europe, the transition altitude varies and can be as low as 3000 ft. .... 900 m (3000 ft); 1500 m (4900 ft); 2100 m (6900 ft); 2700 m (8900 ft) ...

I hope that these examples could be self-explaining)))
0стровитянин форум
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03.07.2010 01:17
How do I say correct: We are flying at THE altitude... meters. or We are flying at AN altitude ... meters.
IMHO the correct variant is "at an altitude".
But be sure and do not worry if you skip "an" or "the" - nothing bad is going to happen.
You will be just fine.
International english gives you a huge limits =)))
0стровитянин форум
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03.07.2010 01:21
Oleg people can adjust themselves and work anywhere)))
Mila, today I had to drive in the gloves againe.
Left the car for one hour under the sun. Shit - the steeering wheel was hot as
an cooker! And I was wearing a suit!
In a car was +45. Shit shit and shit!

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