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Форум Mila Love

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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Mila Love форум
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23.06.2010 23:43
Now we have very severe times
Regarding bad times
I would probably describe the situation as following:

big trouble,
bottom out,
hard times,
rainy days
troubled water/times
rough times
NN форум
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23.06.2010 23:47
I am sure there are much more exciting options for you as to where and how to spend your summer vacation. ))))
Mila Love форум
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24.06.2010 00:02
Well, I am heading east-east south to the Middle Volga area in a month time period.
Need to recharge my batteries and to breath in Volga river air )))and perhaps even to have a couple of strokes in the river as well)))
NN форум
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24.06.2010 00:10
to the Middle Volga area

Very much unexpected to me.
You got a little bit tired of all that world's best places exotics, don't you?

I hope to have another couple of weeks on Egypt's Red Sea shore in August. The first couple my younger son and me had last summer, also in August. ))))
Mila Love форум
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24.06.2010 00:14
to NN
You got a little bit tired of all that world's best places exotics, don't you?

Not quite right? I am afraid.
I do have 2 holidays a year: summer holidays I spend in Russia with my parents and friends, while 2 weeks in February we try to get to some warm places)))
NN форум
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24.06.2010 00:21
I do have 2 holidays a year
Oh, I see.

Not quite right? I am afraid.

You mean - all THAT world's best places exotics? You're right. )
Everybody, please, don't make such silly mistakes as NN does! )))

Correction - all THOSE world's best places exotics ...
Mila Love форум
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24.06.2010 00:26

Correction - all THOSE world's best places exotics ...
Perhaps ....all those world's best exotic places / destinations ...;-)))
Mila Love форум
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24.06.2010 00:29
I am wondering what are the most popular destinations where English brushuppres have already been to???
NN форум
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24.06.2010 00:38
You left me nothing but surrender. )))
I fully accept your version. BTW, despite the 5th ICAO language efficiency level, which I was generously presented with by a certain rate definer, I noticed total loss of skills and vocabulary. Alas, years don't improve one's memory.
Mila Love форум
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24.06.2010 00:41
Would like to read some interesting answers or ideas... later on)))
Need to go now, have had a rather busy and tiring working day with Spanish conversation lesson to finish me off))))
The very best luck to all and keep on brushing up!
Mila Love форум
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24.06.2010 00:43
to NN
Alas, years don't improve one's memory.
The More we know the More we forget))))
Never mind, we are still friends, may I hope? ;-)))
NN форум
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24.06.2010 00:44
Hey. Is anybody here?
MSL, are you there?
Mila, we seem to be the only brushuppers here at the moment.
Mila Love форум
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24.06.2010 00:46
Sorry to abandon you too (( (
Perhaps right now somebody is writing something....to keep you a company ;-))
NN форум
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24.06.2010 00:48
Bye Mile.
Hope to drop in here more often, but sleep hours require being obeyed. )))
Старожил форума
24.06.2010 09:39
Hi! I've been reading here for a while... You all know each other, and you all probably work in one shere. What stands for ATC? Translator smth?
Answering Mila's question about summer holidays, I'm planning to visit my friend in Athens. Their country is having rough time right now, but I hope that won't affect my holiday. But I've suddenly noticed that I'm afraid of the flight ( before I travelled only by air). And in our airport we have only a dozen of old ЯК 42. Not a big choice for a fear - stricken person. People here on this forum calmed me down, saying that it's a very safe plane. What do u think?
Старожил форума
24.06.2010 09:39
2 Mila, and NN
Sorry I left you both yesterday. I was a "non-combatant" after full day of flying and was falling fast asleep. I've already told about my exhausting schedule...

2 NN
Thanks for advice about preliminary request of ATC clearance. As for ATC level of English, It differs from area to area. In Moscow TMA in general it is certainly high. Further from it controllers are experiencing several difficulties sometimes (I don't say I'm not). But the level is still sufficient. I found the way how not to embarrass them. I call my callsign in clear and distinct voice at the initial contact. And after getting their respond - continue in the same way. At some places it seemed to me they were happy about the opportunity to have a little practice :-)
Inna12 форум
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24.06.2010 12:03
Hi there!:)
Concerning bad days, my favourite one is " bad hair day" :)
Inna12 форум
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24.06.2010 12:11
I used to work with ATCs and I know what they murmur, when a Russian pilot starts speaking English:)
Inna12 форум
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24.06.2010 12:27
to Kudelochka:
I know sometings fells a little wrong about having to fly on an old aircraft, though it's considered to be a safe one. The NATO codename for the aircraft - Clobber- doesn't make you feel enthusiastc about it either. Still I recommend that you check the safety record of the YAK, and make up you mind:)
Старожил форума
24.06.2010 13:00
2 Inna12
I used to work with ATCs and I know what they murmur, when a Russian pilot starts speaking English:)

I never start to communicate in English if I'm not sure the controller isn't supposed to be able to communicate in English. And believe me, as a rule they do it professionally. Those who are complaining, just don't want to learn.
Inna12 форум
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24.06.2010 15:00
to MSL:
I'm sure you know that there are interpreters to help them
Авиадиспетчер форум
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24.06.2010 15:34
'About to lose it' - ???
'Rank and file' - best Russian equivalent.

NN форум
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24.06.2010 17:41

about to lose it - вот-вот что-либо потерять/проиграть/лишиться
rank and file - хз )
Авиадиспетчер форум
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24.06.2010 17:58
about to lose it - вот-вот что-либо потерять/проиграть/лишиться

Так и я могу :) Мне бы идиому...

rank and file - хз )

Вот, что пишет Вики. Хотелось бы наш эквивалент.

The term rank and file is a political phrase indicating the individual members of an organization, exclusive of its leadership. The phrase originated in the military, denoting the horizontal "ranks" and vertical "files" of individual foot-soldiers, exclusive of the officers.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R ...
NN форум
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24.06.2010 18:24
... there are interpreters to help them

Wow! That's cool.
Yes, they usually are in their study sitting at desks. We could see them next to us in the late 90-s last century when ATCs' English speaking skills weren't satisfactory.
As to now, we can hardly see them once a year, helping in communication with foreign crews. No need, you see. Guys have gained a very good command of the language for the last ten years. Had it been otherwise, what would have been our names then? Brainless ponch-bearers? Or what? )

BTW, no clew to the notorious "12" by now)))
Will I ever get the hint? )
NN форум
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24.06.2010 18:40
Dunno Yriy, really. (
I'm sure Mila or her husband might help.
Inna12 форум
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24.06.2010 19:54
to NN:
They (interpreters) are still there:) I'm afraid you don't see beyond the end of your nose:)))) (there you go! one more idiom today)
I reckon you judge from your experience only. Moscow, I suppose?
Mila Love форум
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24.06.2010 20:43
Hi to all!

rank and file-the ordinary members of an organization (such as the enlisted soldiers of an army)
or if non-military- people who constitute the main body of any group
It could be "рядовые граждане, служащие"

I am about to loose it... could be " Я теряю терпение, я теряю над собой котроль" (как вариант эмоционального состояния)
NN форум
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25.06.2010 23:53

about to lose it - (slang) щас стошнит.

Sorry for the unpleasantness caused by the above printed.
Старожил форума
26.06.2010 00:13
Hi, NN!
It's easy to guess that air sickness wasn't the reason for loosing :-)
NN форум
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26.06.2010 00:24
Glad to see you MSL )
Right you are. It would be the last thing that could cause that. ))))

How're you doing? )
Mila Love форум
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26.06.2010 00:27
Rather interseting)) Haven't heard about this one)))
Not to lose it all I usually take a travel sickness pill)))in case of nausea on ferry crossing (( (
I am busy now taking my friend out to all "sin"/"vice" places)))
http://s08.radikal.ru/i181/100 ...
NN форум
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26.06.2010 00:33
Hi Mila

You know me. No peace till a puzzle is cracked. )
Looked it up in Lingvo and ran across. )))
Старожил форума
26.06.2010 00:41
Hi, Mila!

2 NN
Everything is Ok. I'm having a short rest between "battles". To be continued tomorrow (already) :-) Going to visit your hospitable airport at the beginning of the next week. But still don't know about communicating in English. I have a new captain and don't know yet how he is getting on at the field of English radio communication (as a crew we are cross dependant).
Mila Love форум
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26.06.2010 00:43
Hi NN!
Yes, I can say that I know you))))
a bit of today's weather and scenery from New Forest- our natural reserve where wild horses and ponies pictured are freely roaming around ))))
Mila Love форум
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26.06.2010 00:44
NN форум
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26.06.2010 00:51
That's ok. English or Russian - always glad to greet you arriving and "Bye, Sir" when departing. Special thanks for "hospitable airport". We really try to be hospitable. )

The other day had to command B-757 to go around due runway incursion by a fire-fighting vehicle. No radio contact. The driver being unpredictable.
Investigation at its highest now. (
Mila Love форум
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26.06.2010 00:53
Sorry guys, have to go now (( (
Good luck to you all!
NN форум
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26.06.2010 00:56
Bye Mila.

Take care. Sin places threaten our souls. ))))
Старожил форума
26.06.2010 01:04
2 NN
Oh, those firefighters. Their service is dangerous and difficult, you know :-)
NN форум
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26.06.2010 01:14

Falling asleep. Hope to see you at our's again soon. )
Старожил форума
26.06.2010 01:18
2 NN
By, See you!
Mila Love форум
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26.06.2010 09:50

Talking about those firefighters...This is a short film strip with heavy Ozzi accent)))
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Авиадиспетчер форум
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26.06.2010 14:32
So touching...
Mila Love форум
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26.06.2010 14:35
It really is...
Inna12 форум
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26.06.2010 15:10
oh, Mila..I was on the verge of tears when I was watching it..I'm happy that there are still so many kind-hearted people out there...
Mila Love форум
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26.06.2010 15:35
Have you seen what happened to Sam -coala after...
This is really sad
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
But, yeh, you are all right!This world exists because there are so many kind and caring people, you never know)))
Mila Love форум
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26.06.2010 16:40
This one was safe enough)))

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Mila Love форум
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26.06.2010 17:16
A few more signs/mottos/sayings...

A man's home is his castle but his garage is his sancture
Good things happen over coffee
Warning to burglars! This house is guarded with a shotgun 3 days a week (Try to guess which days)
Study hard party harder

Mila Love форум
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29.06.2010 09:42
Hi to all!
How is life treating you?
We had a nice weekend at out friends' place in Devon. We were sitting on the patio and talking about politics, cars etc...I suddenly felt that I was tired and couldn'r keep up with the discussion, so I just said:" I am afraid my brain is dehydrated!"..everybody luaghed))))


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