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Форум Mila Love

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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 22:55
just a quote
both child custody and guardianship are legal and practical relationship between a parent and his or her child
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 22:59
Whatever! Still slang, at least of mountainous people, am I right?
NN форум
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05.05.2009 22:59
Some years ago I happened to translate an article on economics from English into Russian. The article was from the well-known British journal "The Economist". One of the sentences made me spend lots of hours trying to figure out its entire meaning.
Here it is: "The Chineese economy is something like a roach motel where you can always check in but never check out."
I'd appreciate every attempt to discover the meaning of that nasty sentence here on this wonderful forum.
Деловой форум
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05.05.2009 23:03
Roach motel - ловушка для тараканов (слэнг)
SW форум
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05.05.2009 23:05
Mila Love
Whatever! Still slang, at least of mountainous people, am I right?

If you can find these "mountainous people" in the modern US, then yes you are right.
NN форум
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05.05.2009 23:05

Good job! )
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05.05.2009 23:07
"Китайская экономика - как тараканья ловушка: залезешь и не выберешься" - видать, это имелось в виду. Ну так я понимаю..

Старожил форума
05.05.2009 23:08
А что конкретно там имелось в виду - х его з.. Контекста-то нету..
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 23:14
I think one can find mountainous people everywhere...Keep on looking..;-)))

"Hillbilly is a term referring to people who dwell in rural, mountainous areas of the United States, primarily Appalachia and the Ozarks".

It all starts somewhere...
Good job, by the way: re roach motel...
NN форум
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 23:14

Absolutely right! Thank you! It's amazing! As to me, I had been looking for the meaning of that notorious "roach motel" for some days. Poor me. )))
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 23:19
"Китайская экономика - как тараканья ловушка: залезешь и не выберешься"
можно ещё было добавить- дешёвая рабочая сила+дешёвый товар=плохое качество..производят много, так как людей как тараканов, простите, но не качественно...
NN форум
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05.05.2009 23:23
Mila Love

В статье речь шла о серьезных проблемах с выводом вложенных в китайскую экономику иностранных инвестиций. Т.е. инвестии легко вносились, но дивиденды вывести было очень затруднительно. )))
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 23:26
NN: Oh it's nothing, glad to help U.

Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 23:26
This is one of the reasons why I haven't invested in their economy:-))
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05.05.2009 23:30
2 NN
I guess the problem was in liquidity of assets, rather then in transferring dividends
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05.05.2009 23:32
Mila, why do U think that a cheap goods is the bad goods? :)
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 23:39
I don't think, I just go and buy, run for a while...and then they (goods) become faulty;- (( (
The label is "Made in China"
SW форум
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05.05.2009 23:43
Mila Love
I think one can find mountainous people everywhere...Keep on looking..;-)))
"Hillbilly is a term referring to people who dwell in rural, mountainous areas of the United States, primarily Appalachia and the Ozarks".

I live pretty far from Appalachia. As for the 'American' slang... There are many different kinds of people living in America. I would not generalize and put the same 'American slang' label on every and each language they are speaking. For example, how will you name ebonics?
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 23:46
The dominance of "made in China" goods is the reality no matter how we take it.
NN форум
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05.05.2009 23:50

From EBONY + PHONICS. It's another name for African-American Vernacular English
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 23:53
I appreciate your profound knowledge of diversity of American nation.
I wish I could claim to be the same.
Sadly I do reside in the UK, and know just a little if nothing about any types of slang that people use in the USA.
I have actually honestly admitted that in the very first posts.
I asume that "ebonics" might refer to the BLACK people of African ancestry.
By the way British people, for some reason, do not like American accent;- (( (
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 23:57
By the way British people, for some reason, do not like American accent;- (( (
And what's the reason? Could you specify? That's very interesting!
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 23:57
Chineese economy is the most progressive economy in the world. There's, no doubt China's economic power is fundamentally changing the world economic system.

Mila: all well-known electronic giants (such as Apple, HP, Intel, AMD etc) have placed their manufactory in China, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan. 95% electronic devices have a label "Made in China (Taiwan, Singapore etc.)" :)
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 23:59
The dominance of "made in China" goods is the reality no matter how we take it.

It's well true.
We live in a material world.
SW форум
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06.05.2009 00:06
My point is that in 'American English' there are some widely used words and expressions that are differ from ones in 'British English'. Besides that there are some words/expressions that are used mostly by some limited groups of people. And if I agree that former could be called 'American slang', the latter are not part of this definition.
NN форум
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06.05.2009 00:08

I might seem too curious, but I cannot help asking - Has Serg. Mel-ko anything to do with your ID, or it's just my faulty feeling?
SW форум
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06.05.2009 00:10
Sorry, my name is Andrey: (
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06.05.2009 00:11
SW: US English is not a "slang", it's a set of dialects used mostly in the US and Canada.
Mila Love форум
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06.05.2009 00:13
And what's the reason? Could you specify? That's very interesting!

Why do they really?-I am still working on it...it takes some time
There is a kind of contempt between English, Scots, Irish and Welsh as well. English always laugh at other nations and habits... including Americans, French people and Germans.
Деловой форум
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06.05.2009 00:17
I hate british accent,
I always ask them- "Could you speak English, please!"
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 00:21
My point is that in 'American English' there are some widely used words and expressions that are differ from ones in 'British English'. Besides that there are some words/expressions that are used mostly by some limited groups of people. And if I agree that former could be called 'American slang', the latter are not part of this definition.

I suggest that we should call the varieties of American English as American Slanguages.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 00:24
I hate british accent,
I always ask them- "Could you speak English, please!"

No comment;- (( (
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 00:24
Mila: (re:"English always laugh at other nations..including Americans, .)

Oh my god...Englishmen still are so proud and vain...
Деловой форум
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 00:26
I'm kidding!!
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06.05.2009 00:28
2 Mila
There is a kind of contempt between English, Scots, Irish and Welsh as well. English always laugh at other nations and habits... including Americans, French people and Germans.
I see. Englishmen are widely known for their arrogance. As well as yankies for their impudence.

2 all
Let me afford a piece of curiosity. Are there any pilots here?
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 00:30
Деловой: на самом деле вы частично правы :) Нашей прекрасной Миле это конечно не понравится, но вот как-то слышал я от одного парня (амера): "Вроде этот язык придумали они, но говорят так, что ни*--- не понятно!" :))))) Честно, стесняюсь писать сюда эту его фразу по-английски - уж больно "матерная" она, трудно мне подобрать слова..:))
Mila Love форум
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06.05.2009 00:35
2 all
Let me afford a piece of curiosity. Are there any pilots here?

This is exactly what I am trying to work out ....
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 00:38
Деловой: на самом деле вы частично правы :) Нашей прекрасной Миле это конечно не понравится, но вот как-то слышал я от одного парня (амера): "Вроде этот язык придумали они, но говорят так, что ни*--- не понятно!" :))))) Честно, стесняюсь писать сюда эту его фразу по-английски - уж больно "матерная" она, трудно мне подобрать слова..:))

Я в шоке...от прочитанного.....
I will say it once
Who the HELL you are!!!!
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 00:39
I've already confessed. :) Is there any more?
Деловой форум
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06.05.2009 00:41
"Who the HELL you are!!!!"

Who the HELL are you???
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 00:42
Excuse me, what's your name?
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 00:45
"Who the HELL you are!!!!"
Who the HELL are you???

Let me guess the next question: Vasya! Do you respect me?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 00:46

I will say it once.... who the Hell you are!!! - complete
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 00:48
Nice to meet you Василий!
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 00:48
Mila, take it easy, it's not my words, see my post above:)

MSL: i'm a 737 pilot in COA (home port is EWR). Oleg (oldnavy) is an Airbus cap (S7 Airlines)
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 00:56
2 Romeo
That's nice. Glad to meet you here colleagues!
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 01:01
2 Mila
Check your E-mail
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 01:01
MSL: Thanks, Vasiliy! Where are U working (carrier, type if possible)?
Старожил форума
06.05.2009 01:06
2 Romeo
MSL: Thanks, Vasiliy! Where are U working (carrier, type if possible)?
Vasily - It was just a part of idiomatic phrase "Вася, ты меня уважаешь"?
If you'd like I can specify that by e-mail.
Mila Love форум
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06.05.2009 01:08
Are you Romeo???

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