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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Inna12 форум
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25.05.2010 20:08
across the street it's better to say:)
Mila Love форум
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25.05.2010 20:09
I've never worked as a school teacher

Inna, how lucky you must be!!!
But honestly, I can't imagine any other job to do apart from teaching someting to somebody:-)) Beleive me, as I've tried a few dofferent ones and could only say that this job is cool if you want to stay "conditioned and fit":-))
Mila Love форум
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25.05.2010 20:11
Many thanks, I will try it this summer when I come to Moscow:-))
Inna12 форум
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25.05.2010 20:15
I teach now but not at school and I find it both exciting and tiring. I think it's because I'm an introvert and I find it difficult to be in the spot light most of the time:) I noticed long ago that teachers of foreign languages look and behave differently from other teachers:)
Mila Love форум
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25.05.2010 20:16
"Храм Христа Спасителя".
I believe they would call it Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
Inna12 форум
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25.05.2010 20:18
yes, thank you
Inna12 форум
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25.05.2010 20:19
Mila Love | форум автора сообщения

Many thanks, I will try it this summer when I come to Moscow:-))
25/05/2010 [20:11:19]

Do you often come here?
Mila Love форум
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25.05.2010 20:20
"I noticed long ago that teachers of foreign languages look and behave differently from other teachers:)"
Right to the spot!
Teaching languages opens your personal horizon and mind and definitely alters your mentality:-)) I have also enjoyed my teching time in Russia, working with adult students and never with children....
and never admired PE teachers :- (
Mila Love форум
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25.05.2010 20:22
Yes, I try to come to Moscow every July-August as my family and friends live in Moscow and Ulyanovsk:-))
Mila Love форум
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25.05.2010 20:43
I am afraid that boba could easily accuse us of girly chit-chat:-))
Well, this is the aim of the forum, brushing up the language through a simple exchange of opinions...
Inna12 форум
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25.05.2010 21:07
Mila, I'm glad I can speak to you here to brush my English up:)
Mila Love форум
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25.05.2010 23:01
Me too, Inna. It's always pleasure to talk to you:-)
Старожил форума
25.05.2010 23:14
Hi ladies!
So keeping up appearances you would prefer to say what is expected rather than syaing what you think.

Absolutely to the point, with regard to the "good manners".

As for the "teaching". Well. You like museums (Picasso e.t.c). I say: I don't. But I like Ice hokey (for example). What will you say now?

Mila Love форум
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25.05.2010 23:18
What would you say if I like both museums and Ice hockey, then?...
Старожил форума
25.05.2010 23:25
I would say you prefer ask a questions rather then answer :-)))
Mila Love форум
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25.05.2010 23:29
I would say that I honestly prefer asking questions, this is true, thanks to my job:-))
Старожил форума
25.05.2010 23:46
Mila, you must be a happy person, as soon as your job fits your nature so much. ;-) Well. You could change Ice hokkey to something else that you don't like so much. Girls's mud wrestling for instance :-)))
Mila Love форум
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26.05.2010 00:09
You are probably right re: job and nature.
There was a saying somewhere, can't guаrantee for sure...
If you can't learn you'd better teach
Re: all types of wrestling I would probably choose Sumo one.... watching:-))
Inna12 форум
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26.05.2010 10:35
Morning :)
Inna12 форум
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26.05.2010 10:47
Greetings in English (you're welcome to continue)

1. Hello!
2. Hi!
3. Hi there!
4.How are you doing?
5. How are things?
Mila Love форум
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26.05.2010 21:56
Hi to all!
Formal Greetings: Arriving

Good morning / afternoon / evening.
Hello (name), how are you?
Good day Sir / Madam (very formal)

Informal Greetings: Arriving

Hi / Hello
How are you?
What's up? (very informal)
How are you doing? (very informal)

"How are you?" or "What's up?" doesn't necessary need a response. If you do respond, these phrases are generally expected:

Very well, thank you. And you? (formal)
Fine / Great (informal)

Formal Greetings: Departing

Good morning / afternoon / evening.
It was a pleasure seeing you.
Note: After 8 p.m. - Good night.

Informal Greetings: Departing

Goodbye / Bye.
See you (later).
Later (very informal
Mila Love форум
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26.05.2010 22:08
re: my previous quote about teaching
"He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches" B. Shaw

Lesson 2 on Etiquette.
"Correct clothes"
+Do check with your hosts or other guests if in doubt what to wear.
+Do dress to match the formality of the man's clothes
-Don't overdress for anything but the most formal occasions (The Royal Enclosure at Ascot - a hat for women, and The Steward's Enclosure at Henley Royal Regatta requires men to wear a jacket or blazer, which they must never remove; women are NOT permitted to enter the enclosure, if they are wearing trousers, denim, culottes or above knee-length skirts; weddings and funerals, but depends on dress code of the occasion, which could be rather informal)
Inna12 форум
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27.05.2010 09:26
considering greetings:

If I see someone for the first time, and we have been introduced to each other, I will say : Nice to meet you!

When leaving I usually say : It was nice to have met you!
Mila Love форум
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27.05.2010 20:10
Hi to all!
considering greetings:

If I see someone for the first time, and we have been introduced to each other, I will say : Nice to meet you!
When leaving I usually say : It was nice to have met you!

I must admit that I haven't actually heard that expression very often. Usually people just say:
" Was nice/pleased/glad/delighted to meet you!"
And you also reply
" Was nice/pleased/glad/delighted to meet you too!"

I was coming back home today and listened on the radio this one:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Quite like this particular song, though it's rather old :- ((

Mila Love форум
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27.05.2010 23:53
Happy birthday to Inna12!
Many happy returns of the day!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Inna12 форум
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28.05.2010 11:10
Mila, thank you so much!!!:))))
avia-beauty fan
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28.05.2010 14:27
What a wonderful duet of Ladies I have been watching here recently!
Happy birthday! My kindest regards and the best wishes to the Smart Lady brushuper !
Mila Love
MSL and me can proud that in the “tough time” for the forum (mid February :) we were able to attarct/recruit Inna12 :)
Inna12 форум
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28.05.2010 14:47
avia-beauty fan!
Thank you very much indeed:)
Старожил форума
28.05.2010 15:24
Hellow everyone!
Here is my story "Мимайно"

When I had started reading this thread I discovered that my knowledge in English is not
enough to write here. So I decided to take a couple of lessons a week in an English
school next to my home.
We had got a few lessons when our teacher gave us a homework to bring a story about
some well-known person. I like Frunzik Mkrtchyan who created the character of Rubik
Khachikyan (professor Khachikyan – endocrinologist) in "Mimino". And I had brought a
story about him.

But to my great surprise no one in our class knew who he was. Then I began to itemize
famous movies and his roles such as "Kavkazskaya plennitsa" (Nina’s unkle),
"Sueta suet" (Biris Ivanovich), "Odinokim predostavlyaetsya obshchezitiye", etc.
Though other students in our class were of 20 - 30 years old they know nothing about
these movies. I got very sad.
Старожил форума
28.05.2010 15:32
On top of everything else our 35 years-old teacher began to correct me that "Mimino"
should be pronounced like 'Мимайно'. Of course, I had to remind him that "Mimino" was a
Georgian word which could be translated in English as "falcon", that "Mimino" was a
nickname of movie's character which was a pilot.

So our teacher told me that he had never seen "Mimino" moreover that he had never heard
about this movie before...
His words finished off me conclusively!

P.S. As it is the first frustration in my learning English just in case I would like
to add the reminder in Russian:
"Какой нормальный человек в Москву без денег едет?!"
"Я такую личную неприязнь испытываю к потерпевшему, что кушать не могу"
"Такие вопросы задают, неудобно отвечать"
"Русский язык такой богатый, а я человек бедный"
"Я из Москвы приехал. Я нервный"
"Я муж или не муж?! Я прав или не прав?"
etc. ...

Ну, и от Мимино:
"- Вы лётчик?"
"- Иногда. Вообще-то я эндокринолог."
Валико Мизандари (друг профессора Хачикяна)

Старожил форума
28.05.2010 17:03
"- Иногда. Вообще-то я эндокринолог."
Валико Мизандари (друг профессора Хачикяна)
It's for me))) Good evening, people)))
Mila Love форум
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28.05.2010 20:15
Good evening everyone!!
Nice to "see" some new "faces":-))
avia-beauty fan
Yes, well true, we must be very grateful to you and MSL. Inna is a true pearl in out thread! and once more to Inna - I hope that you are having fantastic time today!!!

Very welcome to our "club"!
Actually in what your teacher said there is something true. I checked it with my own native speaker and he pronounced it the same way "Мимайно". But to be honest he has never heard about the screen character from Georgia. Otherwise I would be surprised:- ((
Your English is very good and it would be nice to "see" you oftener.

Very welcome to you too. Thanks for keeping your promise, which is highly appreciated. I hope that from time to time we could hear from you too.

Sorry that I don't have enough time to participate tonight. I am going out, it's my ballet night :-)))
But would really like you all just having fun and simply good time over here.
See you!

Старожил форума
29.05.2010 08:19
Микро-урок 5.
Поставьте необходимое слово (about / around) в следующие предложения:

1) Air temperature should be ___ 20 degrees.
2) Wrap the Teflon tape ___ threaded flange.
3) I will meet you ___ 3 o’clock.
4) It was estimated that ___ 5 thousand people attended the rally.
5) The aircraft tire pressure is ___ 200 psi.

У ‘about’ есть несколько значений, но в моих примерах слово использовано в смысле ‘приблизительно’.
Основное же значение ‘around’ - ‘вокруг‘, ‘со всех сторон’.

1) about
2) around
3) Хотя оба слова часто употребимы, формально лучше ‘about’.
4) Оба слова не нужны, т.к. уже имеется ‘estimated’.
5) Ни одно из слов не годится. В упрощенном авиационном английским (AECMA Simplified English) слово ‘about’ в значении ‘приблизительно’ не разрешено и следует использовать слово ‘approximately’.
Mila Love форум
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29.05.2010 23:10
Hello everyone!
Thanks boba!
I am trying to remember who said that a few centuries ago..
"I speak English to my advocates
I speak French to Ladies
I speak Spanish to God
I speak German to me horses..."
Mila Love форум
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29.05.2010 23:12
...mY horses"///
Старожил форума
29.05.2010 23:33
Hi, Mila!
I speak Russian when they don't listen to me speaking German. :-)
Mila Love форум
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29.05.2010 23:37
Mila Love форум
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30.05.2010 11:26
Correction to my previous qoute:
"I speak Spanish to God,
Italian to women,
French to men, and
German to my horse."
Charles V
Mila Love форум
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02.06.2010 16:56
Hi to all!
Sorry for abandoning this thread. I am on holiday now - for a week only- and honestly, wanted just to relax and have a chat in another Russian talking thread...
Anyway, I've got a bit of a picute for you "to crack "
http://s43.radikal.ru/i102/100 ...
Mila Love форум
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02.06.2010 19:17
a bit cheeky of me but anyway how many of you could say that about the Lady of your heart?;-))
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
try to read the lyrics as well
Старожил форума
02.06.2010 23:21
Hi all.
A funny story has happened to me today. We were flying from Nizhny to Moscow. For the sake of the training I decided to duplicate captain's in-flight information in English. Accidentally captain's channel of PAX ADRESS hadn't worked. So merely my English information went to the passengers. After the flight stewardess told us that passengers were amazed cause they decided that they were being conducted by the foreign crew :-)
Mila Love форум
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02.06.2010 23:26
I am nicely surprised and proud of you!;-))) Carry on!!
Старожил форума
02.06.2010 23:42
Aye-aye, mam! :-)
Mila Love форум
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02.06.2010 23:47
Yes, sir! ;-)
avia-beauty fan
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02.06.2010 23:53
Hello actual and latent brushupers!
Hello Mila!

"I speak Spanish to God,
Italian to women,
French to men, and
German to my horse."
Charles V

My assumption about aural attractiveness/utility potential of one another language…
Seems that if Charles V knew Chinese he would mumble it exclusively for scaring away evil spirits&ghosts.

Great story! Such rare kind of unexpected compliments are surely most valuable and inspiring! Congratulations!
Mila Love форум
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03.06.2010 00:00
Hi, avia-beauty fan
Seems that if Charles V knew Chinese he would mumble it exclusively for scaring away evil spirits&ghosts.
Well said!!! or pushing the products around the world, being their marketing director.

I like the beginning of summer. It's the time when days are longer, flowers are at the best. I had my first "try" of the English channel, the water's been bitterly cold.
Mila Love форум
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03.06.2010 00:07
some photos of today's trip
This is a view of Bournemouth
http://s48.radikal.ru/i121/100 ...
This is a view of Poole
http://s03.radikal.ru/i176/100 ...
Poole and Bournemouth are literally share the border, so one minute youare wating for the traffic lights to change and the other you are in another town. Isn't it amazing???
Mila Love форум
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03.06.2010 00:11
Sorry, have to go now.
All the best to all!
avia-beauty fan
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03.06.2010 01:13
Mila Love
I like the beginning of summer. It's the time when days are longer, flowers are at the best.

Mila, you evidently remember my April’s declaration :) Early June… Kingdom of sunlight, light green colors and “intoxicating” aroma of young nature. In dry math terms it’s about a peak of positive MAGNITUDE of the year whereas early April is a peak of magnitude increase RATE. So… phase shift between the season preferences of yours and mine is 60 degrees :)
Авиадиспетчер форум
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03.06.2010 11:52
2 Mila

Can I have more photos of Bournemouth? There I spend a wonderful month of my life.

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