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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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avia-beauty fan
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27.03.2010 19:08
Hello, Mila, MSL and everyone watching the thread
I have no clear message content this time. Just dropped in to say you hello and witness abiding you :)
Старожил форума
27.03.2010 19:11
Hi, avia-beauty fan! Glad to see you here.
How do you solve a problem with a speaking practice?
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
27.03.2010 20:32
To be honest I already “waved by hand” on my spoken English :)) It’s too slow and I hate own accent. I very like listening perfect English (Russian as well:) And I recognize that I’m too far from it. I recognize also that even plunging into language (native speakers) environment, though may guarantee achieving “speed of speech”, does non guarantee proper “tongue”. I’m a sort of maximalist in this respect. If I cannot be perfect then I speak English only when needed. In fact I have no purpose to speak fluently. As Indians, for example, do. They do speak very fluently but I hate listening (and trying to understand) them. So I cannot say that I follow common ways of improving speaking skill.

On the other hand I’m absolutely sure that practicing in written English “hiddenly” helps to speak as well. These micro-steps is just my way! So what Mila does here is really invaluable. And… ML in dialogs with MSL is especially pleasant and useful stuff (IMHO!)

Mila Love
“Words and deeds” – brilliant quotes!
Старожил форума
27.03.2010 20:49
On the other hand I’m absolutely sure that practicing in written English “hiddenly” helps to speak as well.
Definitely this is true. But what I've noticed in my own experience. Everything is Ok in your head until you are going to open your mouth to say something. When you do this you realize that words stuck in the throat and thoughts are deteriorating in your head. Let alone attempts to maintain a minimum grammar.
avia-beauty fan
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27.03.2010 21:00
Alas, yes, yes …. and ones again yes…
But every next time the “plug in the throat” will become softer and softer… And the person able to write correctly what he wants to say will at least be always understood :))
Mila Love форум
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27.03.2010 21:37
Hi to all, again!
Happy Earth Hour
if you click on You tube videos below the photo gallery, you will hear different accents and dialects...They are all speaking English:-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
27.03.2010 21:58
Sorry to come back with your discussion re: writing and speaking. They are both the so-called "productive" skills and are very important in mastering your level of any language.
Quite agree though, if you can put your thoughts in good writing style it's probably more important than just chatting anything, anywhere, bla-bla-bla :-)
On the other hand the more you practise your writing skills the smoother your transition "in the air" would be. In both cases you engage your brain to do the job.

avia-beauty fan
Thanks again for your compliments, I am just doing my little job here because I like doing it..and learning lots of things at the same time :-)
Старожил форума
27.03.2010 22:33
2 Mila
if you can put your thoughts in good writing style it's probably more important than just chatting anything, anywhere, bla-bla-bla :-)
Isn't it me who was the aim of that? ;-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
27.03.2010 22:55
Well, MSL
And what do you think? ;-)
Старожил форума
27.03.2010 23:14
Well, Mila
I think, there were the times that I couldn't differ future indefinite from past perfect passive. Now I can. I still can't do bla-bla-bla as fluent as Cambridge student's? That's Ok. I'm not finished yet. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." (c) Winston Churchill.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
27.03.2010 23:33
That's right.
If you quote Sir W.Churchill you are doing the right thing here:-)))
Well, I am afraid that I am off for today.
All the best to you and to all of our permanent readers.
avia-beauty fan
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28.03.2010 00:47
MSL, you really crowned the day with such an impressive and appropriate citation!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
28.03.2010 17:29
Hi to all!
avia-beauty fan
Your style is incredible! I think you could be our Honourable member of Compliment and Positive emotions, ah? :-))
What do you think, people?

Please check your email :-)
How is your day today-the first day of Summer time?
I feel weird with all this clock readings :-)))
Старожил форума
28.03.2010 17:54
Hello to everyone
I find this forum very interesting...just write and read a little books and want my English gone better...
Старожил форума
28.03.2010 21:14
Hi, Mila!
Thanks, for giving me a favour. I'm very grateful. My attitude toward the results is unchanged (see Mr. Churchill :-)).

This time I'm here by chance. I should had been flying this time. But the haul was cancelled. So I had to go back home (that toads don't think it's necessary to warn well before). Tomorrow early in the morning will be the next attempt :-) So I have to take the rest for now. See you later. And thanks again.

PS This week gonna be pretty busy.

2 Jetty

Welcome! I'd be pleased to talk to you. But I cant right now (see above why). Enjoy your time, and see you later!

Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
28.03.2010 21:26
Hi to all!
See you later, MSL.
Have safe flights!

to Jetty
Welcome to our forum. I believe that you are in the right place. You could possibly have a look /browse back a few pages just to see what are we here for.
And just keep on practising :-))
I am sure that our friendly atmosphere will be favourable to you...
See you!
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
28.03.2010 22:05
Hello all here !
My session today is very short as I felt light dizziness being “threatened” to get a title from no other than Mila Love ! :)))

What a wonderful nick for aviation forum! I’ve instantly imagined the Very Light Jet (VLJ) flown by a lady-pilot! :))
Be regular visitor of Mila Love Club and your English certainly GET better (and hitches GONE) ! :))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
28.03.2010 22:20
Oh, no, avia-beauty fan...:- (
Please don't feel that way. My intention was, is and will be to keep this forum free from rows, bad language, bad manners and just lots of POSITIVE words and deeds ( remember actions and words!:-))
What about the so-called "Summer" time, any difference??? We were promised to have another cold snap on Tuesday and Wednesday :- ((
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
28.03.2010 22:44
Session has to be continued, though…:)
Mila, I’m afraid you took my kidding wrong : ( Do you remember the historical article of the thirties “Dizziness of success” :)))

As for me the summer time is uncomfortable for today only. I personally LIKE it! I like later sunsets and light summer evenings! Sun still above the horizon in June/July at ten o’clock… I’d say it’s wonderful !… And switching to normal time in October I’d call “plunging to darkness”.
Mila Love форум
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28.03.2010 22:54
I understood your kidding- just wanted to provoke you to carry on the sesion for a while :-))
I do like exactly the same things you've just said...It's good to know that days are longer and I've noticed that waking up at 5 am "Winter time" has become a "tradition/ritual" already, at lest for a few weeks :-)
However I think that moving your clock twice a year an hour ahead /an hour back is a nuisance..it would be better to leave it as it is (IMHO):-)
avia-beauty fan
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28.03.2010 23:24
Mila, you’ve said
just wanted to provoke you

Your trick proved to be a success ! :)))

moving your clock twice a year an hour ahead /an hour back is a nuisance..

For mechanical clock/watches certainly yes! :))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
28.03.2010 23:32
Sometimes when I am not too much involved in work or house cleaninj "management" :-))
I catch myself on some images, something like that:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
28.03.2010 23:35
Авиадиспетчер форум
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29.03.2010 00:17
Старожил форума
29.03.2010 00:18
Hi everybody!Keep looking this forum and think it very interesting and useful, at least for me.Will try to join you time to time.But today I have question.My friend recently passed aviation english eksam, and there was question from the teacher-In flight, if you hear phrase "Break down", what would it mean?
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
29.03.2010 01:02
Mila, my comp is temporarily without sound devices but the mood of summer evening romantic images is caught and enjoyed!

Let’s wait what will pilots say, but as to me it sounds strange and ambiguously… Could you specify WHO is assumed to say this phrase in flight. Is this command or statement of fact ?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.03.2010 20:56
Hi to all.....
Can't realise and beleive what has happened today.
Thought that it's OK now in Moscow, more or less people started feeling back to normal.
Went to the Tretyakov Gallery last summer..Had that feeling that it was like many years ago...
No, there are forces and people who don't want others to live their normal lives..there is no point in any terror attacks and still they take place...
My deepest sympathy to all unexpected losses, sincere and deep condolences to those who had suffered the rush hour tragedy in Moscow.
Wishing rapid and complete recovery to the injured ones.
Horrible, synical acts against humanity, people and peace....

Take care....
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.03.2010 21:01
Re: breakdown
Could be (mechanical) failure?
in case of a crew member - nervous breakdown- mental breakdown (snapping)?
Старожил форума
29.03.2010 21:16
Hi, all!
In flight, if you hear phrase "Break down", what would it mean?

It't depends on the context.
With respect to the aviation affairs it would likely mean - failure, malfunction and so on.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.03.2010 21:28

"Man drove wrong way for five miles

A 95-year-man surrendered his licence after driving the wrong way down a major road for nearly five miles, police said.

Police said they received more than 20 emergency calls as the man headed north on the southbound A12 near Mountnessing, Essex.

Officers blocked slip roads to stop traffic getting on to the carriageway then stopped the pensioner, from Colchester, Essex, when he turned off the road, said a police spokesman."

As there is no age limit in the UK for driving....everything could be expected :-)
Старожил форума
29.03.2010 23:34
Мila ,if you want, I can help you
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.03.2010 23:44
Well, what sort of help could you suggest?
Тоже туда же форум
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 16:24
Hello All!

Thank's for so interesting topic (especially Mila =)! Honestly, I don't work in aviation area, but I hope it will be possible quite soon =) I've started to read MacMillan's course and of course there are some questions. For example, what does "a maintenance truck" mean? And "a maintenance truck driver"?

PS I've studied English for 1, 5 years, so sorry for mistakes =) If you don't mind I'll be glad to join you =) Thank's a lot!
stasv форум
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30.03.2010 17:20
What is MacMillan's ?

To what it is applied ?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 19:03
Hello to all!
тоже туда же
Thank you for your comment:-)
Very welcome to our forum. Please feel free to read and participate in our discussions. If it helps you I believe that we will all win in the end!:-)
Re: a maintenance truck - передвижная станция ( грузовик, авто-) техничнеского обслуживания и ремонта (офиц.)
Perhaps there is another name for it, a slang :-))

to stasv
MacMilan's Aviation English - a good coursebook from Macmillan for Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers needing to learn English.
here is a sample of a unit
http://www.macmillanenglish.co ...
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 22:36
Is somebody here?
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30.03.2010 22:40
Hi Jetty!
I'm here. But exhausted after a day in the sky
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 22:43
Are you pilot? or God? :-)))
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 22:46
Jetty, If I was a God I wouldn't have been exhausted. :-)
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 22:51
Where are you fly?
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 22:57
Is it interrogation? Are addresses and passwords needed? :-) Why don't you introduce yourself for beginning. I've already told a lot about myself at this thread.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 22:58
Hi to all, Jetty and MSL...
I can see that you've been practising your English:-))
That's very well...
However, a bit of grammar points:
1.I am A pilot
I am A student
Are you A pilot? ....
2. If I WERE a God (one of many?)

3. Where do you fly? (general interest)
Where are you flying? ( now)

Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 23:02
Good point, MSL!!
Well, Jetty, a few words about yourself, please:-))
stasv форум
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 23:02
2. If I WERE a God (one of many?)

what is it ?
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 23:04
2 Mila
Hi! But why "were"? Isn't it used for plurals?
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 23:05
I am Jetty and I want to be a stewardess...but i want to say words in english:-)))
and i like this thread very much...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 23:10

"IF I WAS YOU" is considered inelegant/incorrect, by normative grammarians, but is acceptable in colloquial language.
The same is true with I WISH:

I wish I was you (informal, spoken).
I wish I were you (formal, written).

I wish she was here (informal, spoken).
I wish she were here (formal, written).

stasv форум
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 23:13

I am Jetty and I want to be a stewardess...but i want to say words in english:-)))
and i like this thread very much...


Я - Причал, и я хочу быть бортпроводницей..., но я хочу сказать слова в english:-))),
и мне нравится эта нить очень...

promt v shoke :)))
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 23:18
2 Jetty
I want to be a stewardess..

Nice wannabe :-) But have to say that reality of this profession in fact is far away from glamorous image that widely spread among amateurs... Though why don't you try to feel it on your own skin. ;-)
Старожил форума
30.03.2010 23:22
2 stasv
We've understood what Jetty wanted to say. Prompt translations aren't an issue here. You'd better explain Jetty how to improve her self introduction.

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