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Форум Mila Love

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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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20.03.2010 12:09
There is only one problem. I used Skype just a few times and conceive its abilities very basically. For Example do it allow to organize a group and communicate in a conference mode like it's done in the mIRC?
Mila Love форум
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20.03.2010 12:42
Never heard of mIRC, looked at their site...
Do you need to pay to register? I am not quite keen on chatging accounts...Skype is free at least and I use regurlarly...
Mila Love форум
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20.03.2010 12:45
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20.03.2010 12:51
I've mentioned mIRC just to demonstrate an example of communicating in groups. As far as I know it works only in a text mode. The connection is free, mIRC client itself requires pay for register, but there are the alternate free IRC (Internet Relay Chat) clients.
Do Skype allows to communicate in groups?
Mila Love форум
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20.03.2010 13:02
Yes Skype does have this option, it's called Conference call. I never used it though, but it's worth trying as well as instant messaging...
Mila Love форум
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20.03.2010 13:10
MSL, please, check your email..
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20.03.2010 13:16
Checked, downloading Skype
avia-beauty fan
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20.03.2010 13:22
Hello all!

Mila, “prepositionless” title modification looks much better though highlights Quiet – the word which just possibly implied :)
…What a charming movie it was… Just a tiny glimpse from it (not associated to the Creeper :)… Rotating propeller of the Yak fighter transforming to the “plan view” of swirling skirt in dance…

you are not that far from calling the event as kilometre stone..
But, please, don't. I would be very and utterly embarassed ...

BTW the approach speed (click rate:) is impressive !
NN форум
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20.03.2010 13:23
Glad to see everyone! Hi guys!

Skype! That's it - Skype! That's the answer how to celebrate the upcoming 50000th click.

Please add me to the contact list as Mys_Atlasny.
Mila Love форум
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20.03.2010 13:27
can't find you :- ((
Mila Love форум
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20.03.2010 13:31
Yes, guys we are CLOSE to our First milestone:-)))
Mila Love форум
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20.03.2010 13:34
please check your email
Mila Love форум
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20.03.2010 13:40
Oh no...missed it:- (( (
But there you are !
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20.03.2010 13:40
Yes we've got it!
avia-beauty fan
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20.03.2010 13:44
Congratulations from Skipeless visitor!!! :)
Mila Love форум
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20.03.2010 13:55
I just to want to say a Big Thank you to all who has made this milestone to pass.
Without you all this would be just impossible.
Now I can say that this thread is alive and hopefully will help a bit to realise that English is not a kind of monster and is rather different way of communication here.
Thanks to all!
and ...keep on brushing up:-))
Mila Love форум
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20.03.2010 14:06
avia-beauty fan
It's not that difficult to set Skype. Just look for them and read their conditions...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.03.2010 14:26
should be "SET UP" :-D
Старожил форума
20.03.2010 14:32
Skype is cool. Got to buy a headset...
NN форум
Старожил форума
20.03.2010 14:38
A headset or just a cheap mike and simple phones a walkman also would do.
NN форум
Старожил форума
20.03.2010 14:39
FOR a walkman (portable audio-player)
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20.03.2010 14:47
I see, abilities of Skype are discussed) It seems to me that with such a tempo our Club, using foremost gadjets, wiil become a real Academy of English!
Старожил форума
20.03.2010 14:58
2 Bazar_off
Why not? A big river always begins from a tiny brook...
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20.03.2010 15:02
2 NN
Thanks, I'll see what there is in the market.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.03.2010 15:05
to Bazar-off
If it's going to be an academy, then I start thinking about charging you :-)))

It's nice to know that there are some people who are interested and motivated to do something about their English...
However it also means that I have to spend more time down here, and this is not always possible:- (( ( I can do from time to time, though.

re: Skype set
I just use a VOip phone plugged into USB port...
NN форум
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20.03.2010 15:06
In the honour of the first great milestone Mila, MSL and I had a wonderful communication in Skype. Though MSL was just a listener as no headset at hand, but he commented typing.
I am deeply impressed by Mila's fluent talking English. Believe me, it's worth hearing and talking with Mila. That's a real pleasure.
Старожил форума
20.03.2010 15:09
2 NN
Confirm :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.03.2010 15:09
Thanks NN
It turned out to be a proper Milestone, talking to both of you:-)))
Mila Love форум
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20.03.2010 19:44
There must be something wrong with me, I think or perhaps it's spring time at the doorstep:-)))
Couldn't avoid a kind of discussion re: English " Learning English with Pulkovo ATCs"...
Старожил форума
20.03.2010 20:08
Frankly ATC-s didn't catch the stars from the sky. Why to hide a sin... But blaming and super-criticism are the features of lamers who are so far away from aviation that have sickness even from a thought about flying.
Mila Love форум
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20.03.2010 20:16
I would be probably more tolerant if I didn't fly to Russia:-))It's frightening from both sides whether you are a pilot or an ATC. If one of the two at least is not quite fluent either in English or Russian..
I only helped a bit to the cabin crew a couple of times. The BMI flight attendant - a British guy- couldn't understand a Russian passenger. So I had to participate and the situation was resolved in both cases rather pleasantly:-))
Старожил форума
20.03.2010 21:58
2 Mila Love
There`s a song by Michel Fugain, "Je n`aurai pas les temps" ("If I only have time")...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Rather sad, because it is sang in it about total time absence, even for life and love. Let`s find ourself a bit more, and not to follow the sad way of the song`s subject!
And don`t worry (be happy!) about time spent here - I`m agree that everybody in live communication, such as our forum, could find mistakes by himself. As for me, I mean to myself as an achievement that my posts are read and in some grade understood. This is a result, for a beginner))) Thanks for attention!

2 NN
Skype is my near task to install on comp... Then I`ll join, of course!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.03.2010 22:06

Many thanks, you've made the day!!! And of course all your posts are being read and appreciated. Your music part is brilliant and it would be nice to hear from you more...

This one with the words =avec les paroles :-))

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Старожил форума
20.03.2010 22:33
Swiss 1311... Hm-m... Awful accident, but very demonstrative. However, I`ll not be surprized very much, if any civil pilot would say that this is a quite usual situation in CIS sky...
Старожил форума
20.03.2010 22:42
Got a mike now, what about testing it?
Старожил форума
20.03.2010 23:45
Tis too late, evidently))) All tests to be done tomorrow! Good-bye!
Старожил форума
20.03.2010 23:47
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21.03.2010 13:52
Hi all! Anybody here?
Старожил форума
21.03.2010 13:57
Dear Mila. Please, check your e-mail. I want to learn Aviation English in England this summer. Best regards, Maksim
Старожил форума
21.03.2010 14:03
Ups, Ludmila. I don't find your e-mail on the forumavia. Please, send me a test letter. Maksim
Старожил форума
21.03.2010 14:05
Or my skype max4052
Mila Love форум
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21.03.2010 14:53
Hi to all!
Somebody is here:-))
Max, check you email, please
Старожил форума
21.03.2010 14:57
Hi, Mila! Do you mind testing my mike?
Mila Love форум
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21.03.2010 15:00
I've got about 10 mins...
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21.03.2010 15:02
I think It's enough, but it's no needed to overstrain
Старожил форума
21.03.2010 15:16
That was Ok, everything works, thanks, Mila.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.03.2010 15:18
My pleasure:-)))
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21.03.2010 15:20
All pleasure was mine ;-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.03.2010 15:27
Have a nice flight later in the day !
Mila Love форум
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21.03.2010 21:40
Hi to all!
To start improving your speaking abilities I would recommend an exercise which has proved its efficiency. At least I have been using iy with my English-Russian students.
All you need is a clock and a mirror (the latter is optional), a pen/pencil, a piece of paper -to write a few key words.
Here it is:
Talk about ONE of these topics. Can you keep talking for One minute? Author: M.Love
- My neighbours
- My favourite drinks
- The Terminal (Airport)
- Restaurant-favourite food
- My native town/favourite town
- Public transport (a taxi, a bus, a car, Metro)
- The street you know/favourite
- Daily routine
- My relatives (cousins, sisters, brothers, aunts etc)
- Love/relationship
- World records
- Hotel/favourite/good/bad
- My work/why do I like my work?
- Latest news/today’s news
- Something I haven’t done in my life so far
- Best places to chill out/for entertainment/relaxation
- Outside/indoors sports/games
- Train/boat trip
- About myself/any member of my family/friend
- A joke/an anecdote/something that is funny
- Favourite weather/season/part of a day
- My world in and out/hobbies/interests
- Dream (s)
- Old films
- Murder (thriller, life)
- A book to recommend
- Best friends/colleagues
- Wild nature/animals/reptiles/birds etc
- Feelings/happiness/sadness
- A story/ historical event/History
- About anything/Free stuff
- Shopping
-Tourist attractions round the world
- Emergencies/Natural disasters
The main tip: try to specify what you like and don't like? why do you like and don't like? and what would you suggest to improve, if any?
Good luck!

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