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Форум Mila Love

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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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05.05.2009 15:27

You never know what to expect interrogating completely unknown people. But in this particular case an answer was quite predictable. I mean if you take under consideration an audience of this forum.
Nevertheless let's see what Mila thinks of it. ;)
05/05/2009 [14:46:09]

I don, t know Mila's profession. Perhaps she understand perfectly your "abra-cadabra".
I mean your "UUWW 051000Z 20004MPS 160V240 CAVOK 22/M03 Q1011 24000070 NOS" :-)))))
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 15:30
It's greek to me :-))))
Насколько мне известно, бритиши именно такой фразой подчеркивают свою далёкость от обсуждаемого вопроса...
NN форум
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05.05.2009 18:28
Just for fun:

What would be the English for the following phrase in Russian?

"Он стоял, стоял, потом взял да и вышел."

One of the suggestions was something incredible -

"He stood, stood, then took yes and went out" ))))
Деловой форум
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05.05.2009 18:42
He stood still for a while, and then went out.
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 18:55
Some more pearls of wisdom:

Он перевел дух и сделал ей предложение - He translated his spirit and made her a sentence.

Окружающая среда - Surrounding Wednesday.

NN форум
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05.05.2009 19:12

I also like this one:
"Nobody is perfect, but who wants to be nobody." )))
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 19:13
Hi folks!!!
UUWW - weather in Vnukovo, russia
I worked for a while in aviation, but not in meteo...;- (( ((
Anyway, let me try...
Weather forecast for tonight:dark..:-))).
I have scrolled down and could see that there is a row in between...Poor Paul, he is just trying to help you to speak pure English. Personally, I am on his side because to speak somehow you obviously have succeeded. But sure we need to move on...
Well, no need to say that we are sometimes over the point, and forget one simple thing...there are a few perfect people in this world if any at all...and they are Germans...But they lost during the IIWW...
So let's just carry on with practicing, shall we?....
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 19:22
I should have answered re:weather....
It's Greek to me!!!-to the point!


I've taken a look at an issue. As for me a bit basic. But perfect for initial approach :)

I haven't said that this Final approach, haven't i! ;-))
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 19:25
I should have answered re:weather....
It's Greek to me!!!-to the point!


I've taken a look at an issue. As for me a bit basic. But perfect for initial approach :)

I haven't said that this IS Final approach! ;-))
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 19:33
an attempt.
"Он стоял, стоял, потом взял да и вышел."
He stood and stood, and stood...and off he went.

Старожил форума
05.05.2009 19:49
Well, as for the weather

UUWW 051000Z 20004MPS 160V240 CAVOK 22/M03 Q1011 24000070 NOSIG

It is METAR – an information about actual weather at aerodrome. In this case it is Vnukovo as you guessed right. Time of observation is 10.00 UTC 05.05.2009. Wind SSW – 200 degrees 04 meters per second variable from 160 to 240 degrees, CAVOC – ceiling and visibility are OK, temperature + 22 deg Celsius, dewpoint minus 03 deg. Celsius. Atmospheric pressure 1011 hectopascal, Runwy-in-use 24. No significant changes are expected.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 19:56
Many thanks!!
Ah, at least Vnukovo is right...There is a glimpse of Hope...
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 20:16
2 Mila
Dont underevaluate yourself. It's an amazingly cool for amateur to know an ICAO code of an aerodrome. To tell you the truth not even all of civil aviation personnel has a clue what it means.
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 20:24
Honestly, I was a bit cheating...searched in Google.

Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 20:27
Anyway...this is my favourire re: weather..and Scotland
In Scotland there is no such thing as bad weather-only the wrong clothes.
Billy Connelly, comedian
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 20:37
Good one with grammar and Vocab.

If it's ugly, it's British; if it's weird, it's French; and if it's ugly and weird, it's Russian.
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 20:40
Basic Flying Rules:

1. Try to stay in the middle of the air.
2. Do not go near the edges of it.
3. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees and interstellar space. It is much more difficult to fly there.
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 20:48
About "poor" Paul. Everything had been all right if he wouldn't has overdone in his telling-off. Would you talk to a person that tells you nothing, but notation of your faults? We are not at school, and I don't have to stand it. I think he should learn to communicate to people more gently and respectful.
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 20:58
Would you talk to a person that tells you nothing, but notation of your faults?

I, personally, would prefer to listen to Paul. There is something that I would not like to do- to correct all the time. Having said that, I appreciate that Paul, actually, learning a lot while correcting. Not so many people can spot a mistake..
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 21:04
Э-э-э, я бы перевел как упрек в многословии :)))

I just have a bit of family-free time right now, and back from hectic work;- (( (
NN форум
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05.05.2009 21:06
Mila Love

How would you comment on this:

"It don't make me no never mind" ))))
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 21:08
Вульгарный стилистически сниженный упрек на форумском быдлоязе. Не для обращения к даме. Я бы забанил
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 21:11
:) Nice..

Am I disturbin U?
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 21:13
2MSL (Re: "я бы забанил"): & the sooner the better
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 21:21

"It don't make me no never mind"
I'd rather leave it to Paul to deal with..
Where is he? by the way..
Didn't get that on..Who shall I ban?
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 21:30
Roger! Wilco
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05.05.2009 21:42
Mila Love

I'd rather leave it to Paul to deal with..
Where is he?

Don't worry, I'm always here.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 21:49
Hi Paul and Romeo!!
Nice to see you all...
That bloke, I hope I have banned him, reminds me about british "yob" ...Don't laugh, as it sounds in Russian exactly the same..
"Yobbish" behaviour, culture..low class and with no or poor education....
NN форум
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05.05.2009 21:50
2 Paul

Hi Paul,
would you be so kind to speculate on my above typed American slang phrase?
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 21:54
: ( I've sent at least 14 messages to this thread but can't see them. :) It seems to me that it's time to take a small break :) well, i'll try later..
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 21:56

Hi Paul,
would you be so kind to speculate on my above typed American slang phrase?

Sorry, but let me be in a role of just a reader of this marvelous forum.
NN форум
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05.05.2009 22:01

Oh ok, sure! Sorry if I made you feel uneasy.
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 22:03
I am intrigued...re;American slang...
NN форум
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05.05.2009 22:07
Mila Love

It means: I don't care. ))))
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 22:13
Tnanks or Ta...for short
Are those types of "pearls" from the so-called Black NYorker underground??
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 22:21
It seems to me that it's time to take a small break

"a small break" - not quite right
"a short break" is better
It looks like I need a short break...
NN форум
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05.05.2009 22:27
Mila Love

Can't say for sure, but that last one is usually used when "I don't care" has already been used several times and the speaker, losing his/her patience, applies that slang to finally put an end to the conversation.
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 22:31
У меня такой вопрос. Когда я смотрю по ТВ новостные каналы BBC и CNN, часто слышу слово или словосочетание которое никак не могу идентифицировать. В русской транскрипции звучит примерно как "инкастэди". Что бы это могло быть?
NN форум
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05.05.2009 22:35
это значит - в турьме )))
SW форум
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05.05.2009 22:36
В русской транскрипции звучит примерно как "инкастэди". Что бы это могло быть?

in custody. (под стражей)
Деловой форум
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05.05.2009 22:36
in custody -задержан, под защитой - в зависимости от контекста
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 22:36
in custody - in a police cell, being arrested
Деловой форум
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05.05.2009 22:38
Ребёнок может быть "in custody of social services" , это не в турмэ
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 22:41
Child custody- ОПЕКУНСТВО
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05.05.2009 22:44
ООО!!! Супер! Гора с плеч! Спасибо всем!!!
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 22:45
My pleasure!
Mila Love форум
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05.05.2009 22:46
We have reached 200 posts for these 2 days ;-)))
Деловой форум
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05.05.2009 22:47
Foster care - опекунство
Child custody - Это кому из родителей ребёнок достанется после развода
Старожил форума
05.05.2009 22:53
Mila: u're right, "it looks like I need a short break" looks much better, thanks.

Unfortunately, I still have problems posting here from my cellphone (only short msgs or msgs without colons and semicolons are displayed here correctly).

SW форум
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05.05.2009 22:54
Mila Love
I am intrigued...re;American slang...

I would not call it 'American'. 'Hillbilly' is more appropriate term.

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