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Форум Mila Love

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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Inna12 форум
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11.03.2010 13:44
What a pity! :)
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11.03.2010 14:05
Wanna talk about it? (c) :-D
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 14:08
One of the most frightening phrases for a man! :)))Judging from my own experience. The second place goes to " Do you love me?", the third place goes to "tell me what you're thinking about!"
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 14:15
Well, that's discussed...
Inna12 форум
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11.03.2010 14:25
I have a question for Mila. Why do the British seem to hate Gordon Brown and his wife?
Mila Love форум
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11.03.2010 19:23
Hi to all!
What a discussion I have missed :- (( (
Preferences, pshycology, philosophy, secrecy!!!
James Bond is resting....
to Inna
I do not know much about preferences of British people and their attitude towards the PM.
However there are some issues and questions that might not have yet found the most grateful and respectful audience. The philosophical question is :" What is going on???"...Unfortunately the question has not been answered yet and the public is not quite clear about the situation at home and abroad...
But is it an easy job to do - to serve the public?
Now this question is open to all interested...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 20:25
'I don't have no time for no monkey business
Dee do de de dee do de de'
And just another one, good one! :-))
We don't need no education...
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 20:46
From scholar essays:
На берегу реки доярка доила корову, а в воде отражалось все наоборот.
the more here:
http://www.hotinfo.ru/humor/?c ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 22:00
Nice collection.
Here is what american students are "good at":
"The ballerina rose gracefully en Pointe and extended one slender leg behind her, like a dog at a fire hydrant."
The rest is here:
http://writingenglish.wordpres ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 22:08
and another one...
"The sun never set on the British Empire because the British Empire is in the East and the sun sets in the West.”
http://www.goodquotes.info/fun ...
O tempera, O mores! :-)))
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 22:47
"The ballerina rose gracefully en Pointe and extended one slender leg behind her, like a dog at a fire hydrant."

Classics is whenever and wherever classics:

"Выбирайте слова, маркиз. Самолично налопал собственного командира,
когда он тащил ее по коридору в кабинет. Хильда была малость дернувши, но
очень сосредоточенна и серьезна, comme un chien qui pisse dans un violon*.

* Как собачка, которая целится писать в скрипку (фр.).
(с) Л. Соболев "Капитальный ремонт"
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 22:51
Mila Love форум
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11.03.2010 22:57
Don't need to go that far:-)))
I was making notes today for a student, she can't write. The lesson was about designing argument :-))) a kind of religious philosophy... whether God is a disigner of the Universe or Somebody had designed the God to be a designer of the Universe ..????
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 23:14
There is a thread very much about it from the left. Those guys are keen on issues like that. I have no idea.
Or you want me to do the lesson's exercise?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 23:19
Oh, no MSL!
I don't wish you anything that crazy..I just mentioned it to say that funny things are all around you, just keep your eyes and ears open :-)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 23:28
How shall we translate then...

"мракобесие"-obscurantism, heresy?
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 23:30
I like you teach students to process the information. When I was at school we'd been mainly taught to memorise and recall (though I was a bad pupil due to poor studiousness).
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 23:34
It's not me who are to teach you how to translate :-)))
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11.03.2010 23:36
Well, Mila. Thanks for chatting. Got to go for now. Have a nice time. See you
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 23:40
The point is that when you teach somebody you actually learn yourself at the same time:-)))it's a kind of non-stop process of absorbing, processing and producing...and nobody knows what kind of product it might be eventually:-)))That's the tricky bit...One can say, that you can predict or expect some sort of reply...and the truth is that 90% -yes and still 10% is ...not/unpredictable...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 23:41
to you too.
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
12.03.2010 11:38
cu L8er alligator :)
Старожил форума
12.03.2010 13:41
Good afternoon!
I not badly translate the text, and to speak, there are no experts. Here there is such capability?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
12.03.2010 21:13
to Игорь69
Welcome to our English Club!
If you can translate and speak a little you are in the right place. Just post your messages and don't be afraid :-)))
Good luck!
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 01:51
Hi everyone!
Sorry for my silence, just arrived from flight.

2 Игорь69
Молодец. Не побоялся высказаться по-английски. Это уже даже больше чем полдела. Я серьезно. Слова нормальные, понятные. Но нужно поработать над грамматикой, чтобы тебя однозначно поняли. Изложи ее по-русски и мы подумаем, что из английской грамматики туда нужно добавить, чтобы она звучала однозначно.
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 01:52
она - фраза звучала однозначно, сорри, устал
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 10:44
Morning everyone!
MSL - good attempt to help out Igor69!
However, English is the language that should be used here :-))

A detour with numbers:-)))

"UK's top 10 pothole hotspots:

1 Surrey (1998)
2 Hampshire (892)
3 Kent (857)
4 Hertfordshire (855)
5 Oxfordshire (796)
6 Lancashire (733)
7 Essex (734)
8 West Sussex (680)
9 Buckinghamshire (678)
10 Gloucestershire (655)"

Do you know any statistics on roads' condition in Russia?
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 17:07
Hi, Mila!
An anecdote to your previous post.
A foreigner fell into an opened hatch. He asked the arrived rescue rangers: Why didn't you mark the hole? The answer was: Haven't you seen a boundary post crossing the border?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 19:35
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 20:34
2 Mila
The point is that when you teach somebody you actually learn yourself at the same time:-)))

This is true. When you are teaching you are concentrating on an issue and arranging your knowledge deeper.
Объяснял, объяснял, аж сам понял, а они всё никак. (с)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 21:56
Объяснял, объяснял, аж сам понял, а они всё никак.

It's happened to me once when I used to teach students - future officers and pilots:-) I believe that I have mentioned that already somewhere...
Another good point about teaching is that you have no right to be old-fashioned, an old bat: you need to be always on the ball: to know what is going on around all the time and that is what I would probably call a "perpetum mobile":-)))Listen and learn and of course, my favourite, never say never:-)
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 22:14
It's happened to me once when I used to teach students - future officers and pilots

And what did they fail to understand?
Mila Love форум
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13.03.2010 22:19
Grammar bits...the difference between Present Simple, Present Continuous and Present Perfect:-)))
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 22:42
Yes, it seems to be not easy to catch. But in fact it's as simple as eggs. It's just necessary to use the right method. I had either experienced difficulties in understanding English grammar in our education system. It teaches neither grammar nor language, but the language of grammar. Normal individual unable to stand that brain blowing nightmare. And as for personally me, I felt a ground under my leg only after kind teacher advised me to try "English grammar in use" by Raymond Murphy. Nothing superfluous. Just read simple and clear explanations and do understandable exercises. It's not an advertising. It's really helped me A LOT! I don't know who is an author but I want to say many thanks to teacher who recommended me this course.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 22:45
By the way at that time the Present Simple was named as Indefinite and this "confusion" produced a lot of misunderstanding...Later in my teaching carrer I had to use the terms as Present Always, Present Now and Present Result...This was against all odds and methods of teaching but surprisingly the students were a bit confident in all this tense "boiling pot":-)))
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 22:48
I say: the language of grammar :-)))
Mila Love форум
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13.03.2010 22:49
Well agree. Murphy is good and dead easy to work with.
Mila Love форум
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13.03.2010 22:52
One of my dreaded University course was "Theory of Grammar"...never have met more deliberately complicated and useless...
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 22:58
It seems to me or standard school course represents "Theory of Grammar" for beginners :-)))
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 23:06
Correction: It seems to me OUR standard school course...
Mila Love форум
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13.03.2010 23:10
Unfortunately for ordinary pupils English is a kind of "ENIGMA" plus teaching is sometimes not good enough..To teach a foreign language you need, of course, to know the way it works in everyday situation and be all eyes and ears:-))
However nowadays with all this HI-FI it's much easier to have access to news, films etc as to compare with the options available 30 years ago or earlier ...
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 23:16
Mila Love форум
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13.03.2010 23:23
It's a Different world today...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 23:24
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 23:30
Ok Mila, thanks for chatting. See you!
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 23:34
What a Wonderful World
That's Ok, Mila, that's Ok :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.03.2010 23:34
See you, thanks to you too.
Good luck!
Старожил форума
14.03.2010 17:44
Hi, friends!
What a cuirious branch exists on our ordinary forum! Let me join it) I guess I should really "brush it" (meaning own English, of cause)))!

So, do U, my new friends, offer to discuss Music? Extermely agree, because different avia-topics nowdays are quite common and not so attractive as Music. Moreover, last one should never become odd!
I`ve got a ?-tion, by the way... While listening Mr. Louis at the link upwards, I`d marked his pronounce as not-american (or am I wrong?). Does this fact mean that nowdays american pronounce had (or "has"-?, dot`t clear to your submissive servant) become urgly in such a grade, that it`s impossible to sing in so charming and clear manner? Remember, Armstrong-the-Great was of old kind days well-breded...
Старожил форума
14.03.2010 18:51
Hi, Bazar_off!
Armsrong's singing is really well recognizable. I'm not sure about your question, but both variants of spoken native English - American and core British are relatively hard for me to recognize. The best case when a speaker isn't native (Germans are brilliant! :-). In other respects - the more I listen one variant - the more unclear appears another :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
14.03.2010 19:41
Hi everyone!
Bazar_off! Welcome to our forum, although sometimes we call it English Club:-))
We discuss what is inetersting to us and perhaps to other readers. Music is one of the topics. Not quite got you re :Armstrong, though. Why do you think that his pronunciation is not American? I was always pretty sure that his Voice and tembre as well as his Language are unique and typically American "variant" of English. Nowadays the pop stars mostly shout or rap or talk but very few are actually singing...Or I am wrong:-)))The lyrics is different! But MSL already posted before that the World has changed...so there we are..
The most confusing and amusing sound of English is Indian:-)))) Fortunately being long enough in the country I now can recognise the difference between a Lancashire and a Manchester man, let alone a Scotsman or an Irishman...Only after a glass of scotch or a pint of Guinness I probably would say that there is no difference at all :-)))

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