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Форум Mila Love

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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Старожил форума
06.01.2010 23:58
are closer, .... I'm calm and resignatefull...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
06.01.2010 23:59
Or perhaps the penguins are closer, is that possible? :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.01.2010 00:01
You are calm and...what?
Старожил форума
07.01.2010 00:02
Why not? Do you think there is a lack of rime in Antarctica? :)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.01.2010 00:06
Have never been that far as the Motherland to Penguins, so can't say for sure. Those who are kept in the Zoos are not to be taken into account:- (
Старожил форума
07.01.2010 00:15
Well. Saying about penguins a meant Tux:
http://rnns.ru/uploads/posts/2 ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.01.2010 00:22

However, it's Russian Christmas!
As Russian Christmas is less about present giving and more about spreading good will, full of other curious rituals, fortune tellers and other FUN, then...
Let it be Merry, Peaceful Festive time for all of us!!!
Happy Christmas to all!!!
Старожил форума
07.01.2010 00:32
Greetings! But I think it would be more appropriate to celebrate in Russian.
Старожил форума
07.01.2010 03:06
Possibly the most clean thread on the entire forum. That's because 'trolls' can't swear in English, so no need for moderators :) Well done, guys and girls! :) Merry Christmas!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.01.2010 19:50
Hi everyone!
2 alexka
Many thanks!! You are true in saying about the "purity" of the thread! However there a lot of swearing in English for those who are concerned. I believe that here we are purely for communication and fun and hope it will go on that way.
You are more than welcome to join us :-)))
Старожил форума
08.01.2010 12:46
Старожил форума
08.01.2010 22:00
2 Mila Love : thanks :)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
08.01.2010 23:12
Hi everyone!
An update on weather conditions in the UK:
http://uk.video.yahoo.com/watc ...
Старожил форума
09.01.2010 22:59
Hi everyone!
Britain in big freeze!
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/ ...
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
10.01.2010 14:45
Greetings to the English Club Chair Lady and the Club members!
Mila, you can see my homework is done, one of the variants is selected :)
(Queen, though not used directly, explicitly implied :)

Italian restaurant video (teaching stuff also… anyway:) invoked associations about some words in English. “Mood” of this “couples’ is extremely different and they simply should not sound identically. But they are… The most “intolerable” for me are those in the following concoctions:

- Mourning, Sir… : (
- Morning ! :)
- No, moUrning…

- As a poet I put all my SOLE in the poem…

But Russian can also be reproached :) The foreigners could be very puzzled with Russian “described”…

Remembering the Thomas Jefferson advice I’m moving to … a fairytale. It’s about the princess and misunderstanding. Taken from the smart book “Ostorozhno Hot Dog ! (Modern Active English) ” by M. Goldenkov:
http://www.download.su/photo/8 ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
10.01.2010 16:53
Hi everyone!
2 avia-beauty fan
Thanks again :-))
To open another meeting, which is a diversion from what seems very unpopular among our numerous readers and just a few writers, "On a plane...", I've found rather amusing youtube video:
To all THOSE who like to compare AE and BE.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...

However I do believe that one day we will come back to "a plane" thing...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
10.01.2010 17:01
A bit of exercise for the weekend :-))
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
10.01.2010 17:06
The Princess and the Frogman from a tale was a delight!!! ;-)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
12.01.2010 23:25
Hi everyone!
I am wondering...how to beat the winter blues???
Any ideas, funny and not quite...???
Старожил форума
12.01.2010 23:29
2 Mila
If you're feeling unhappy, it's important not to suffer in silence, they say.
- talk to your friends :-)))
- book a holiday and grasp some sun...
Авиадиспетчер форум
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 00:05
'book a holiday and grasp some sun...'

I wish it would be that easy...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 00:11
2 Streamliner
Sounds nice and easy the very first point, at least;-))
so keep on talking, then...
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 00:36
Hello, Mila,
Let me attack your blues today from an unexpected side.
A coulpe of days two your forums listed beside each other. Seems that people (well, may be I’m alone:) could admire seeing them together and possibly lingered to asynchronously update/separate them:) Why?

Mila Love AVIATION English
Mila Love Brush up your ENGLISH…

Look! Isn’t it harmony ? Was it your hidden concept ? Two forums as a cohesive whole because their names can be read in diagonal! Moreover, aviation English comes first - all in capitals :) Some time ago an author wanted to ruin the harmony ? :)

Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 01:50
2avia-beuaty fan
Well, I do not know why did it happen re: both forums and their names...purely coinsidence, I reckon..Well spotted, however:-)))
Honestly, never occured to me before.
May I ask you without being too nosy, do you have your own ways to cure the winter mood?
Or to put it in a different way, perhaps we say "winter" and mean slightly different seasons. We do not have proper winter over here, kind of sleet/snow/black/grey clouds and green grass all the way through...with some short periods of cold snaps/big freeze???
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 02:59
I see, Mila. Improper winters is talk of the town in Central Russia for many years also but Albion is clearly suffers most. Seeing sliding car in your video above is far from being just fun/joke. I think feel of improper winter” strongly depends on social “micro-climate” around particular person at home but generally assume that women perhaps more vulnerable in this sense. I have no personal receipts but can say that improper winter (as well as late autumn) is not more than just uncomfortable environment for me. Yes, it’s bothering but no feel of spiritual oppression due to weather. For those who is not of teen age time flies, seasons change quite quickly and I’m personally somehow able not to concentrate on environment. It’s outside. More important is what inside. And for me there is no direct dependence between “out” and “in”. Interesting book for example can totally carry me away from “outside”. By the way amusing definition: Reality is what outside the person and Virtuality is what inside :) I remember Thomas Jefferson’s words very well so finish the speech. Hope that your susceptibility to weather will not make (living in) Australia the ultimate of dreams :)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 11:25
Hi everyone!
Thanks avia-beauty fan!
You are a very good observer, though. I like the bit about reality and virtuality :-)))
Well, so far we have the following options:
- talk to your friends :-)))
- book a holiday and grasp some sun...

avia-beauty fan
- to be able NOT to concentrate on the environment = instead, switch on to something which is inside rather than outside
- get yourself an interesting book to be carried away
- move to Australia :-)))
Any more possibilities???
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 15:19
Hi there...
while waiting for some more ideas...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
I find the above as one of the most awesome lyrics ever written.
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 16:05
2Mila Love
I didnt like it at all= (
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 16:32
2 Стасон
It's OK!
It's probably too cute or moody...and you do have lots of friends, though? don't need another one :-)))
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 17:33
2 Mila
You've called as a different options to "book a holiday and grasp some sun" and to "move to Australia"? Isn't one is a particular case of another? Where is the logic hidden?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 17:40
The hidden bit is that "book a holiday" is a temporary getaway retreat, while "move to Australia" is a permanent move, with a view of settling down there...That's what I meant or is there a different opinion? :-)))
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 20:00
2 Mila
Now I see. You are quite right. One had better not mix up tourism and immigration.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 20:04
Yeh, you'd better not, mix up :-)))
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 20:14
When it comes to me, I'm neither one nor another :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 20:20
You are A PROFESSIONAL, you can easily travel to any destination you wish, when and if it comes :-))
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 21:43
you can easily travel to any destination you wish, when and if it comes :-))
So that not to say whenever and wherever you are sent ;)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 21:57
MSL, whichever comes first your way! :-))
However, not for boasting but info only...
Exactly in a month's time from today I will be boarding A380...for a long haul flight to Singapore with SAS. Have heard so much but never actually seen "the Big bird"!
Have you seen it?
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 22:14
I have. It's really big steamer.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 22:52
Can we call a plane this name - a steamer?
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 23:06
Well. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I meant it looks like a steamer. And surely has an appropriate crew :-). I guess you will understand me better when you see it. :-)
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 23:13
But from the other hand:
http://krisdedecker.typepad.co ...
Everything is relative you know...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 23:17
Nice picture, though!!
Can't agree more- almost everything is not very certain....
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 23:21
to go with the previous one...
a sort of another OLD NEW YEAR- rather unique and bizarre event for Russia only :-)))
Старожил форума
13.01.2010 23:56
Oh, those Russians! :-))))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
14.01.2010 00:48
Rather interesting observation from "book talk"...
As a southern Russian proverb has it: Papa turok, Mama grek, a ya russky chelovek.
Papa is a Turk, Mama is a Greek, but I'm a Russian!
"Who, then, are the Russians (in the ethnic sense of russkiye)? Given the history of assimilationism in Russia, and given the biological impossibility of defining Russians, I would like to suggest an answer that works in at least 99% of the cases: Russians are people who identify themselves as Russians"
(Daniel Rancour-Laferriere is Professor of Russian at the University of California, Davis)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
15.01.2010 09:53
Hi everyone!
A few more ideas to beat the winter blues:
Communing with nature, nurturing your pets and listening to music are all effective remedies to.....
Have a nice day!
Старожил форума
16.01.2010 00:24
A few more ideas to beat the winter blues:

Hi, Mila!
I'm afraid after New Year vacations our people suffer from disorder of another sort: http://www.forumavia.ru/forum/ ...
But your cure probably will work in this case too.
Старожил форума
16.01.2010 00:35
What stopped me to write "will probably work"?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
16.01.2010 13:16
MSL ;-)))
Старожил форума
16.01.2010 15:13
Why its so cold outside?^-^ I want summer!=) Msl where are u from? Im too lazy to read all 34 pages and find it out=/

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