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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Старожил форума
25.11.2009 19:06
Dear Mila.
Now I'm the student of PPL ground school in Riga. I studies theoretical courses self by Ocsford Course CD. I also use PROMPT Editior Light with aviation dictionary. But I cant translate next word: "misshapened". (Human Perfomances and Limitations). Could you help me?
Regards, Max405
P.S. При написании этого сообщения программа PROMPT не использовалась :-)))
Старожил форума
25.11.2009 19:27
In context "a misshapened eye ball". Sorry.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
25.11.2009 21:29
Hi everyone!
to Max 405
To start with it should be "misshapen eyeball" (singular) or "eyeballs" (plural).
I am afraid that I am not a specialist in oftholmology :- (( (...
However, I would try and translate it as " деформированное глазное яблоко"...Perhaps you could ask a specialist, I am sure that they know better what you are talking about.

A bit of grammar to follow:
I study
He/She studies
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
25.11.2009 22:53
You could probably be better to say "to CUT OFF" instead of
"..that cuts" ...which is stronger and definite and this is a very good phrasal verb to use.
"mental clutter" - brilliant expression = to have got a lot on smbd's plate...
Старожил форума
25.11.2009 23:20
2 Mila
Thanks for that.
I know the phrasal verb "CUT OFF" It's often used in check-lists and other operational documentation in meaning close to switch-off, turn-off, shut-down, close (valve for example) e.t.c. That's why it seemed to me too much technical and official and I "paraphrased" it. It's turned out I was wrong.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
25.11.2009 23:31
I wouldn't be so categorical...saying "I am wrong":-))) This is not quite right, it just sounds a bit Russian...The more ups, offs, outs you use with the verbs the more authentic and fluent your language would be...But there is of course a limit or balance..So all is well that ends well...!
Старожил форума
26.11.2009 00:29
anyway :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
26.11.2009 21:26
Hi everyone!
I might be too fussy, as to post a report with an update to follow on weather disaster. The Rain and severe floods hit the North of England, the area of the so-called Lake District.
http://www.google.com/hostedne ...
I am sure that you might have heard or even watched the news on the telly, anyway...
This is an update:
http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WO ...
Старожил форума
27.11.2009 19:21
Unbelievable weather for siberian like me.
And one more question: What is a Semantic difference between "tiredness" and "fatigue"?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
27.11.2009 19:51
Hi Max405!
The only difference is that "tiredness" is English word and "fatigue" is French :-)))They both mean the same.
Mentally tired/ mentally fatigued
Physically tired/ physically fatigued
There are quite a few French words which are now common in English, e.g. bizarre, chaise longue....
Старожил форума
27.11.2009 20:47
Thanks, Mila. Ocsford Aviation explain this so: "Fatigue is very deep tiredness. It is very dangerous for pilot flying etc."
Старожил форума
27.11.2009 20:55
And one more question :-):
What do you recommend about Aviation English language courses in UK? To receive the certificate Cat.4 ICAO...
Старожил форума
27.11.2009 21:23
2 MAX405
Let me correct you a little. To my opinion It's more appropriate to ask: "what do you recoommend..." in case the person you are applying to is a recognized authority in such recommendations :) and gives them every day (Переводится на русский: Что вы обычно рекомендуете?". If you don't sure he (she) is, I's better to say "would" instead of "do": What would you recommend (Что бы вы порекомендовали?).
There to: The phrase: "to receive the certificate Cat.4 ICAO..." sounds a bit ambiguous especially in terms of our national habits ;-) I WOULD say: "to get" or "to obtain" a certificate.
No offence, just a bit of advice. Good luck!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
27.11.2009 21:51
"Would you" and "to get a certificate"- spot on!!!
to BE sure....
So, I AM NOT sure - I AM sure
YOU ARE not sure - ARE you sure?

2 Max405!
I'll come back to you a bit later re: Aviation English schools/courses, is that ALL right?...or HALF left...whichever :-)))
Старожил форума
27.11.2009 22:46
So, I AM NOT sure - I AM sure
YOU ARE not sure - ARE you sure?

Ooops... Silly blunder! Nobody is perfect after all
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
28.11.2009 00:24
2 mAX405
Back to our sheep....
There are a few respectable schools and colleges in our town Bournemouth.Bournemouth has the the largest number of language schools outside London, and probably more language schools per capita, than anywhere else in the world.
BBSI- Bournemouth Business School International
M.L.S international college
Anglo-Continental School
These schools and colleges are accredited by British Council. It means they help you to obtain a student visa with all supporting documentation.
Also have a look at the link below:
http://www.hotfroguk.co.uk/Pro ...
Hope you could find some sort of info you are looking for.
Bad news for those who are coming to the UK on a student visa.The Points Based System was introduced in April and currently a new severe update is coming into force in 4 weeks'time due to immigration titghtening the borders....
Авиадиспетчер форум
Старожил форума
28.11.2009 23:43
Translate, please: "Чукча, однако".

Thanks, однако.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 10:45
Here you are
"Chukcha, oneCo" :-))))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 10:59
A Chukcha and a Russian geologist go hunting polar bears. They track one down at last. Spotting the bear, the Chukcha shouts "Run!" and starts running away. The Russian shrugs, raises his gun and shoots the bear. "Russian hunter bad hunter, INDEED", says the Chukcha, "Now you have to pull this bear ten miles to the yaranga yourself!"
however/indeed/oh- все эти слова -эквиваленты "однако" в зависимости от контекста...

By the way, many other nations have a particular one they make fun of (cf. Poles in American humor, Newfie jokes about Newfoundlanders in Canada, Ozzies -in Australia or jokes about Belgians in France).
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 11:15
An interesting photo of a plane in front of the son:
http://baszottbanda.blogspot.c ...
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 12:44
Dear Mila,
After OneCo I got myself from under the chair and cannot resist declaring that fact (hope the effect on АВИАДИСПЕТЧЕР was in a similar way).
So your Reader will sometimes convert into writer INDEED.
Concerning your noticing my nick the famous phrase of Faina Ranevskaya sprang to my mind. I would translate it as “Beauty is awful power”. By the way, the same relates to picture of a/c on sun bkgnd.

Let me take out also one wrong indefinite article from my initial statement :)

About cutting mental clutter I share the forum author assessment. It’s brilliant idea.

P.S. I have just nearly made a mistake in your nick “due to” microwave landing system.
Авиадиспетчер форум
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 12:55
Mila Love
Here you are
"Chukcha, oneCo" :-))))

No, I'm serious. I need to know the translation of 'однако' which could reproduce best the meaning and intonation of the word, say:

P: Good Morning, MOSCOW-Approach!
ATC: MAGADAN, однако...


Авиадиспетчер форум
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 13:13
I'm not sure that 'HOWEVER' is the right word for that.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 14:11

No, I'm serious. I need to know the translation of 'однако' which could reproduce best the meaning and intonation of the word, say:

P: Good Morning, MOSCOW-Approach!
ATC: MAGADAN, однако...

Magadan, by the way
Magadan, actually
Magadan, in fact
Magadan, that's what you mean
Magadan, really...

Hope this will work...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 14:17
2avia-beauty fan
Faina Ranevskaya should be here :-))) Shall we have a few of her quotes to be translated here? We'll definitely get more READers in this case.

MSL-microwave landing system- I heard from one of my ex-students, some time ago :-)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 14:28
More of "однако"
de facto
in reality
in truth
very- which could be used as follows
-Magadan, very much, actually
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 14:40
2 Mila:
Guess what MSL stands for in my case? :-)

MSL Mean Sea Level
MSL Moisture Sensitivity Level
MSL Mars Science Laboratory
MSL Missile
MSL Maximum Segment Lifetime
MSL Martha Stewart Living
MSL Maine State Library
MSL Medical Science Liaison
MSL Microgravity Science Laboratory
MSL Measles
MSL Mercy School of Law (University of Detroit)
MSL Major Soccer League
MSL Materials Science Laboratory
MSL Mirrored Server Link
MSL Meters above Sea Level
MSL Military Shipping Label
MSL Master Subsidy Lock
MSL Map Specification Library
MSL Mean Sleep Latency
MSL Maximum Segment Life (TCP networking)
MSL mIRC Scripting Language
MSL Mission Simulation
MSL Model Schema Language
MSL Multiple Security Levels
MSL Muscle Shoals / Florence / Sheffield, AL, USA - Muscle Shoals (Airport Code)
MSL Midsternal Line
MSL Main Steam Line
MSL Master of Studies in Law Degree
MSL Minimum Subsistence Level
MSL Master Station Log
MSL Micro-Strip Line
MSL Maximum Securing Load
MSL Marine Safety Laboratory (US Coast Guard)
MSL Missouri Synod Lutheran
MSL Mouvement Social Libanais (French)
MSL Maintenance Supply Liaison
MSL Minimum Staffing Level
MSL Master Support List
MSL Minimum Spending Level
MSL Mid Stage Loss (insertion loss between two stages of an optical amplifier)
MSL Management System Laboratory
MSL Multipoint Service Legs
MSL Maximum Stress Load
MSL Material Support List
MSL Master Software Library
MSL Multi Sensory Language
MSL Medical Staff Line (software from Healthline Systems)
MSL Maritime Security Line
MSL Minesweeper, Launch
MSL Minimum Sensitivity Level
MSL Microstereo Lithography
MSL Managed Service Leads
MSL Member of the Order of St. Lazarus
MSL Minimum Sustained Load
MSL Multistation Localization
MSL Medium Split Lockwasher
MSL Must Sell Listings
MSL Merrett Syndicates Ltd
MSL Mobile Software Laboratory (DoCoMo)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 14:46
I guess Mean Sea Level, as it refers to Aviation...
But what a job!!!!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 14:58
Personally, I like the one that sounds as follows:
MSL- Member of the Order of St. Lazarus :-))....a touch of mystery...

"It is one of the less-known and less-documented orders".
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 15:49
2 Mila
My pleasure :-) All job was to write "MSL acronyms" in the Google search line ;-)
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 16:03
And of course you was right guessing Mean sea level. By the way, Meters above Sea Level will do either :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 16:09
You WERE right, actually :-)))
Your guess WAS right.....whichever
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 16:26
a bit of GRAMMAR

I love chocolate. I ALSO love pizza.
"Also" is used in positive sentences to add an agreeing thought.
"Also" comes after "to be."
e.g.I am also Canadian.
With verbs other than "to be, " "also" comes before single verb forms.
e.g.I also sing.


Jane speaks French. Sam speaks French TOO.
"Too" is used in positive sentences to add an agreeing thought. It has the same meaning as "also, " but its placement within the sentence is different.
HOWEVER in Formal speech:
Mr. Jones wanted the contract. Ms. Jackson, TOO, thought it was necessary.


I don't love chocolate. I don't love pizza EITHER.
"Either" is used in negative sentences to add an agreeing thought.
**HOWEVER, confusing sentences:
The weather wasn't very appealing. I also wanted to stay home and finish my book. That's why I didn't go to the beach.
*Sometimes the first sentence is negative and the agreeing idea is positive.

He is lazy. He doesn't study either. That's why he doesn't do well in school.

*Sometimes the first sentence is positive and the agreeing idea is negative.
Авиадиспетчер форум
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 17:10
Mila Love | форум автора сообщения

Magadan, by the way
Magadan, actually
Magadan, in fact
Magadan, that's what you mean
Magadan, really...

Awesome! Thank you, Fairy.
Авиадиспетчер форум
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 17:14
And no place for 'however' in this case. Right?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.11.2009 17:18
That's right, not in that context.
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
30.11.2009 23:55
Dear Mila,
You said

Faina Ranevskaya should be here :-))) Shall we have a few of her quotes to be translated here? We'll definitely get more READers in this case.

I hope these few quotes will be recognized by everyone and everyone is invited to modify my translations to bring them to perfection. Everyone is also invited to continue with the other quotes.

First ones here are about beauty of course :)

I have never been beauty but I have always been fucking pretty

Looking at the hole in the skirt:
Nothing can withstand rush of beauty

Modern young people are unique. In the past I just couldn’t make out how to answer their questions and now I even can’t understand what they ask about.

I’m so old that is about to forget my memoirs

I’m obliged to the friends which pay honor to me by coming round and deeply acknowledged to those who deprive me that honor.

I have managed to have enough mind to live up silly life.

Orthographic mistakes in the letter like bug on the white blouse

I’m like an old palm tree in the train station. Nobody needs but all sympathize to throw out…

The eighth of March is my own disaster. With every postcard decorated in flowers and bows I tear off the flock of hairs with anger to failure to be born as male

I lived with many theaters but never got satisfaction.

Life is short walk prior to eternal dream

About own carrier:
Money’s eaten but disgrace stays on

To be shot in bad movie like to spit to eternity

About famous artwork:
This Lady can choose herself whom make an impression on
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
01.12.2009 20:56
to avia-beauty fan
Excellent job, by the way...
What a start!!

I think that there are a few changes that would be helpful.

1.I have never been beauty but I have always been fucking pretty.

I have never been A BEAUTY /beautiful but I have always been fucking pretty/ damn attractive.

2. Looking at the hole in the skirt:
Nothing can withstand rush of beauty

at the tear ...
Nothing can stand in the way of beauty

3.I’m obliged to the friends which pay honour to me by coming round and deeply acknowledged to those who deprive me that honour.

I am grateful/thankful to my friends.....that/who do me the honour of coming around ...
deprive OF

4. Orthographic mistakes in the letter like bug on the white blouse
Spelling mistakes in a letter ARE like bugS on the white blouse.

5. I’m like an old palm tree in the train station. Nobody needs but all sympathize to throw out…
Nobody needs IT but everyone is too sympathetic to throw it away/chuck it away..

6. The eighth of March is my own disaster. With every postcard decorated in flowers and bows I tear off the flock of hairs with anger to failure to be born as male
...is my PERSONAL/ own disaster.
With every card with flowers and bows in it I would angrily tear off a lock of hair as a sign of failure for not being born male

7. I lived with many theaters but never got satisfaction.

I have lived .....couldn't work this out???-need the original

8.Life is short walk prior to eternal dream

Life is A short walk towards eternity

9.Money’s eaten but disgrace stays on

Money's been eaten....sorry again... need the original

10. To be shot in bad movie like to spit to eternity

To be shot in a bad movie is the same as to spit into Eternity

11.This Lady can choose herself whom make an impression on.

This Lady can choose on her own who she wants to make an impression on..

Any comments are very welcome!!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
01.12.2009 22:17
to be continued
Мне всегда было непонятно — люди стыдятся бедности и не стыдятся богатства.
I have always been confused about why people are ashamed of their poverty and not of their own wealth.

Понятна мысль моя неглубокая?
Do you understand my little frivolous thought?
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
02.12.2009 01:39
Dear Mila,
Not only bugs are removed now. After your magic touch the “blouse” itself has turned SHINY white. Feast for my reading eyes, feast for my mind. Valuable lessons for me in each corrected case:
from my typically mistaken (as I understand now)
“herself” instead of “on her own”
to your graceful
“…towards eternity” instead of my “prior to eternal sleep” or
“damn attractive” instead my… little frivolous thought as you put it :)

To be honest I tried to coup with “shallow thought” of the Actress but failed to uncouple from “verbality” and gave up. Your version shines.

To avoid reverse effect on audience due to some “overloading with eternity” I’m coming back to being your reader for some time :)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
02.12.2009 09:50
Dear avia-beauty fan!
I am quite happy to have you in the Forum both as a WRITER and a READER ;-)))
Let us be honest, we are all LEARNERS and everyone is a student, no matter how good your English is. It's exactly the same as if you were a sportsman: to feel fit and good you need lots of training, which is, in our particular case, writing, translating, any possible way of practising. There is no need to feel embarassed or wrong. This is not a classroom or competition but communication in its own way. In the end of the day we need to relax and simply feel good!
Your level of English is superb! And this is damn true..
So please, do me a favour and keep this Forum up from time to time, so that our other silent readers could benefit from it too and probably will drop a line or two some time later :-))
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
03.12.2009 02:29
Dear Mila,
I’m… flushing and.. blushing… can just utter “Yes, sure”.
Старожил форума
03.12.2009 19:31
Some more aphorisms by other authors (translation is mine):
- No head plays a major role in a quest of adventures;
- An age depends not on passed years, but on the number of cruelly murdered illusions;
- If a bolt needs to be drived in carefully it should by screwed.
Старожил форума
03.12.2009 19:45
be screwed, of course.

And one more to add:
Leave in English style, don't wait to be sent in Russian one

But I'm afraid even in translation the phrases like that wouldn't be plain for the foreigners :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
03.12.2009 21:24
I like the last one ;-))
However, I would add a bit, if you don't mind?

Leave in an English (a French, when in England) way and don't wait too long to be sent away in a Russian one...

Старожил форума
03.12.2009 21:36
Hi Mila!
Edition approved :)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
04.12.2009 09:55
Something for your VOCABULARY:

7 Aches

You probably know the word "ache". It can be a verb or a
noun, and means "to hurt" or "a pain". You sometimes combine
the word "ache" with parts of the body. For example, if our
back hurts, we say that we have "backache" or "a backache".
You do *not* do this with all parts of the body. For example,
you cannot say that you have a "handache". There are really
only five parts of the body that you combine with "ache".
They are shown below, plus two other words that are used in a
slightly different way.








You cannot use this to mean a *physical* pain in the heart.
Instead, it means an emotional pain.

This means an ugly or miserable-looking person. (BrE)
Авиадиспетчер форум
Старожил форума
04.12.2009 22:26
Mila, BRAGGING RIGHTS - русский экивалент, please. Или синоним.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
04.12.2009 23:42
Are you talking about wrestling event?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
05.12.2009 12:02
Hi everyone!
If I were a boy....rather good lyrics :-))
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...

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