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Форум Mila Love

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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Старожил форума
19.05.2009 00:46
Ok, Mila, thanks a lot for your help. I'm out for now. See you later.

PS. I only amazed why so few people use the opportunity to practice their common English. Maybe everybody already perfect in it?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 00:47
Thanks MSL!! Need to go...
See ALL OF YOU tomorrow?!
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 08:49
just to breake the silence here, 'cause i'm appeared too early, so, this is kinda hello for everyone too :)
so, in addition to:

Clear, Thanks. By the way, never understood games like criket, baseball, golf, kerling and so on.
18/05/2009 [23:15:23]

i always was wondering what was the point in baseball game? may be here is some chance that anybody know the rules of that game and can explain it to us in short words? i've been watched that game on tv for an hour once, but that was above my mind to understand what those guyes did on the field. except all those "ball scratching" and other funny gestures of players.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 10:03
Hi everyone!
Re:baseball it would be better for sure if someone who likes this ever american popular game...I don't know and that's the reason don't get a clue;- (( (
Perhaps during the day I will have a chance to browse and come back with a sort of simple and decent explanation;-)))
Have a nice day whenever you are.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 19:26
I have realised that the reason why I didn't understand the game is still the biggest problem:-))))Have read the instructions and got more confused than before..
So I am giving up on that one..
Perhaps our american friends could help???
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 21:01
Do you like that adv?

Low-cost flying lessons, in France, with an English lady Flying Instructor!
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 22:24
Hi, Mila, and everyone!

2 Mila:
Could you explain please, why did you say: "Have a nice day whenever you are" rather than "wherever"?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 22:33
Hi everyone!
Have a nice day whenever you are...

Should be WHEREVER!!! Sorry, just a misprint...Was a bit in a rush in the morning and was sure that typed it right;-))Thanks!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 22:40
What do you think about low-cost flying experience with English speaking Instructor in France to leard French?...
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 22:46
Clear. I thought it's some trick like "knock to six" :-)
I'm not keen on baseball at all. But have you ever thought of taking a course of flying and getting PPL? Since you are interested in aviation I mean.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 22:56
But have you ever thought of taking a course of flying and getting PPL? Since you are interested in aviation I mean.
I thought about it and probably would go for it....There is one problem...Flying is great, but need to start learning from scratch Radiotelephony... Keep forgetting easily what I have learnt...
At least my driving is good;-)))that's a releif!
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 23:10
Can't understand what the problem is, since you've learnt common English. Standard phraseology of radio communication is pretty much easer. As far as I understand it's been intentionally simplified to make communication briefer. I know a lot of people who can use phraseology quite well, but virtually completely unable to "link two words" in common English.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 23:17
Yes, I was joking.. that was just an excuse...
I could do it easily...but I will fail any medical examination;- (( (
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 23:26
As you wish... Anyway there are a lot of ways to unwind that much more interesting than baseball. :-) Yachting for example.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 23:29
I don't play baseball..What makes you think that I do??
Have I posted again something tricky?:-)))
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 23:33
Wow! What for have you read instructions for it then? That made me think that you were going to ply the game :-)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 23:44
I was trying to help Dvornik:-))) He posted, that didn't understand it...So I replied that would browse....and didn't understand either;-)))
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 23:49
So, what kind of hobby do you prefer after all?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 23:54
Tennis, ballet, water colouring, just a few to mention...and, perhaps, driving in the countryside;-)))
What about your selection, then?
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 00:03
Skating, biking, windsurfing, banya :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 00:12
Excellent choice...and your English is very good, by the way! I wish all our pilots would be able to talk at least no worse than you do!!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 00:25
I am off!
Thanks MSL, nice to talk to.
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 00:28
Thank you. Simply you can take English as one more of my hobbies. Studying it of necessity I just found it amazing when meaningless flow of sounds turned out into a certain information.
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 00:28
oldnavy форум
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20.05.2009 07:54
I have begat the son!!!
!`m very very happy and ready to accept congratulations)))
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 08:04
Попытка №2. Сорьки, если этот пост продублируется.

to Дворник:
Baseball rules are actually very simple.

They say it is like the old Russian game - LAPTA.
Recently I was explaining baseball rules to my "daughter-in-law" (the wife of my step son), but only watching my son's games - on a real team of Little League - it helped her understand the rules.

Game goes between two teams on a field (or the diamond with bases: home plate, 1-st, 2-d and 3-rd and marked lines between them). 9 active players are in each team: 1 of them is a pitcher, who throws the ball (the speed goes from 70 to up 100 miles per hour) from a middle of the field; 1 is the catcher, who catches the ball; 7 others are on the field - inside the field on 1, 2,and 3 bases or near and outfielders.
They play 9 innings (with exeption for overtime when the score is tight= even) , each one has a "Top" (1-st part of an inning)- when a visiting team is at bat or a "Bottom" (2-d part), when a hosting team is at bat.

They are playing against 1 in a time player at bat (a batter), who has to hit the ball in strike zone - for every player it is individual and depends of player's height - from his knee level to his armpit height and with the width of home plate +4-6 inches, everything pithched beside this area is a "Ball". There are 4 umpires on the field, 1 of them is behind the catcher (and Home plate) and he calls "Balls" or "Strikes".

The basic contest is mostly between a pitcher for the fielding team and a batter. The pitcher can deliver only 3 "Balls" and after that it is like in Russian tale "is not forgiven". :-) On "Ball" 4 a batter will proceed to the 1-st base.
A batter, in his turn, has chances to stay "alive" just 2 strikes, on 3-rd he is out. He can stay "alive" if he even tippted a ball with his bat. That means there can be a lot of strikes but somehow the score of striles stay as 2.

If a batter hits the ball he can run towards the 1-st then 2-d or 3-d base and even Home base as long as the ball is not brought inside the "diamond". If he hits the ball out of the field it is Homerun. If bases were "loaded" before with other successful players with Homerun hit everybody from these bases comes "Home". The goal is to win by scoring more runs "Home" than the other team.

К сожалению, не помню здешнего названия аналога игры в вышибалы, но идея - вышибить игрока противника, либо при подаче мяча, либо при его передвижении от базы к базе.
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 09:17
2 oldnavy

Wow! That is REALLY cool! My sincere and deepest congratulations!
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 09:24

Skating, biking, windsurfing, banya :-)

widsurfing? sounds familiar to me... and can i know where you do windsurfing?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 09:30
CONGRATULATIONS!!! DADDY!! Hope all are doing well!! And one day you will be chatting to us together with your little son!!;

Старожил форума
20.05.2009 09:36
and can i know where you do windsurfing?
Not in the open Ocean you know :-) Mainly at one of the plains of Moscow river somewhere at the Northwest. Cant say I'm a devoted guru. But I'm able to do that and I like it.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 09:37
Impressive stuff! Thanks for bothering to explain the basics of the game to us
and very welcome to our "club";-))))
Hope to see you here oftener!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 09:42
Morning! Winsurfing is great!!D
You don't need to be the guru, and if you like what you do - then I wish you experience that in the Ocean one day!!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 10:00
Need some help, guys!
Does it make any sense to you??
If so, I would appreciate any possible answers!

Field: Aerospace / Aviation / Space

Thanks in advance for your help...
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 11:11
2 Mila
My hypothesis: Speech is about some equipment that is being towed by the craft. Maybe something like antenna or solar sell of the spaceship.
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 11:37

and can i know where you do windsurfing?
Not in the open Ocean you know :-) Mainly at one of the plains of Moscow river somewhere at the Northwest. Cant say I'm a devoted guru. But I'm able to do that and I like it.
Plesheevo lake et cetera? can you tip me where is your place where you do windsurfing mostly of times?
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 15:10
Just for fun
Q: Doctor, I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life. Is this true?
A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it... don't waste them on exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a nap.

Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?
A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does a cow eat? Hay and corn. And what are these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system. Beef is also a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetables). Need grain? Eat chicken. A pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable products.

Q: Should I reduce my alcohol intake?
A: No, not at all. Wine is made from fruit. Brandy is distilled wine, that means they take the water out of the fruity bit so you get even more of the goodness that way. Beer is also made out of grain. Bottoms up!

Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?
A: Well, if you have a body and you have fat, your ratio is one to one. If you have two bodies, your ratio is two to one, etc.

Q: What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular exercise program?
A: Can't think of a single one, sorry. My philosophy is: No Pain...Good!
Q: Aren't fried foods bad for you?
A: YOU'RE NOT LISTENING!!! ... Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. In fact, they're permeated in it. How could getting more vegetables be bad for you?

Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the middle?
A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger. You should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach.

Q: Is chocolate bad for me?
A: Are you crazy? HELLO!! Cocoa beans!! Another vegetable!! It's the best feel-good food around!

Q: Is swimming good for your figure?
A: If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me.

Q: Is getting in-shape important for my lifestyle?
A: Hey! 'Round' is a shape!

Well, I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions you may have had about food and diets.

And remember:
'Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming 'WOO HOO, What a Ride' AND.....

For those of you who watch what you eat, here's the final word on nutrition and health. It's a relief to
know the truth after all those conflicting nutritional studies.

1. The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

3. The Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

4. The Italians drink a lot of red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

5. The Germans drink a lot of beers and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

CONCLUSION: Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills you.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 19:11
"...Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills you".
That's a bit tricky, isn't it!! Nothing is worse than speaking American English, AND don't mention RUSSIAN AT ALL!
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 19:59
Ok, then one more malicious advice: If you want to fly safer, fly lower and slower!
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 20:30
Mila. You are good, You speak British English not American English.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 20:46
If you want to fly safer, fly lower and slower!

Let me assume...it should be THEN sort of a BROOM:-)))In that case, Baba- Yaga was the first female pilot in the History of Ruusian aviation!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 20:51

...British English not American English.
Dear BVB,
If you have had been long enough in this forum then you probably would have noticed that I was and is a very persistent FOLLOWER of British English!! We have had argued before a lot and finally you have just made it clear! Thank you soooo much!!!
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 20:55
one more piece of malicious advice - that would be more correct I suppose

Старожил форума
20.05.2009 21:04
Let me assume...it should be THEN sort of a BROOM:-)))In that case, Baba- Yaga was the first female pilot in the History of Ruusian aviation!
Perhaps. But she operated a mortar, broom was just a control device :-)
You may not believe, but point of a joke is that to fly lower and slower is direct and short way to get in an accident.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 21:06
That' much better!
a piece of ...advice
malicious = wicked
wicked is a very popular word in English
there are a few definitions of the word but basically it's used everywhere when you would like to point out that something is not that nice at all
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 21:09
point of a joke is that to fly lower and slower is direct and short way to get in an accident.
Oh, no, no we do not need any kind of trouble;-)) and also flying slower and lower is not FLYING AT ALL in the end of the day ...I would probably say "scratching the air"....
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 21:11
Mila . It was just a joke But, looks like I hurt you. If so I apologize many times. I did not mean to do it Nothing personal.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 21:47
You din't hurt me! It was my way of kidding...I should have put smilies, sorry...It's my wicked way of joking
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 22:19
Rather weird "lesson-walk".
I would like to tell you about my weird lesson this morning. I was asked to cover a RE (religious education)lesson with Year 8 (girls 12 years old).The morning was too gorgeous to stay inside so I decided to take them (28) outside. So we started talking and walking around the football pitch- there is one in our school grounds. In the end of the lesson we were all pretty much surprised as we had made 4000 meters!!! Could you believe that! Mind you we were NOT wearing trainers. When the bell was about to go we returned to the classroom and one of the girls said" It was weird!!!" So shall I take as a compliment! I think I should as we were all knackered but cheerful"...
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 22:36
2 Mila
Seems like talented sergeant is wasting in you. ;-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 23:15

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