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Форум Mila Love

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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Старожил форума
17.05.2009 13:38
2 Mila
He input the wrong TOW info instead of "3" he put "2"...The First Officer didn't check!!!Another First Officer (Relief) was TOO busy to double cheeck...It's just all went wrong...

Let me correct you a little. According to the article, the person who took the wrong weight was the f/o. Using it he manually calculated underestimated V-speeds ant take-off thrust settings. Then cpt corrected FMC data (that was initially right) by this wrong parameters.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 13:45
You are welcome to correct!!! I am not a pilot, only a passenger...But I think that sometimes it's too much dependence on FMC than pilot's brain and the pilots do not bother to think..quickly do this, quickly do that...
It's all good examples of Human error rather than the machine...
Please forgive me if I wrong and certainly do not write anything personal...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 13:50
if I AM wrong ...
or I could also say
Dont' get me wrong, please...:-))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 13:52
By the way, guys, I am trying to figure for how long FORUM.AVIA has been on???
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 13:57
2 Mila
No problem. Unlike you I wasn't there ;-) And I have no idea what really happened. All I speak about just follows from article that you linked above as I understand it.
oldnavy форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 14:00
I`m here during 2 years by this time, but i think forum has been working about 6 years.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 14:15
Honestly, I didn't realise that something was going on during first 30-40 seconds after take-off..The only little thing I started noticing that the plane is somehow "remaining" at the same level. not climbing but sort of circling...You could clearly see houses and people rather close...Shortly tha Cap announced that HE HAD FIRE WARNING !!People still didn't show any panic ..everybody including the stewards were calm and just waiting...of what would happen next...My son was naturally scared, his knees were shaking ...
When we landed in about 20 minutes everybody were relieved.. And later on we saw the huge black hole in the tale approximately 3 metres long/That was the first time I thought "Oh, Holly shit!""
We were very well comforted afterwards - one night in Ackland and then 1 night in the hotel in Singapore, which was nice...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 14:39
I think that the admin has removed "left" forum, very grateful ;-)))
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 15:38
2 Mila
Impressive experience. Althoug I haven't heard that tail strike itself ever led a serious accident, but I wish each incident if any would end not worse.

Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 16:20
Yes, sure, I wish it either..
Another point...What about lightning strike of the aircraft?
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 16:51
Have you ever seen birds sitting on electric powerline of high voltage? Why do yo think electricity doesn't hurt them?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 19:27
I know about te birds, the monkeys, the car;-) It happened 2 years ago, while approaching Malaga. The lightning struck the front starboard, nothing happened, only a bright flash and the plane (A -320) was shaking as a leaf. The desceneding and touchdown were both very rough, and we all could smell a bit of burning plastic. The Captain walked in the salon after the final stop and explained what had happened. It took 2 and a half hours before the aircraft was cleared for return flight.
I am not trying to sound a fool as in describing some events from my personal experience I simultaneously show the way grammar and vocabulary work in certaing contexts.
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 19:42
2 Mila
You must have flown really a lot! :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 19:53
That's well true. In average we fly 3-4 times a year ....1 long-haul a year at least;-)). The longest so far ( 23 hours in the air) was from London Heathrow to Auckland New Zealand with one stop at Singapore.I like planes and have been on nearly all Boeings, Airbuses, TU 134, 154, IL 62, 86, An 24, Yak 40.. can't tell which is my favourite one yet;-))). Unfortunately missed A-380 from Sungapore last year ;- (( (. My son has a collection of metal-cast planes ( about 30 models);-)))
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 20:06
Impressive stuff! Are you supposed to travel a lot by work, or you go on journey for pleasure?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 20:31
Well, it depends...mostly holidays and only sometimes it's my husband's work...
What i have noticed the more you travel the more you get used to it. It's not something unusual anymore. Get to the airport, check-in on-line (before you even live your home), no need to queue up, drop the baggage, pass all the controls and off you go...
What surprises me that whenever you go are more or less expect some sort of occasional routine problems (delays, tougher secutity checks). The only place I always expect trouble is Russia so far;-)))Never be sure what might expect you on your way to the airport, in the airport, before boarding the plane...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 20:36
before you even live your = before you even LEAVE your...
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 20:55
The only place I always expect trouble is Russia so far;-)))Never be sure what might expect you on your way to the airport, in the airport, before boarding the plane...

I don't think there is too much difference. The most actually distinctive feature you might face here is rudeness and disrespectful attention. And it's not a specific feature of aviation. In other aspects IMHO everything like everywhere. On international flights at least.
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 20:57
Including on-line tickets. :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 21:11
The most actually distinctive feature you might face here is rudeness and disrespectful attention.

This is what I call "ALWAYS";- (( (
I am afraid that this is rather Typical way of Russian passenger service..Moscow is, in particular, the place where I feel most uncomfortable...hotels, taxi drivers, stuff in the terminal ...In province people are a bit more sympathetic...
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 21:38
Hello Mila

and we all could smell a bit of burning plastic.

I'm sure the odor is not of plastic. If there were any kind of odor resembling
a plastic or insulation, they would immediately ground the plan and have a full
on investigation. After being in three lightening strikes I wouldn’t doubt it’s
your imagination getting the best of you.

Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 21:49
You could think whatever you like, but I trust the words of our Captain, and all those passengers of that flight...the smell of something burning, rather specific than perfume or fart, sorry ;-)))
And I/m sure that the return flight (it was a charter flight) which was delayed for 2, 5 hours might be the reason for concern or even replacement of the plane, can't confirm by the way...
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 22:00

Then I do not know.
But 2.5 hours not enough. Usually it take a couple of the days
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 22:12
That's tricky one;-))) I know for sure for the sake of passengers the airlines would do all they could to reassure and resolve any delays, at least Ryanair-it's a charter and rather popular airline here in Britain..They have rather high persentage of arrival and departure schedule records, as a rule on time...;-)))and their tickets are very cheap!!
Probably the incident wasn't that serious at all, as modern planes are equipped and protected well;-)))
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 22:28
2 Mila
I am afraid that this is rather Typical way of Russian passenger service..

I'm afraid it's not just a way of service. It's a way of thinking that we inherited after society of the won proletariat.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 22:48
Well, you might say so...There is rather big issue on Russian mentality...
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 23:21
Dear Mila

I understand that you are trying to help pilots to improve there English, but what brought you to this site? As far as I understand you do not work for any airline company, you have never been a pilot . Why AVIA.RU why not any other site?

Sorry, I am not a frequent visitor of this forum, may I be missing something?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
17.05.2009 23:45
If you look into my profile you would probably understand...If not I'll come back to you;-))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 00:14
To be honest, I have already recieved a shower of dirty and foul language comments in FORUMAVIA.RU, not in this my forum though, so that I am thinking it's probably my mistake to be here at all????
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 00:15
Занимаюсь переводами в области Aviation/Aerospace...
Sorry if I misunderstood something. Somewhere above you’ve told something about teaching at school or so. Do you combine these two kind of activity? No offence. Just trying to understand correctly.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 00:18
Yes, teaching is my Main job, while translation was and is my other interest;-)))
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 00:23
I have already recieved a shower of dirty and foul language comments in FORUMAVIA.RU,
We've already discussed a problem several posts above. Just some people have a problem and don't have the other way to solve it than make a shit eruption on the forum. Take it easy.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 00:27
Thanks MSL!
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 11:40
2 Mila

Well, it's so obvious that there are certain pitfalls and "dark horses".

Shal we do the following: as this is rather large issue to cover in one post, we can do it gradually by comparing here and there.
banks and banking system- a "dark horse" the world of Capital
unemployement and forced retirement- a pitfall, the world of Misery
People are individuals, even within the family, the world of Singles
To have something you need to work really hard..., the world of Hard Labour

Hi! Sorry I've left this message unattended.
There are two coexistent styles of life in modern Russia, you know.
First, in big cities like Moscow or SPb, is very similar to those things you've described. It seems to me as for the "office plankton" there is no difference at all. Maybe some of them manage to avoid hardworking somehow :-) Not to mention bureaucracy. It's blooming in a degree rate.
Second you can find "outside Moscow belt-route". In province I mean. It much worse than it was in USSR I suspect. In general everything (including opportunity to earn) stayed the same, but social protection of the people has dropped dramatically. In complete accordance with worst capitalistic features multiplied on irresponsibility of authorities.
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 14:53

Хотелось чтобы дошло до всех, кто будет читать
Я не знаю кто Вы есть, мужчина или женщина. I do not know and I do not care
Просто я хочу сказать Вам что есть люди, которым хочется делать другим добро, а есть люди которым приятно делать гадости и самое главное неважно кому и по какому поводу. Те человеки, еоторые наговорили Вам кучу гадостей они не имеют на мой взгляд никакого отношения к авиации они даже не при авиации. Могу попробовать предположить что кто то из них всё таки пытался когда то стать лётчиком, но видимо не хватило ума, или кто то всё таки им стал но опять же из за недостатка grey matter , которое небходимо для изучения английского дальше не пошёл . Изучать чужой язык это очень тяжелый труд. Вот из за зависти их и понесло.
Вы, Мила, делаете очень доброе дело. Наверняка Вы очень занятый человек, но всё же находите время оказать помощь тому, кто её просит.
Давно, когда я пришел в Шереметьево, я начал изучать язык у замечательного преподавателя Р.И. Доктор. В те времена к нашим услугам был один единственный учебник, составленной той же Р.И. Доктор. Весь курс обучения занимал чуть больше трёх месяцев. Это ничто. Мы летали и запоминали как другие экипажи ведут связь. У нас молодых, энергичных было тысяча вопросов по языку на которые не всегда удавалось получить ответ и если бы появился интернет да такой человек как Вы. Да! Это было бы здорово.
Не переживайте Мила, попробуйте быть выше этого
С уважением
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 15:10
hm... 2 BVB: can you explain what was that? i mean what was your last post about? to congratulate your ex-teacher named "doctor" for him so good as a teacher? or for Mila is doing nice job here? or what? don't take me wrong, i just hope you'll say something interresting but in english.
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 15:24


Mila Love | форум автора сообщения

To be honest, I have already recieved a shower of dirty and foul language comments in FORUMAVIA.RU, not in this my forum though, so that I am thinking it's probably my mistake to be here at all????
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 16:31

Попробуйте кликнуть мышкой по синей надписи "Форум Mila Love", перед которой стоит такая стрелка: |____> вверху страницы.

PS. It will be better if you speak English here, if it's not too hard.
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 16:40
It will be better if you speak English here, if it's not too hard.
It's not my will. I just retransmitted a wish of the hostess of the forum, that she posted somewhere above, while she is out :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 19:56
Hi guys!!BVB, MSL, Dvornik...
Nice to see you here...Do you really think that I am hiding behind my nick???;-)))
Thanks to all, really appreciated and I am certainly above and over the emotions;)))
If you engoy what's going on here then I will be doing excatly the same little job.
Life is not only "beer and skittles"- rather old but nice English saying.
I've just translated a joke from Russian...
There we go...
In the car park. There is only one space left...
An old lady is trying to park, squeezing her old but still shiny Rolls
Royce into the space. She is in no hurry, adjusting her steering, position, mirrors and
Suddenly a young man, driving a Ford Mondeo nips in and parks right in
front of her.
The old lady is understandably shocked.
-What did you do that for - you could see that that was my place???
-Because I am young, quick and I am in a hurry!"
The old lady, still trying to get over it, drives her car forward and
crashes into the Ford...
The young man is knocked for six, seeing his car has been almost written off...
- And why did you do that ????
"Well- says the lady, I am old and rich and have the all the time in
the world!
Enjoy it...
I am off....see you later...
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 21:14
The young man is knocked for six
Что это? На полшестого что-ли? :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 22:37
The young man is knocked for six

quite good one...a cricketer expression, meaning "complete shock"
There are rules in cricket, when a batsman hits the ball and the ball flyers over the field, so the team gets 6 runs points automatically -without making any runs...but fot the bowler (the opposite team)it's a shock..
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 23:15
Clear, Thanks. By the way, never understood games like criket, baseball, golf, kerling and so on.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 23:20
Me neither....unless one day I went to a cricket match...It was something I saw and liked immediately;-))) Play a little bit myself...The best thing is break time- or tea time....and another one when the players are out and ready to start, and suddenly it starts pouring with rain...The game is over! :-))))
Старожил форума
18.05.2009 23:35
I've played bowling several times. Can't say I liked it too much. Just had to go there for corporative party or for company of my friends. Paintball is much more cool. (am I correct in comparative?)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 00:05
probably COOLER or MUCH COOLER...
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 00:17
Have to confess that comparison and countable-uncountable nouns are my weaknesses. Need to revise.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 00:20
Never mind, it will come gradually
By the way
Have to cofess = Have to admit...
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 00:25
Have to cofess = Have to admit...
I always thougt that admit means some sort of agreement with an offer. But when I say "confess" I mean my own initiative in action. But... I admit I's a delusion. :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.05.2009 00:37
It doesn't really that matter
Just a few examples ...
We all have a hard time admitting that we're wrong, ...
A senior al-Qaeda suspect has said he wants to confess to killing thousands of people in the September 11 attacks

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