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Форум Mila Love

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Mila Love форум
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12.05.2009 22:38
Could it be "a mugger"???
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12.05.2009 22:46

"mugger", "robber" - это немного не то. Это ведь просто "воры, грабители", это не описывает субкультуру.

Например, в Нью-Йорке есть "gangsta boys", "harlem fighters", "moneyjammers" ("moneygrabbers") и т.п. Тоже своего рода субкультуры в миниатюре..
Старожил форума
12.05.2009 22:53
Я, с моим крайне негативным отношением к подобным молодежным субкультурам, назвал бы их всех SLM (Stupid lazy motherfuckers). ))
Mila Love форум
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12.05.2009 22:59
It's interesting you are saying....
I've found on the site....
"SOME commentators have speculated that the United Kingdom stands on the brink of a US-style gang culture"
At least one gang in Manchester - the Old Trafford Cripz
Why Mancheater you might wonder?
It's the city of great violence where the Blacks are mostly trouble makers ...
Mila Love форум
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12.05.2009 23:07
I am absolutely agree!!!
The point is that they exist and what is the best way to deal with them? What should one do to protect oneself?
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12.05.2009 23:09
Гопник - I would say "yob" or "yobbo"... they're also known as Chavs here... not the 100% equivalent to russian гопник, though...
Mila Love форум
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12.05.2009 23:14
That's right, KOT, I have mentionrd that word before...It's the whole generation of youngsters 15-19 with very low self-esteem and rather agressive behaviour...
Старожил форума
12.05.2009 23:19
Mila, the best way to deal with them is: KILL'EM ALL! ))) Seriously, U have no chance to beat them, especially if U're alone. usually, most of those f***ers are "working" in groups of a 5-10 men, and sometimes they're armed..
Mila Love форум
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12.05.2009 23:23
сrowd effect...
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12.05.2009 23:32
Simply don't walk alone in the unknown places (or in areas with bad reputation).. Of course, U may use your cunning if it's possible.
Mila Love форум
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12.05.2009 23:33
Bye to all...Had rather busy day...

See you 2morrow, I hope!
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12.05.2009 23:38
Tomorrow will be the last day of my idling :)

Mila Love форум
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13.05.2009 20:00
Hi everybody!!
Is Romeo still idling???
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13.05.2009 21:22
Romeo was busy preparing the documents :)

Good evening, Mila

Mila Love форум
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13.05.2009 21:35
Hi Romeo
I am not asking about the documents or the papers, I believe they are confidential...
But why is your "idling" coming to the end?
Старожил форума
13.05.2009 21:41
Following the old russian tradition, I leave all that I should do to the last day.. That's why I was so busy that had not yet even ate. I'm so hungry! :) I must find some food or I will die! ))
Mila Love форум
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13.05.2009 21:43
Rather strange ...nobody is correcting...
I am absolutely AGREE...
Was to say:
I am absolutely with you, agree...
I agree with you....
Mila Love форум
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13.05.2009 21:44
Proceed to food location, ,,
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13.05.2009 21:47
I go back to work after treatment, Mila.
Mila Love форум
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13.05.2009 21:47
I was so busy that I had not eaten anything yet...Starving....
Mila Love форум
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13.05.2009 21:50
Oh, dear. Hope the treatment has been good and now you are back on track! Wishing you well.
Старожил форума
13.05.2009 22:00
Mila, of course, TODAY I was so busy..:)


Big thanks for your wishes & pls don't worry about me - I'm okay))

I'll leave U for a short while
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13.05.2009 22:40
Well, now I'm full & satisfied! at last now I can relax:)

Старожил форума
13.05.2009 22:52
"Dream on
Though it's hard to tell
Though U're foolin yourself
Dream on
U can hide away
There is nothing to say
Dream on.."
Mila Love форум
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13.05.2009 23:05
Romeo seems very romantic- this is a very good sign!
Mila Love форум
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13.05.2009 23:10
I taught Year 8 students in the afternoon and there was a girl (11 years old) who thought that Polish people came from North Pole ;-))))
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13.05.2009 23:12
It's from Nazareth's song.."Dream on")) Just a background music.. I like old rock bands - their songs are wonderful!
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13.05.2009 23:15
Polish people - from the North Pole? that's wonderful)) emm.. it's very interesting for me - can your pupils find Perm city on the map? Or Novosibirsk, for example? &What they think about Russia? :)
Старожил форума
13.05.2009 23:24
My friend's 8yrs son once has told me that Russia "is a very far, cold and scary country & U may see the big bears on the Moscow's streets" ))) Those words have knocked me down)) I was shocked..)))
Mila Love форум
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13.05.2009 23:25
Well, I would say that the students are not that far advanced in other countries' history or geography...One from also Year 8 told me the other day, that I didn't look like a typical Russian. I was quite intrigued and asked them why would they think so..What do you reckon their answer was?
There are few reasons they would think that I am not Russian...
1. When I talk I have a very soft accent, not quite typical for average Russian person (no idea where this come from)
1. I do not wear a huge hat ;-)))sort of fur hat...
2. I do not wear lots of make-up...
3. I do work at school (as a matter of fact most Russian ladies do not work at all or do a sort of caring or nursing)...
Старожил форума
13.05.2009 23:27
Correction - "Moscow streets", of course, not "Moscow's", it's a mistake.
Mila Love форум
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13.05.2009 23:35
Yes, you are right, some of them think that Russia is a huge, undeveloped and scary country.
Sometimes they ask me if Russins have TV or drive cars...looks like some traces of Cold war or complete ignorance...plus arrogance...So, it's all Greek for them...I am not shocked as I understand rather well where all this crap come from. If there is something not quite their way of culture it might cause trouble, that's why stay away and label - dangerous, unknown, vast area...why bother.
However, there is quite decent number of people who know and are really interested in Russia and would like to visit. It's amazing sometimes to hear from them that know Chechov, Tolstoi, but certainly their LOVE is Russian classical music and BALLET!!
Старожил форума
13.05.2009 23:36
Amazing..what can I say? ))

( (most Russian ladies don't work at all or do a sort of caring or nursing)) - no comments!))

NN форум
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13.05.2009 23:37
Hi everybody.

Nice to see you again. I've been away for some days.
Now I'm happy to be back here. )))

May I join you? You aren't about to leave I hope, are you? )))
Старожил форума
13.05.2009 23:41
Hi NN!

of course, U're welcome :)

Oops.. They think that Russians live without TVs and cars? ))) that's wonderful, I've heard many amazing comments about Russians but never heard something like this..)))
Mila Love форум
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13.05.2009 23:45
Nice to see you!
Please do come and join us ;-)))
Although I might leave you soon....It's my second and last day of Russian Oral Examinations...Had to listen to English students talking Russian ;-))))
NN форум
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13.05.2009 23:46

As I can judge by your previous posts, you are lucky to work at some Amirican aircompany as a pilot. What type of aircraft do you fly?
NN форум
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13.05.2009 23:51
Hi Mila

Had to listen to English students talking Russian ;-))))

You know, I have always been eager to figure out what it may be when English speaking people hear us speak Russian. What does Russian speech sound like for English people hearing? ))))
Mila Love форум
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13.05.2009 23:53
Re: Russian ladies.
The problem is that sometimes it's quite challenging to start looking for a job here. Not all diplomas are recognised..and it might take some time to create your own network- start socialising with people..Some talk a sort of archaic language with rather hard accent and scared to death to start learning...So eventually they either give up to become housewives or can only work as care assistants in nursing homes for old people;- (( ( It's not much fun in there where no quilifications are required...No comment.
Старожил форума
13.05.2009 23:56

NN | форум автора сообщения

Hi Mila

Had to listen to English students talking Russian ;-))))

You know, I have always been eager to figure out what it may be when English speaking people hear us speak Russian. What does Russian speech sound like for English people hearing? ))))

13/05/2009 [23:51:50]
depends on your accent... people always ask me if I'm Canadian... or how long did I live in the US...
Старожил форума
14.05.2009 00:00
NN: 735, but I wish to change my type-rating soon.. There are at least 2 reasons to do it: all our Classics will be retired in the next year & heavies (767 or 777) were my old dream. I must try it..
NN форум
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14.05.2009 00:00
No, no ,no ...
I didn't mean that.
I told about the Russian language - what does it sound like when native English speakers hear that? )))
Mila Love форум
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14.05.2009 00:02
Russian language is Greek to them...as well as other Eastern European languages;-)))-just can't work them (languages) out!!!
Until recently foreign languages like French, German and Spanish were in decay. English people didn't want to learn any other languages. They were and still are pretty sure that English is world wide...that's why everybody who comes over here MUST speak English and in case when English people travel abroad they would be greeted in English anywhere in the world ;-))))
Старожил форума
14.05.2009 00:03

Hi NN!

of course, U're welcome :)

Oops.. They think that Russians live without TVs and cars? ))) that's wonderful, I've heard many amazing comments about Russians but never heard something like this..)))
13/05/2009 [23:41:20]
when I moved to the UK, my colleague was giving me a lift to the nearest supermarket, as I didn’t have car yet. When we were getting off the car, he looked at me and said: "mmm... is it still food shortage in Russia... or it’s just another myth?" and was like: "Yes, Peter... this is just another myth..."

...my colleague looked relieved :)
Mila Love форум
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14.05.2009 00:05
I have been a Cabadian, a Scottish, an Italian but never a Russian lady;-))))
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14.05.2009 00:05
NN | форум автора сообщения

No, no ,no ...
I didn't mean that.
I told about the Russian language - what does it sound like when native English speakers hear that? )))
14/05/2009 [00:00:22]
Like Tajiks somewhere at bazaar in Moscow, man...
NN форум
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14.05.2009 00:06

Great! I wish your dreams come true one day!
Did it cost much (I mean in USD) to get such a high position there in the US?
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14.05.2009 00:06
Mila Love | форум автора сообщения

I have been a Cabadian, a Scottish, an Italian but never a Russian lady;-))))
14/05/2009 [00:05:11]
did you see the Meerkats.com advert?
Mila Love форум
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14.05.2009 00:09
Cabadian =Canadian:-)))
Mila Love форум
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14.05.2009 00:12
Yes, KOT, ,,Sort of Indian accent or a mixture of :-)))....
You must have moved in here quite recently, as I reckon and do you live in London???

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