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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 11:49
точнее, непоколебимость власти
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 17:31
Close, but not close enough. Try again :)

Are we looking for the finest translation or meaning?

Измена никогда не приведёт к успеху, а в чём причина?
В том, что если приведёт, то это уже не будет называться изменой.

По смыслу же перекликается с "Историю пишет победитель"
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 17:36
Does anybody watch that show:
http://www.livejournal.ru/cine ...
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 17:43
That show reminds me the ads of Vergin Atlantic:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...

I miss my job! :-)
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 18:44
Стервоточинка, Inna - touche!
"Мятеж не может кончиться удачей - в противном случае его зовут иначе". John Harington в переводе Маршака.
Смысл понятен. Успешный мятеж - это что угодно, только не мятеж. А, скажем, Великая Октябрьская Социалистическая Революция. Или Великая Французская. Или американская, ливийская, розовая или оранжевая. И да - очень перекликается с выражением "историю пишут победители".
Сказано четыреста лет назад и актуально до нашего времени. Вот это я и называю настоящей классикой.
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 19:11

I was not smart enough to google it!:-)
On other side I did it by myself!

Старожил форума
03.10.2011 19:34
And you did a great job.
But, on the other hand, all translators (including you and Marshak :) missed the verb "dare" which adds another flavor to the proverb ("никто не осмелится назвать это мятежом").
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 19:44
I've made some research, guys. in fact, Harington borrowed it from Seneca

"Prosperum ac felix scelus/ Virtus vocatur" ("Successful and fortunate crime/ is called virtue"), Seneca, Herc. Furens, ii. 250
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 19:48
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 19:53
Thank you, Стервоточинка.
what is more, Seneca was accused of a treason himself. He was forced to commit suicide
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 19:54
"Prosperum ac felix scelus/ Virtus vocatur" ("Successful and fortunate crime/ is called virtue"), Seneca, Herc. Furens, ii. 250
Oh my... This motto perfectly describes all business in Russia :))
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 19:57
and men's infidelity :)))))
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 20:02
Guys, does not it sound crazy? A group of people on Russian aviation forum are discussing Seneca in English? Where is this world going? :))
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 20:03
and businessmen"s infidelity)))))
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 20:06
the world goes nowhere, it keeps going round:)
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 20:14
Inna, how about women's infidelity :)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 20:17
and swirling, twisting, twinkling..etc. All about rotation in a way.
Was talking with my colleague today on a trip and she entioned a very good expression, in y opinion. "There is nothing worse than come to another country with a wrong gear!"
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 20:18
Mentioned...My opinion....sorry, the letter "M" is missing..(((
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 20:22

Inna, how about women's infidelity :)))
03/10/2011 [20:14:25]===

Never heard of it! ;)
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 20:28
"There is nothing worse than come to another country with a wrong gear!"
So true.. Suit vest, life vest and bullet proof vest are all very useful in certain circumstances, but you need to chose the right one for each given country :)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 20:32
That's it, Snafu or Bond, James Bomd? ;-)
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 23:11
2 Mila
He's apparently laid on the bottom :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 23:22
for hiding or resting purposes?
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 23:35
He knows better :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 23:42
He knows better who knows just a bit or nothing, as there is nothig to remember or forget ( a joke)....
As far as translation or interpretation of idioms concerned I strongly believe that there is no need to do so in an English speaking club. As everything should be pretty much clear as it pops out.
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
04.10.2011 18:02
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
05.10.2011 17:43
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
06.10.2011 10:03
Just two words
To fly. To serve.
For some reason, sorry guys, but I feel proud for these ones...
http://www.youtube.com/user/Fl ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.10.2011 10:45
The 7th of October is a World Smile Day. Thanks to Harvey Ball. It's him who designed an image of a smiley, a happy face, in 1999.
http://www.sciencebuzz.org/sit ...
Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile..
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
08.10.2011 11:56
Melanie and I are inviting you to the capital ;-)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
08.10.2011 12:48
Dear Mila, Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
Wishing you happiness, love and miles of smiles!:)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
08.10.2011 14:05
Thank you sooooooo much!
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
08.10.2011 16:10
Verrrry happy birthday, Mila Love!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
08.10.2011 16:28
http://www.mixhungama.com/wp/w ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
15.10.2011 15:51
just another interpretation of an old joke....

A man on his Harley was riding along a California beach when suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, God said, “Because you have tried to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish.”

The biker pulled over and said, “Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can ride over anytime I want.”

God replied, “Your request is materialistic; think of the enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking; the supports required reaching the bottom of the Pacific and the concrete and steel it would take! I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of something that could possibly help mankind.”

The biker thought about it for a long time. Finally, he said, “God, I wish that I and all men could understand women; I want to know how she feels inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says nothing's wrong, why she snaps and complains when I try to help, and how I can make a woman truly happy.”

God replied: “You want two lanes or four on that bridge?”
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
18.10.2011 14:53
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
18.10.2011 16:28
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
18.10.2011 19:09
Стервоточинка | забанить | форум автора сообщения

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
As far as I can see and hear this clip is especially for me?;-)
crosswind форум
Старожил форума
18.10.2011 20:15
Hello everybody! =) Thank you all for interesting topic. Ive got one question, which disturbs me much. Hope, you will be able to help me. But firstly let me introduce myself =) I am a student in one of the Russian flight schools and I am in my final year now. So I gonna try to pass icao level 4 in 3-4 monthes. But I have a bit concern with listening, what is the most complex issue (to my opinion, of course) in this exam (parts 4 and 5 of examination). So could you recommend me a place in Internet (except liveatc.net, I am there every day and almost every night =), where I can find some audio tracks to reinforce my skills in listening, especialy what is linked with non-routine or something like that. I would appreciate you very much! With best wishes!
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
18.10.2011 20:28
Mila Love
As far as I can see and hear this clip is especially for me?;-)

Why do you think so?
I thought it was verrry Russian accent in the clip almost like a parody.
Старожил форума
18.10.2011 20:37
2 crosswind

Just a little piece of advise. Type: National geographic Air crash investigations in the Youtube's search line.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
18.10.2011 21:11
Стервоточинка | забанить | форум автора сообщения

Why do you think so?
I thought it was verrry Russian accent in the clip almost like a parody.
No, I mean the ballet bit..))))
Старожил форума
19.10.2011 17:59
Today's conversation in the office:
HR manager: OK, our last out-of-office activity, the baseball, had a HUGE success. Everybody enjoyed the game. So what's the next? We have two options, bowling and paintball - your choice, guys.
Me: Paintball, of course. Even if we can't use real guns and ammo, everyone will get a chance to fulfill his longtime dream - shoot his manager.
HR manager: Yor Russian jokes are always too brutal, but I like the idea...
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
19.10.2011 18:07
Box is "bettaH" - it can be physically REAL. :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.10.2011 19:28
10 years ago the USA had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash.

Now they have no Jobs, no Hope and no Cash.((( (c)

Snafu no boxing or shooting, please..play Hide and seek instead...))
Старожил форума
19.10.2011 19:58
Now they have no Jobs, no Hope and no Cash.((( (c)
Yup... Linux - no Windows, no Gates :))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.10.2011 20:06
AB FAB! )))))
crosswind форум
Старожил форума
20.10.2011 19:42
Mila Love

Thank you very much!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.10.2011 19:52
to crosswind
You are more than welcome!
Thanks to MSL and Trabalhador!!
Hope to see you again.

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