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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
28.09.2011 23:48
and She can wait....too...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.09.2011 00:12
Thank you Snafu for this cheaky chat...Everything was said for the purpose of brushing up the language.
Have to go.
Старожил форума
29.09.2011 00:29
You always welcome Mila. All of us here to brush up our English, are't we :)
Have to go in 30..40 minutes as well. It's nice to sit in a large sunny office and press buttons, but I have a lot of things to do at home. Scratch horses, feed pigs, milk cows, repair my mid-50th Dodge and other funny stuff :)
Talk to you later. Take care.
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
29.09.2011 03:15
Just started to watch that TV show:
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt18 ...
Can not stop smiling.
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
29.09.2011 10:27
Snafu is really starting to get on my nerves - he's made no mistakes so far(((((((
Старожил форума
29.09.2011 15:28
And it's pretty bad sign. Nobody speaks perfect English, even native speakers. I need to add some mistakes to my language, isn't I? :))
Welcome back Inna. Are you back from your vacation? How is the weather in Honolulu? :)
Старожил форума
29.09.2011 16:01
>I need to add some mistakes to my language, isn't I
U did it. 'a pretty bad sign' would B better :)
Старожил форума
29.09.2011 18:53
Sorry, guys, I'm getting out once again. It's too boring to fight with this filter. (with Terminator's voice) I will be back!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.09.2011 18:58
To be fluent in a language is a very good sign. To spot a misprint is even better, but also mean one as well...(((
Старожил форума
29.09.2011 18:58
Короче, этот антимат-фильтр, маму его в три креста по самые помидоры, задрал меня окончательно. Если на русском еще можно понять, какое слово ему не нравится, то как он обрабатывает английский текст - тайна сия велика есть. То ли ищет русский мат в транслите, то ли английский, то ли вообще непонятно что.
Так что если вдруг пропаду - не удивляйтесь. Значит сделал перерыв на пиво и чипсы, устав бороться с ветряными мельницами :)
Старожил форума
29.09.2011 19:02
2 Inna12
You must be a personality of a rare soul. Just imagine to sit aside counting mistakes of other people. No doubt professional deformation of personality :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.09.2011 19:02
Don't worry [Snafu], be happy(c)...Remember this one?
Старожил форума
29.09.2011 19:07
Yup... And the best Russian translation of this statement I ever seen - "Не парься, будь счастлив" :))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.09.2011 19:26
Inna is a personality with rare charisma! ;-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.09.2011 19:27
Старожил форума
29.09.2011 19:39
Well, I love to translate quotes, proverbs and all such stuff. The one I'm working on now is the following:
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." (George S Patton)
All translations I ever seen are too smooth and polite. I like to translate it as close to the original as possible. Any ideas?
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 01:54
Ни один ... никогда не выигрывал войну, сам умерев за свою страну. Уб...ки побеждали в войнах заставляя других бедных тупых уб...ков умирать за свою страну.
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 02:40
Yup... And the best Russian translation of this statement I ever seen - "Не парься, будь счастлив" :))

I love "парься" and I am happy.))))))
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 02:43
Ни один вы родок ещё не выиграл войну умерев за свою страну, зато они достигают победы посылая других ту п ых уб люд ков умирать за свою страну.
Где-то так.
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 05:28
Ну, где-то близко. Классический перевод звучит так:
"От вас не требуется отдать жизнь за Родину. Вы должны заставить ваших врагов отдать жизнь за их Родину".
Но это очень приглаженный вариант, где убраны вся нарочитая грубость и цинизм. Я бы перевел так:
"Бараны, умирающие за Родину, войн не выигрывают. Их выигрывают те, кто заставляет других баранов умереть за их Родину".
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 05:36
I love "парься" and I am happy.))))))
Are you talking about Russian Bath or sauna? I love it too. Hot (really hot) sauna (AKA "parilka"), then cold (really cold) pool, then cold beer, then repeat the whole thing again and again - what else you need to be happy? :))
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 06:10
Both. :-)
Sauna - at least 100C. Then cool pool, hot jacuzzi, again sauna or steam bath(not Russian though) and so on. Beer only to pour over the heated stones and clean the wooden shelves for the nice sweet smell.
And birch twigs. Then hot herbal tea with honey.
And I need a lot of sun and love to be more happy. :-)
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 09:54
Короче, этот ???-фильтр, маму его в три креста по самые помидоры, задрал меня окончательно.
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 10:07
Snafu, the word filter drives me bananas, too:)))) it didn't let me type "террифик", a rude, crude, socially unacceptable word))))))))
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 11:11
No filter could stop a true brush-upper to find a couple of kind words for a good person. :-)
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 14:51
Chapman for President!
http://www.businessweek.com/ma ...
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 17:20
"Drive me bananas"? Nice idiom, never heard it before. Adding to my dictionary :)
"Rude, crude and socially unacceptable" sounds like an idiom too. I saw it in a couple of books in this exact order.
Inna, you are the bright person, you just hide your charm, skills and creativity from everyone. What secret service are you working for? :))
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 18:44
Oh, Snafu, flattery will get you nowhere:)

It looks like you're a bit envious, aren't you...
Here's the deal: you teach me your sarcastic humor and easy-going attitude and I'll let you use some of my idioms, my naughty friend :)
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 19:32
Sure, I'm envious, and not just a little bit. And also rude, crude and socially unacceptable :)
(Really, where did this idiom came from? I found it in one of Robert Heinlein books, my favorite one, and was sure that it's his baby - but then found it in a couple of other places).
OK, that's the deal. And you already lost it - because there are no special tricks, hints or standard operating procedures. Just be yourself, do not play any role and do not care much about your reputation - that's it :)
Here is my favorite collection of Heinlein's quotes. Cynical and phylosophycal (which is actually the same thing). Closely matches my personality:
http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/R ...
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 19:49
I never pretend to be someone else and I don't care about my reputation,either.
This one instantly caught my attention, how true!

"Take sex away from people. Make it forbidden, evil. Limit it to ritualistic breeding. Force it to back up into suppressed sadism. Then hand the people a scapegoat to hate. Let them kill a scapegoat occasionally for cathartic release. The mechanism is ages old. Tyrants used it centuries before the word "psychology" was ever invented. It works, too."
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 19:58
"Take sides! Always take sides! You will sometimes be wrong — but the man who refuses to take sides must always be wrong."

well and I'm a bit confused now. Personally I never take sides. well, I'm not "above it all", but definitely try my best not to get involved in any argument, be it a family issue or a conflict at work
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 20:11
I love this one:
"Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors — and miss"
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 20:18

“But the job needs you.”
“The need is not mutual.”

I'll declare it on Monday
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 22:21
That's well true, the need is not mutual...)))
I used to say to my mother-in-law soem time ago, that I am not looking for a job but it's the job that is looking for me.
Старожил форума
30.09.2011 23:38
So true... Job is not a wolf - how to say it in English? Probably this way:
"Early rising may not be a vice ... but it is certainly no virtue. The old saw about the early bird just goes to show that the worm should have stayed in bed"
... or this way:
"Progress doesn't come from early risers — progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things"
... but on the other hand:
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects"
Старожил форума
01.10.2011 10:31
BTW Aviation is not a job for you to choose. This is a job that chooses you.
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
02.10.2011 00:54
It is in your blood. Or not.
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
02.10.2011 10:40
c'mon, guys))))) don't blow things out of proportion:)
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
02.10.2011 17:02
A man pulled up next to a little girl walking home from school and said "If you get in, I'll give you a lollypop." The girl kept walking.

Following along slowly, the man said "Come on and get in the car with me and I'll give you two lolly pops." She kept her eyes on the sidewalk and continued on her way.

The man said "Get in with me and I'll give you this whole bag of lollypops!" Finally, the girl turned and said "Look daddy, YOU bought the Ford, YOU ride in it!
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
02.10.2011 19:12
a man luring a little girl into his car.....a lollypop.......Am I a pervert???!!!!
Старожил форума
02.10.2011 19:21
I know another final of this story, but it would be too rude, crude and socially unacceptable to post it here :)
Well, let's continue playing idioms. This one should be easy:
"Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason?
Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason."
Any suggestions? :)
Старожил форума
02.10.2011 19:43
So you want to be an airline pilot?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
A perfect test for Level IV proficiency :)

Старожил форума
02.10.2011 22:33
I'm amazed. The most of what has been said by the links above is well true for Russia. :-)
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
02.10.2011 22:41
Any suggestions? :)
Победителей не судят?
Старожил форума
02.10.2011 22:46
I liked this one as well:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
02.10.2011 22:46
"Well, let's continue playing idioms."

Can not find his own "rear end" (aka a-ss) with his hands.
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 06:18
We've watched WETA chanel with a documentary about history of Prohobition in the USA that actualy started long before 1920 - in 1840-th. Quite interesting part of history.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 07:36
Победителей не судят?
Close, but not close enough. Try again :)
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 11:44
I love google)))))))))

Мятеж не может кончиться удачей, В противном случае его зовут иначе. Перевод С.Я. Маршака эпиграммы английского поэта Джона Хариггтона XVII век.
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
03.10.2011 11:47
что то типа "интересы власти превыше всего"

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