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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 20:41
Communication lost!
How do you read me?
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 20:54
Little Bandit, your mike is stuck! (don't get me wrong)
Пилот Ту-22
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 20:58
Mila Love | форум автора сообщения

Communication lost!
How do you read me?
Бьютифул read you
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 20:58
Inna, you are in charge! Please excuse me for my dinner time off....
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 22:00
Mila Love
Welcome to our world, Pilot-22! Is your little friend with you?

If you do not know the background of the question it sounds verrry funny)))))))))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 22:25
Well, I think I know the background, rather naughty one;-)
But in this particular phrase I was talking about other opponent from another thread. Inna mentioned his callsign above. There were two blokes who wanted to come here "to meet" the girls, i.e. us, and one of them just got lost...))))
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 22:42
Mila Love
Well, I think I know the background, rather naughty one;-)
But in this particular phrase I was talking about other opponent from another thread. Inna mentioned his callsign above. There were two blokes who wanted to come here "to meet" the girls, i.e. us, and one of them just got lost...))))

I've read the other thread.

And I've misread Pilot Tu-22's "lost in transition" as "lost in translation")))))))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 22:47
All is well that ends? well ;-)
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 22:51
Стервоточинка | форум автора сообщения

Mila Love
Welcome to our world, Pilot-22! Is your little friend with you?

If you do not know the background of the question it sounds verrry funny)))))))))
02/07/2011 [22:00:37]
didn't notice it at first, very funny indeed:)))))))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 22:55
Hey, girls! Do you really think I could say that to Pilot 22? No really, pull yourself together and just stop it, please.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
02.07.2011 23:00
You both know too much, indeed ;-)))))
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 05:42
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 06:27
Mila Love,
Could it be possible:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/fem ...
Пилот Ту-22
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 08:11

Stervotochinka, you just envious of our happiness...
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 08:52
Hello to everybody who admire the beautiful Sunday morning! I see lazy conversations here, appropriate for the moment)
Пилот Ту-22
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 09:00

Hello to everybody who admire the beautiful Sunday morning! I see lazy conversations here, appropriate for the moment)

Hello, only in the Soviet Union could be a good morning...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 10:28
Morning everyone!
Lovely morning and a lovely tune...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 11:24
Why only in SU, Blinder Pilot? Is it a mistake nowdays to say "Good morning"?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 11:31
To say "Good morning" is OK. If you want to sound less formal, you just say "Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night" or "Hi" to friends and colleagues...
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 11:50
Good morning!
Obligatory for getting to know before going abroad :-)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Пилот Ту-22
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 12:05

Why only in SU, Blinder Pilot? Is it a mistake nowdays to say "Good morning"?
You are well versed in aviation... Well this is where all good...
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 12:27
Thnx, Mila Love! I suppose that communicating here I can say "thnx" instead of "thank You", can't I? )))
Meanwhile, an "aviaenglish" question had (or "has" - as I would use the Pr. Perfect here) arosed in my mind. It disturbes me since I've commenced learning flight procedures, FCOMs, AOMs, etc... The problem is in correct pronounciation of abbreviations, the great value of wich is used in aviation.
For example: wich pronounciation is the correct for the "TODA" abb("Take-Off Distance Available),
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 12:48
the [toda] or the [ti-ou-di-ei] ?
Evidently, that in radio-chatter it ought to say [Tango-Olga-Delta-Alpha]. But there are many people engaged in aviation but not familiar to the special alphabet. How ought it to pronounce correctly such abbs by these people? On the land, to be said, not in the air)
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 14:43
In aviation context "Olga" should be pronounced as "Oscar" :-)
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 15:22
Undoubtedly, Oscar) I've forgotten namelly this letter and wrote a name) As for me, "Olga" sounds better than "Oscar")))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 16:14
Hello again
Thanks MSL. It's great pleasure to have you here!
There are a couple of useful links, if anybody is interested..
http://www.helistart.com/radio ...
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 16:49
Useful links, thanks. But there are just aspects of airborne conversations in them. With legally determimed using of Radiotelefony Alphabet. And I'm interesting in common language rules of pronouncing of abbreviations) Sorry for disturb)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 17:32
As a rule each letter of acronym should be pronounced seperately:
ex.VOR as "vi" "ou" "ar"...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 17:34
have a look here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
and there are plenty of other useful bits there as well!
have fun!
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 19:05
Hi Mila,
Communicating with ATC I would use the plain language for terms that are not widely spread in radiotelephony (unlike ILS, VOR etc). For example: unable to depart from RW## due insufficient take-off distance. Or unable RW## due weight (since it's all about weight after all).
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 19:09
That's right as you are talking about abbreviations. There are also acronyms, and that is rather a confusing thing..)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 19:13
An acronym is a word that is formed from the first initials from other words. This means, you can read an acronym as word. You can read an abbreviation only letter by letter.

For example, NASA is an acronym because you can read as one word. FBI is an abbreviation because you have to spell the letters separately.
I hope that this will help a bit...))))
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 20:56
Wow) Acronyms vs abbreviations! One more hole of my self-education has appeared) I thought that acronym is the same thing as synonym... Shame on me(
As far as I know there are no acronyms in Russian. Althow, maybe I'm poor in my native language...
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 21:40
As far as I know there are no acronyms in Russian.
You are little bit under delusion. For example: вуз, ГАИ, АЭС etc

BTW about Olga vs Oscar matters. Once at time I was confused to spell letter "Q" from registration number VQ-### being requested by the Russian controller to spell registration in Russian manner (he refused to understand "Victor Quebec ..." since we were flying in Russian airspace as he said). Rather stupid armtwisting I suppose...
Старожил форума
03.07.2011 23:22
Everything becomes clear to me) "CCCP" [эс-эс-эс-эр] = abbreviation, "ГЭС" [гэс] = acronym in Russian. "ICAO" [i-kao] , "TODA" [to-da] = are acronyms, as well as "VHF" [vi-eits-ef] is the abbreviation.
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
04.07.2011 01:04
http://www.youtube.com/watch_p ...
Watching it I think of aviation... somehow. Man-made pterodactyls(almost)?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
05.07.2011 19:50
An extraordinary man and a kinetic sculptor!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
06.07.2011 10:04
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.07.2011 23:12

Dear American Taxpayer,

For only the second time in my adult life, I am not ashamed of my country.
I want to thank the hard working American people for paying $242 thousand dollars
for my vacation in Spain.
My daughter Sasha, several long-time family friends,
my personal staff and various guests had a wonderful time!

Honestly, you just haven't lived until you have stayed in a
$2,500.00 per night private 3-story villa at a 5-Star luxury hotel.

Thank you also for the use of Air Force Two and the 70 Secret Service personnel
who tagged along to be sure we were safe and cared for at all times.

By the way, if you happen to be visiting the Costa del Sol, I highly recommend the Buenaventura Plaza restaurant in Marbella; great lobster with rice and oysters!
I'm ashamed to admit the lobsters we ate in Martha's Vineyard were not quite as tasty, but what can you do if you're not in Europe, you have to just grin and bear it?

Air Force Two (which costs $11,351 per hour to operate according to Government Accounting Office reports) only used 47,500 gallons of jet fuel for this trip and carbon emissions were a mere 1,031 tons of CO2. These are only rough estimates, but theyare close.
That's quite a carbon footprint as my good friend Al Gore would say, so we must ask the American citizens to drive smaller, more fuel efficient cars and drive less too,
so we can lessen our combined carbon footprint.

I know times are hard and millions of you are struggling to put food on the table and
trying to make ends meet. So I do appreciate your sacrifices and do hope you find work soon.
I was really exhausted after Barack took our family on a luxury vacation in Maine a few
weeks ago. I just had to get away for a few days.

Michelle (Moochelle)Obama

P.S. Thank you as well for the $2 BILLION dollar trip to India from which we just returned!

P.SS. Thank you,too, for that vacation trip to Martha's Vineyard; it was fabulous.
And thanks for that second smaller jet that took our dog Bo to Martha's Vineyard so we and the children could have him with us while we were away from the White House for eleven days. After all, we couldn't take him on Air Force One because he might pee on
some wires or something.

P.SSS. Oh, I almost forgot to say thanks also for our two-week trip to Hawaii at Christmas. That 7,000 square foot house was great!

Love ya!

Remember we all have to share the pain of these economic times equally!
Love to -redistribute- share- the wealth.
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
08.07.2011 21:48
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
08.07.2011 21:55
So keep BMI low and you will be OK!))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
10.07.2011 22:57
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
10.07.2011 23:11
Rude people
I've noticed that more and more people are becoming rude these days.By rude I mean those who blatantly make you feel uncomfortable with verbal insults, sarcastic remarks, "jokes" etc. What's the best way to respond to these types of people without going down to their level?

All opinions are welcome.
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
11.07.2011 20:56
Mila Love:
Totally ignor them! It's the most painful respond to them.(c)

Just for fun:
http://www.theonion.com/video/ ...
http://www.theonion.com/articl ...

A lot of debates about using cursive writing going lately in the USA:
http://www.indystar.com/articl ...

Do other countries have the same problem?
Старожил форума
12.07.2011 16:13
хм... Не отправляются сообщения на языке Шекспира и Байрона...
It is impossible to post on the language of Shakespear and Byron...
Старожил форума
12.07.2011 19:26
the language of Shakespear and Byron was not designed for forum chatting...)))
What's here? the portrait of a blinking idiot,
Presenting me a schedule! I will read it.
How much unlike art thou to Portia!
How much unlike my hopes and my deservings!
"Who chooseth me shall have as much as he deserves"!
Did I deserve no more than a fool's head?
Is that my prize? Are my deserts no better?

To offend and judge are distinct offices,
And of opposed natures.
The Merchant Of Venice Act 2, scene 9, 54–62
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
12.07.2011 21:00
Not exactly cursive writing is the biggest issue, but behaviour problems that are rather striking. Children don't want to learn properly, but choose "coasting" and just having fun...(((This is really sad, as teachers are battling with "rebels" on a daily basis.
It's not the level or standard of education that has fallen down but the attitude towards it which is worrying.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
13.07.2011 21:25
Hi to all!
I must admit that our thread is popular and has been referred to quite a few times on this forum))))What do you think the reason is for...?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
14.07.2011 21:54
To everyone that says that our world today is full of greed and hate, Louis Armstrong was talking more about our WORLD, not the people in it. "Skies of blue, clouds of white" "bright blessed day, dark sacred night" Don't think about the greed and hate, think about how special our world is that it can support life. Be grateful we are here at all (: (c)
From the comments to this one:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.07.2011 23:19
The Deaf Wife Problem

Bert feared his wife Peg wasn't hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid.
Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem.
The Doctor told him there is a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the Doctor a better idea about her hearing loss.

'Here's what you do,' said the Doctor, 'stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response.'
That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in the den. He says to himself, 'I'm about 40 feet away, let's see what happens.' Then in a normal tone he asks, 'Honey, what's for dinner?'
No response.
So the husband moves closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and repeats, 'Peg, what's for dinner?'
Still no response.
Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his wife and asks, 'Honey, what's for dinner?'
Again he gets no response.
So, he walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. 'Honey, what's for dinner?'
Again there is no response.
So he walks right up behind her. 'Peg, what's for dinner?'
(I just love this)
'For goodness sake, Bert, for the FIFTH time, CHICKEN!'

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