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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


 Публикация комментариев невозможна, т.к. Авторский форум "на каникулах". 
Старожил форума
08.05.2011 23:16
man....you're soaking in the sun, aren't you?:)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
08.05.2011 23:16
MSL,I wonder in what way the sea shells are close to your activity?))))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
08.05.2011 23:22
oh, sunbathing is one of my favourite activities....Good luck then!
Старожил форума
08.05.2011 23:25
I wonder in what way the sea shells are close to your activity?))))
Because a shoeless stroll along the sea shore could be dangerous due to the sea shells and corals. :-)))
Старожил форума
08.05.2011 23:55
2 Вася_
man....you're soaking in the sun, aren't you?
currently I'm not :-(
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
27.05.2011 05:47
http://m.youtube.com/index?des ...

Hilarious! We enjoyed it!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
27.05.2011 22:12
It is indeed,Air Hostess, thanks..
Inna is celebrating her Birthday today! So many Happy returns of the day! :-)
Старожил форума
28.05.2011 13:39
Happy birthday Inna!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
29.05.2011 00:22
for all football fans...Live from Wembley...)
http://www.uefa.com/uefachampi ...
Горький пьяница форум
Старожил форума
02.06.2011 01:50
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...

На 5 минуте 23 секунде - фраза Винни Джонса (Vinnie Jones):

it s been emotional. В русском переводе фильма: "Глушите эмоции".

Mila, помогите понять интонацию ))) Как бы Вы перевели, учитывая весь контекст фильма.
0стровитянин форум
Старожил форума
02.06.2011 02:38
На 5 минуте 23 секунде - фраза Винни Джонса (Vinnie Jones):

it s been emotional. В русском переводе фильма: "Глушите эмоции".
Это конечно плохой перевод.

Он сказал нечто типа ну я не цитирую первую часть:"Вы - козлы!".
А то о чем Вы спрашиваете было что-то: "Я погорячился! Но я раздражен!"

Горький пьяница форум
Старожил форума
02.06.2011 02:48
У меня такой вариант сложился: "Всё было, конечно, круто.
Полегче надо бы в следующий раз". Ну примерно как-то так...
0стровитянин форум
Старожил форума
02.06.2011 03:33
Не не - это он ИЗВИНЯЛСЯ за свой тяжелый спич.
Правда я не смотрел полностью. Но такое впечталение сложилось.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
02.06.2011 10:01
-Это эмоции ( саркастически) угрожая если вдруг опять...
Это не совсем как бы извинения...Это действительно предупреждение...
0стровитянин форум
Старожил форума
02.06.2011 12:51
Мила, это и предупреждение и извинение одновременно.
Скажем так.

То есть извинение формально, а потом тяжелый взгляд на тему "Мля! В следующий раз могу вообще вспылить не по деЦЦки."
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
02.06.2011 16:08

Happy birthday Inna!
28/05/2011 [13:39:10
thnx :)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
05.06.2011 11:21
Hi, everybody!
I believe that from time to time you may receive the so-called fishing scam messages.

"Attn, Habash Mohammed is the deputy director of finance and treasures to President Muammar Gaddafi. I’m in possession of some money concealed in a consignment by President Muammar Gaddafi as a family treasure before the present uprising in the country.I seek your confidence and partnership in receiving the consignment. I have decided to quit the Government of Gaddafi immediately on confirming your receipt of the consignment and will join you latter.I anticipate your respected response. Regards Habash Mohammed."

As a rule these messages are full of obvious mistakes: poor grammar, idioms and wording are rather strange, funny names...)))
Just keep your eyes open!
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
09.06.2011 16:16
One of the candidates to the President - she's seen Russia from Alaska)))))))
She is a pretty lady but I wonder is she a blonde?)))

http://video.teamcoco.com/vide ...

http://www.thedailyshow.com/wa ...
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
09.06.2011 16:29
For you, guys, to enjoy and learn from nature:)the pics are both breathtaking and very soothing
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new ...
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
10.06.2011 01:48
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
10.06.2011 11:38
интересная подборка, этим и наши один гламурный фотограф балуется периодически. Вот:

http://www.echo.msk.ru/blog/zo ...
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
10.06.2011 11:42
omg, oh, gosh, o sh....:)))) I'm sorry, guys:) I should have used English, of course:)
So here are some more equally disturbing pics of spoiled kids
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
10.06.2011 16:54
Airplane seats are fiendishly uncomfortable. Here is how they should look:
http://www.slate.com/id/229634 ...
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
10.06.2011 17:22
I liked this one: "the Sardine Principle" :)
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
10.06.2011 20:20
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
11.06.2011 14:44
A day from Lord's life...

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/new ...
Старожил форума
14.06.2011 09:58
Hello everyone. At my work our medical insurance if verifying spouse and dependents eligibility. I need to send them a copy of my marriage certificate. The one I got is from good-old USSR. So had to translate it to English. It was real fun to translate the following (I hope you'll have fun too):

Место регистрации отдел ЗАГС исполкома Октябрьского райсовета г. Москвы.

Feel free to post your variants.

Старожил форума
14.06.2011 10:39
Registration authority: registry office of executive committee of October's district counsil of Moscow
Старожил форума
14.06.2011 10:54
THE registry office of THE executive committee...
to be correct
Старожил форума
14.06.2011 17:44
Thanks, now I see one of my mistakes. I spelled comity instead of committee. ((
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
14.06.2011 19:27
to boba
I have translated a few marriage certificates as follows:
Marriage certificate (TRANSLATION)
Mr and Mrs....
were married on....
and the above marriage was recorded in the official register of Births, Deaths and marriages N......on the (Date)
Place of registration:::
Oktaybrski Council Register of Births,Deaths and Marriages in the city of Moscow, USSR (Russian Fedearation)

Date of issue
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
16.06.2011 19:24
New fashion - be green. Upcycling ideas:
http://toponlineengineeringdeg ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
16.06.2011 19:36
Vow! So much upcycling, recycling and downcycling in this world...)))
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
21.06.2011 04:37
It's good to be White. :-)
http://www.slate.com/id/229729 ...
Авторитет форум
Старожил форума
21.06.2011 19:19
I merely meant to persuade her to give up the engagement; and as there could be nothing to overcome but the affection of both, I naturally expected that one or two interviews would settle the matter.

Broken, sick and tired

Spent a year and got nothing but sore
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.06.2011 21:21
Sometimes all you need is just... to say:"Hello";-)...again
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Авторитет форум
Старожил форума
21.06.2011 22:35
it's a bomb!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.06.2011 22:38
Throw it away, immediately!))))and don't you even think or play with it....))))
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
21.06.2011 23:05
Mila Love
Sometimes all you need is just... to say:"Hello";-)...again
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...

That song was a lullaby of my son. At least one of them on that CD - Romantic collection.)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.06.2011 23:07
It's really good stuff...))))although a bit "girlish"....
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
22.06.2011 19:46
Стервоточинка форум
Старожил форума
23.06.2011 03:32
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
24.06.2011 19:39
What about the whole year without a drop of rain?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
24.06.2011 23:19
BB King opens Glastonbury Festival, being 86 years old!He is actually sitting and singing..amazing....))
more in here
http://www.glastonburyfestival ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
24.06.2011 23:25
Glastonbury Festival is the largest greenfield music and performing arts festival in the world and a template for all the festivals that have come after it. (c)
Старожил форума
25.06.2011 08:22
Hello my dear friends! I would try to be with you again, after almost a year have passsed away) Althou at that time I was just a random visitor)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
25.06.2011 09:21
Bazar_off and welcome back!))))
Старожил форума
25.06.2011 13:54
Obviously, all the thread-adepts are the same as they were in the past))) It's joyfull to mark the fact)
Mila Love, I have ?-ion to You. Couldn't You advise me a source (i.e. link, better book) about modern idiomas in UK/USA?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
25.06.2011 14:18
Well, Bazar_off,there are certainly a few useful links, if you "shop" around. Online versions are easy to look up for one and free.
If you think about to "hold" a copy and this is my personal preference, I would suggest that you invest in a hardback/paperback good one. Perhaps you can easily find the one in a good bookshop,e.g. Cambridge/Oxford press, or try Amazon.com
Whatever choice is more convenient for you!
Meanwhile there are some links:
http://idioms.thefreedictionar ...
http://www.usingenglish.com/re ...
http://dictionary.cambridge.or ...
As for me, I find that idioms are the most difficult bits in any language and at the same time if you use them correctly your level of language will be always one of top range.)))
Старожил форума
26.06.2011 09:02
Thnx a lot! For what I admire the thread is that I've never seen yet any rigid answer. Even if question was a bit foolish)))

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