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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Mila Love форум
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03.07.2010 01:24
Oleg, isn't there aircon/climate control, in the car, I mean?!
Mila Love форум
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03.07.2010 01:26
I also use sunscreen when parking outside.
Mila Love форум
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03.07.2010 01:27
Sorry have to go now!
0стровитянин форум
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03.07.2010 01:37
isn't there aircon/climate control, in the car, I mean?!
There is. But if you have to jump in and run ASAP - forget about CC.
You just switch on CC, put on the gloves and your bottom is on a grill of the driver seat.
So - bottom is at +45, face and chest at +19. Good training for all your body.
Старожил форума
03.07.2010 07:41
2 Mila and 0стровитянин
Thanks for your help! As a member of Mila's club I probably think of grammar too much giving in-flight information to the passengers :-)
Inna12 форум
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03.07.2010 09:32
In spite of all the inconvenience associated with summer heat I wouldn't swap it for a cihlly rainy autumn day:) It was +40 in my car yesterday
Inna12 форум
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03.07.2010 09:36
Let me join in the chorus - yes, "at an altitude of"
Старожил форума
03.07.2010 11:13
Yes, Inna 12, usually I say exactly like that: at an altitude. But I do it intuitively and begun to doubt about if I'm right. I thought if I specify the exact altitude, then article THE would be more appropriate. Now I see everything was Ok. But the altitude :-) Actually I mean FL. Although "altitude" is more understandable for passengers isn't it?
Inna12 форум
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03.07.2010 11:19
MSL, it depends on the way you name your altitude, you can't say- at an altitude of 360:) You know it better than I do:)
Старожил форума
03.07.2010 11:39
Inna12, you are flattering with FL 360. We fly a bit lower :-) Actually the difference between altitude and FL isn't in the way we mark them. Rather it's in the level (atmospheric pressure) laying on its basis. For altitude it's mean sea level (and relevant pressure - QNH). For FL it's a standard pressure QNE - 1013 hPa (760 mm). In Russia for example there are no FL's like 360. There is FL 11100 meters for instance.
Inna12 форум
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03.07.2010 11:51
I know, thank you:)
Inna12 форум
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03.07.2010 11:53
we should also mention transition altitude when explaining the difference between altitude and FL
Inna12 форум
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03.07.2010 11:54
and transition level, of course
Старожил форума
03.07.2010 13:47
2 Inna12
For me it comes mainly not with explaining but with executing check-lists. :-)
Авиадиспетчер форум
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03.07.2010 15:15

Could anyone give me a piece of advice. How do I say correct: We are flying at THE altitude... meters. or We are flying at AN altitude ... meters. Mayby it's stupid but I've got stumbled on it.

'at AN altitude' is correct, not THE.
The same is with 'A heading of 090 degrees'.
0стровитянин форум
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03.07.2010 15:59
As a member of Mila's club I probably think of grammar too much giving in-flight information to the passengers :-)
Believe me we like a passengers are not paying so much attention to the grammar as an articles or simular. More to the actual info.
But we are paying attention to the acsent. =))
0стровитянин форум
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03.07.2010 16:07
But the altitude :-) Actually I mean FL. Although "altitude" is more understandable for passengers isn't it?
You can say "XXXXX feet above our beautiful planet." =))
Everybody will be happy actually. Nobody will pay attention to the details.
Mila Love форум
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03.07.2010 19:19
Oleg, I personally don't mind the way the pilots talk to passengers...
One can address:
Hi boys and gils (Tiger airways)
while the other
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen...)))
The point is that it's always quite nice if the talking one makes not so many obvious and silly mistakes and as you have pointed out, the accent that what some "traditional" passengers would be hearing....
So the best way is try and speak clearly and firmly and the passengers will be more than happy and comfortable.
0стровитянин форум
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03.07.2010 19:57
Hi boys and gils
A bit of...too much (for my taste at least)
Mila Love форум
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03.07.2010 20:14
It was quite cute actually, in Ozzi's style... 50 mins' flight was quite nice and relaxing)))
0стровитянин форум
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03.07.2010 20:55
in Ozzi's style
Ozzis are good!!!! =)))))
Mila Love форум
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03.07.2010 21:03
Crocodile Dundee is forever!!))))
Старожил форума
03.07.2010 21:11
Well. I try to explain to the passengers what significant is happening at the moment. Either we at the holding pattern or crossing a turbulence layer for example. I know passengers are the human as we are an they need to be informed.
Inna12 форум
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03.07.2010 21:22
to MSL:
Do you follow the rule- not to use in your announcements words that can create negative connotation? Such as "bad" - concerning weather, for example:)
Mila Love форум
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03.07.2010 21:24
Are saying that you talk to your passengers as if they were humans?)))This is interesting)))
Старожил форума
03.07.2010 21:50
2 Inna12
I talk to the passengers with simple and clear words. If they found a negative connotation as you say, dr. Freid will help them.

2 Mila
They ARE humans. Isn't it clear from my previous post?
Inna12 форум
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03.07.2010 22:00
to MSL:
so you know the KISS principle - Keep It Short and Simple, which applies to writing essays as well, to public speeches. I'm sure your passengers appreciate this!
Старожил форума
03.07.2010 22:04
My typical in-flight announcement is: Good morning (afternoon) ladies and gentlemen. Please listen to the flight information. We are flying at an altitude 7200 meters. Our speed is 470 km per our, outboard temerature is - 20 deg C. We are estimating to arrive to Domodedovo in approximately 50 minutes. At our right side now you can see great Russian river Volga at its junction with river Oka and Nizhny Novgorod city.
Старожил форума
03.07.2010 22:10
Thank you for your attention. Enjoy your flight. :-)
Inna12 форум
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03.07.2010 22:14
"so just sit back and relax and enjoy the rest of the flight."
Inna12 форум
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03.07.2010 22:16
Look, what I've found on the web, so you can compare and adjust some prepositions and articles if you wish, to get closer to absolute perfection:)
"Good afternoon. This is your captain speaking, with just a little flight information. Coming up on the left, we're going to be catching a glimpse of the Grand Canyon, and on the right and you'll be able to see the Hoover Dam in just a few minutes. We're flying at an altitude of 37,000 feet and our airspeed is 400 miles an hour. "
Старожил форума
03.07.2010 22:25
2 Inna12
Inna12 форум
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03.07.2010 22:25
to arrive AT the Domodedovo airport
Старожил форума
03.07.2010 22:28
to arrive AT the Domodedovo airport
Mila, what would you say?
Inna12 форум
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03.07.2010 22:30
you....you, darling, you don't trust me:(
Mila Love форум
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03.07.2010 22:31
I would say:
arrive At Domodedovo/Heathrow...airport
Mila Love форум
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03.07.2010 22:36
Otherwise it might sound as " самый Домодедовский из Домодедовских аэропортов")))
Inna12 форум
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03.07.2010 22:39
Mila, I agree on this one- the article must be thrown away:) but the preposition is AT, not TO or IN
Старожил форума
03.07.2010 22:41
2 Mila. Thanks.

2 Inna
Sweety I trust you. But any information should be cross checked. Please don't be hurt.
Mila Love форум
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03.07.2010 22:48
All is well that ends well! ))))
A nice song or composition would be very appropriate....
Inna12 форум
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03.07.2010 22:55
Mila Love форум
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03.07.2010 23:13
Inna you might remember this striking guy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Inna12 форум
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04.07.2010 00:07
The one who cheated on his wife ?))
0стровитянин форум
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04.07.2010 00:54
who cheated on his wife
Who for God's sake had not cheated on his wife!!!
Авиадиспетчер форум
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04.07.2010 11:01
Mila Love | форум автора сообщения

... can't listen to it((((

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
04.07.2010 11:19
Many thanks....simple and very nice, though rather sad composition! How did you find this singer and song? He sings in French but I could hardly work out the words((( It would be ideal for listening to it on a rainy day in front of the fire in a half lit room....
Mila Love форум
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04.07.2010 11:22
Cannot agree more)))))
Авиадиспетчер форум
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04.07.2010 11:45
Mila, I listen to a weekly radio program called 'Words and Music by Vladimir Matsetski'. 6-hour duration and good taste of the author gifts such pearls each Sat.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
04.07.2010 11:54
Yes, it's true :re choice of gifts!
I would be very grateful if you could post some more of those...
from time to time.
Авиадиспетчер форум
Старожил форума
04.07.2010 11:56

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