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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Старожил форума
18.04.2010 14:32
At the moment i'm brushing up the pronunciation of the word Eyjafjallajoekull. English pronunciation is nervously puffing aside.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
18.04.2010 15:12
Good luck,then. I am not even thinking of trying to do so:-))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
18.04.2010 16:34
Would you like pasta with salt and freshly ground black people"? :-)))
http://news.uk.msn.com/world/a ...
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
19.04.2010 03:50
At the moment i'm brushing up the pronunciation of the word Eyjafjallajoekull. English pronunciation is nervously puffing aside.
Smashing :))))) And “puffing” (instead of smoking) is a cool term! I did’t know it :)

Mila Love
…”Right” direction, land of perrrrfect English
Afraid, afraid of getting your point, Mila :))

pasta with salt and freshly ground black people
Sort of someone’s racist Freudian slip… :) Hard task for editorial to patch it up…:)

One of the Soviet TV News announcers told it. Once upon a time he delivered the ordinary speech/text about the Communist Party. As usual it was boring duty for him and his mind soared far away from what his tongue did. He did not even notice the mistake in the crib and “automatically” pronounced: “Three generations of лениВцев…” and went on about them as if nothing’s matter.
Next day he was fired :)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.04.2010 23:05
Hi to all!
avia-beauty fan
Well spotted, black people>black pepper,“Three generations of лениВцев…”>ленинцев?, the list to be continued....
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
19.04.2010 23:41
Re: volcanic ashes...
There are some stunning pictures here:
http://news.uk.msn.com/photos/ ...
I must admit that the scenery of sunsets were spectacular!!
Старожил форума
20.04.2010 13:15
Hi all!

2 avia-beauty fan
And “puffing” (instead of smoking) is a cool term!
It had just been blown by the wind from Iceland :-)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.04.2010 19:07
Oh,please, don't mention this "cool" wind from Iceland:-)))
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
21.04.2010 22:03
Hello all!
Mila, I’m not sure about present but in the nineties TRANSAERO airlines had a slogan “At Home In The Air”. I know that the “inverted” constructions are good for slogans (“In God We Thrust”). I wonder which was the original (most probably) – English with convenient Russian translation «В воздухе как дома» or that indigenous Russian slogan skillfully translated into English? How do you think? Are other English translation variants (e.g. “non-inverted”) possible to for that Russian one?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.04.2010 22:51
Hi to all!
avia-beauty fan
I don't see any inversion in the slogan/motto "At home in the Air", as it means to feel comfortable/know exactly where the things, etc and at the same time to be on the plane..This is an English way of saying too...
By the way talking about the air and airspace in particular.I was drivng this morning to the work and suddenly saw in the sky 3 planes flying in the same direction..beatiful scene in the blue sky! Actually today the sky was all geometrically lined along and across, there were more traces from planes than clouds, haven't noticed that much activity before :-))
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
21.04.2010 23:35
the sky was all geometrically lined along and across, there were more traces from planes than clouds

Seems that commercial aviation starts making up leeway today. I just assume sigh of relief for Airlines managers, more concern for pilots, overload for ATC… Plus sudden beautiful views for lucky onlookers :)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.04.2010 23:44
Yes, you are right! What seemed so beautiful for me was the beginning of painful and long recovery process from the chaos for all concerned: the stranded passengers, the stressed tour operators, ailiners and representatives , pilots and ATCs.... But good thing that they resumed their services:-))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.04.2010 23:45
Have to go now, had a rather busy day:-(
All the best
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
23.04.2010 23:19
Hi to all!
What a man! A Robin Hood? A decent thief? ;-)
"Cake thief makes amends 50 years on

A 65-year-old man who was racked with guilt for 50 years after he stole a packet of Jaffa Cakes from his employer tracked down his former boss to reimburse him, it has been reported.

John Bibby, from York, was working at a holiday camp shop in Skipsea, East Yorkshire, in 1960 when he took the cakes from boss Les Simpson and ate the whole packet.

But he was so troubled by the theft, he traced Mr Simpson to Beverley, East Yorkshire, bought a box of the cakes and drove 50 miles to give them back and confess his half-century-old crime."
Старожил форума
23.04.2010 23:33
Hi, Mila
Glad to see you here. But unfortunately I'm not a helper in judging who is who.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
24.04.2010 11:07
Hi to all!

Very good morning to you:-))
All is sorted.
Re: judging who is wright or wrong is quite a complicated issue. What wonders me personally why that man had to wait for 50 years to confess. I think that within that number of years he should well have forgotten about a pack of biscuits:-)) Must be something wrong with the man:-))
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
28.04.2010 00:16
Hello, colleagues brushupers
Hello, Mila
I’ve found this cartoon in “The aeroplane and astronautics” magazine issued 50 years ago. It’s well known that in USSR the external view of new military aircraft has always been a “taboo” due to unprecedented level of secrecy. The images that on very rare occasions went to the news press (mostly after air parades) were always of intentionally poor quality:
http://www.dizziehouse.com/abf ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
28.04.2010 19:30
Hello to all!
Thanks avia-beauty fan, a good one :-))))
Старожил форума
29.04.2010 21:15
Hi all!

2 avia-beauty fan
The images that on very rare occasions went to the news press (mostly after air parades) were always of intentionally poor quality:
He must have forgotten to take off a condom from his head after visiting a pub and a bordello next. :-)
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
30.04.2010 00:53
Hello to all here!

Rather unexpected interpretation of eyesight illusion cause :)
Well, I’d assume such nuisance misuse of the intimate item followed by night debauch tour could result from the spiritual upsurge flooded the English Military Big Boss after the match of national football team :)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
30.04.2010 23:02
Hi to all!

Rather unexpected interpretation of eyesight illusion cause :)
Couldn't agree more :-))
Старожил форума
30.04.2010 23:19
It was just an example of hostile, unjust and biassed propaganda of the cold war period, based on fear. It deserves an appropriate attitude.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
30.04.2010 23:47
:-)) Propaganda is a very powerful "thing" and should be aimed only at true enemies...
The history has proved that ordinary people feel, think, believe..in the same way whenever they live. And yet, the secrets, who hasn't got them!, should be strictly confidential and classified. and that is crucial, the way you keep your secrets as you don't want them to be revealed:-)))in particular if you are a public figure...
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
01.05.2010 00:38
Glad to see both M-nicks now :)

You’ve relentlessly exposed the nature of … sincerely annoyed respectable reader :))

Mila Love
Couldn’t agree more.. or most ??... :) Anyway, if you said “anymore” I’d got really and seriously confused…

Now another Big Boss :) Those 50 years ago…. Blooming of Aviation itself… rather than Economics/Ergonomics/Ecologics nowadays… :(
http://www.dizziehouse.com/abf ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
01.05.2010 10:05
Hello A- nick:-))
Re:... couldn't agree MORE
means I support that very strongly.

e.g."I couldn't agree more with the opinions stated in your recent editorial".
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
04.05.2010 03:41
Hello everyone!
Hello Mila!!
I hope the Chair Lady of the Club will be here today…

Brushupers remember the date :) Those from Moscow especially :)
For occasional visitors I just remembers that Mila Love presented herself and “Brush up your English…” thread on forumavia the same day a year ago.
Mila, you’ve made a Present to us that day. You put your soul in what you have been doing here since then.
I wish your Brainchild to thrive (despite the “recessions” now and again in brushupers strength :) I wish/sure there always be the English-interested personnel here including those able to catch, enjoy and support your Style!
It would be nice if someone to whom you started dialogues in May 2009 come here today again!
All recent/rare visitors also have the good opportunity to remember themselves to Mila :)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
04.05.2010 09:51
A very good morning to everyone!
Special "Big thank you" to avia-beauty fan!
You are well right to say that we are 1 year old today:-)))When I started the thread I didn't have a slightest idea of what "unknown territory" I was stepping into. Gradually the number of clicks turned to be posts of permanent members.NN, MSL, avia-beauty fan, boba, Inna, Larisa...just a few to mention, who keep the thread up and "alive"! I am sorry If I have not mentioned somebody's name.
I believe that this thread is considered to be just a little help to those who need it or simply like the way it works. It would be nice to think that someone has found it useful. And I hope that perhaps we became a bit friendlier towards each other.
So Happy birthday to all who has made this day happen, to all friends of English!
Will see you all later! :-)))
Many happy returns of the day, brushupers:-)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
04.05.2010 19:29
Oh, those funny passengers...:-)))
"Man's alien claim grounds flight

A SkyWest Airlines flight from Montana to Salt Lake City was diverted to Idaho Falls after a passenger began banging on the cockpit door, saying he was a space alien and wanted to fly the plane.

Idaho Falls Police Sergeant Phil Grimes said other passengers on the Sunday evening flight helped restrain 32-year-old Matthew Kleindorfer, of Las Vegas.

Kleindorfer faces misdemeanour counts of disturbing the peace and resisting arrest and a felony count of battery of an officer."
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
04.05.2010 19:39
an idea, worth considering???
This one is about 10 body bits no-one needs:
""What a piece of work is a man", said William Shakespeare - but probably not quite in the way he meant. Whether the original design is God's or simply the result of eons of Darwinian evolution and refinement, the truth is that Man (and Woman for that matter) is still a work in progress and one with plenty of room for improvement."...:-)))
Старожил форума
04.05.2010 22:18
Hi all! Greetings with anniversary!
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
04.05.2010 22:52
MSL, the same to you personally! :)
(oddly enough, the correct form of return wish is "Same here"...)
Do you feel yourself a forum veteran ? :)
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
04.05.2010 22:56
MSL, the same to you personally!
Do you feel yourself the forum veteran ?
Старожил форума
04.05.2010 23:01
Hi, avia-beauty fan!
Wanna add a tassel to my hat? :-)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
04.05.2010 23:50
Evening gentlemen!
I see you are talking about tassels and hats already. I wish I could present them to you both! Shall we say that you are wearing caps, instead.
And welcome to the tea and chocolate cake...:-)))

avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
05.05.2010 00:42
MSL, to avoid heavy Magister associations I can regard your historical role on the forum as “first detachment” volunteer :) But caps from Mila… Accepted, though!

Hostess Mila, thanks now for угощение (don’t know the right word). Taking a bit if the cake a bit about you:
When I started the thread I didn't have a slightest idea of what "unknown territory" I was stepping into.
Yes you were at risk at least of being “drowned” in help requests, of being forced to arrange «social conflicts» etc. Good thing you guessed right with green side :)

Gradually the number of clicks turned to be posts of permanent members
Yes it’s a problem of balance. Many simple questions/dialogs from/to many visitors better suits the idea of the forum. Group of forum residents has the side effect of newcomer expansion abatement, alas! Your mission is very complicated. Beginners and advancers shall feel similarly cosy. You talked to Inna12 just about it.

It would be nice to think that someone has found it useful
You can be sure of it

Question to you: What is English for Я поймал себя на мысли, что…

And about you latest news:

space alien and wanted to fly the plane
Drunk simmer probably :)

plenty of room for improvement."...:-)))
Room for chip installation ? )))
Afraid that possible in future will be… downloading of knowings. May be not fine/sophisticated experience of professionals but simple закачка of textbooks with ability to use them immediately after. Whole Bonk for example or Geometry course :)))

Well, Mila
Thank you and MSL for keeping company today!
See you again!
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
05.05.2010 01:45
Mila, sorry for... Freudian slip…:)))
As Russian mathematicians say "with the accuracy to vice-versa"
"arrange social conflicts" cryingly needs to be replaced to "settle/patch up them :)
Старожил форума
05.05.2010 06:56
Hi all,
1.Happy anniversary Mila to your topic!

2.This week is a teacher appreciation week in the USA. So I am sending Mila and all teachers here warm regards from across the pond.

3. 2 avia-beauty fan: Угощение=treat, закачка=download

4.A little bit of criticism. I feel that advanced level participants come here just to chat. That kinda overwhelms beginner & intermediate level people. They can’t follow and leave pretty soon. But these beginner-intermediate level folks need help most. May be the topic should be structured more like question-answer. I don’t mind chatting with anybody but may be on a separate thread?
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
06.05.2010 08:53
Hello, all
Boba, I glad you responded! IMHO critics is justified.
“Treatment” is always confuse for me. I never can sure what is meant – угощение или обхождение :))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
06.05.2010 09:54
Hello everyone!
Many thanks for all your nice and constructive thoughts.
There are a few reasons why I am not, personally, in the position of starting another thread.
Firstly, I am too busy at school and social life (ballet, yoga, swimming, travelling....),simply don't have too much time to teach someone again and again. Just imagine that after a long flight you come home and your child asks you:" Daddy will you show me how to fly a plane?"...or a kind of simulator...
Secondly, people might think that it's too much of Mila Love in this forum.
Thirdly,it's a rather monkey business to teach people virtually, there are so many tricky bits, arguments are the worst. I personally don't like to argue and explain why this is this way and not the other, it's too exhausting..
But, I would like to see another thread to say Basic English, under one of our gentlemen's name. Why not??? I would be happy to help occasionally.
to avia-beauty fan
What is English for Я поймал себя на мысли, что…
It dawned on me...
It suddenly stuck me that...
Thanks Boba for you regards re: teachers' respect issue, they are warmly accepted.

See you all some time
Have a nice day.
Старожил форума
06.05.2010 13:03
Hi, all!

2 boba

4.A little bit of criticism. I feel that advanced level participants come here just to chat. That kinda overwhelms beginner & intermediate level people. They can’t follow and leave pretty soon.
Do you think in real life anybody would talk to them as if they were imbecile? I believe, the only way to start communicating is to begin to do it regardless of the difficulties obstacles and confuses. So it's just a matter of determination. All the more Mila has created here a wonderfully warm and helpful environment.
Старожил форума
07.05.2010 08:14

I disagree. I think our mission here is to provide concrete, specific help to all who wish to learn. You believe that beginners / intermediates will benefit much from our little chit-chat? I assure you, they would be much better off by reading any regular UK or US newspaper instead.

Something useful for everyone:
http://www.plainenglish.co.uk/ ...
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
07.05.2010 09:21
Sorry for enormous number of spelling bugs in my latest post :)

The newspapers are important stuff of course. But here anyone who wishes, whatever the level, can express thoughts/construct phrases on various topics and get feedback&corrections. It worth (not to add “much more”). Both advancers and prudent beginners can benefit from it.
Старожил форума
08.05.2010 23:19
See what I mean? If 4-6 usual regulars are not posting, there is nobody else here. No students, no questions. Especially sad is that at the same time forum visitors create their own redundant topics “How do I start learning English” etc.
Solution? I think we need to be a little bit more proactive and offer some useful fun lessons covering popular topics. Perhaps, each of us can share basic terminology from their field of expertise?
Examples of little lessons:
1. So, you wanna know what etc. and other basic abbreviations mean?
2. So, you wanna buy a plane ticket on Travelocity or Orbitz? Explanation of fields you need to fill out.
3. (For Mila) So, you are about to get a traffic ticket in the UK? What to say (and not to say) to avoid it.
4. So, you need to reply to a business email? Examples of start body and finish paragraphs.
5. So, you are in Kansas City and need to withdraw money from ATM (банкомат)? Menu options explanation.

Really, there are plenty of topics.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
09.05.2010 22:47
Hello everyone!
to boba- nice thoughts, worth considering!!!
I am still waiting for beginners to come forward with their thoughts and questions,though.
Старожил форума
10.05.2010 18:51
Those who know, don't talk
Those who talk, don't know
(c) Lao Tzu
Старожил форума
10.05.2010 23:05
Sorry for my haziness. Posting my previous message I referred to:
Especially sad is that at the same time forum visitors create their own redundant topics “How do I start learning English” etc.
by boba
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
10.05.2010 23:16
Hello to all!
Hi, MSL :-)))
Loved you quote:-)))
Старожил форума
11.05.2010 07:30
Предлагаю 1-й микро-урок, пополняем словарный запас на букву ‘z’. Сам узнал о существовании таких слов только сегодня, но их легко запомнить.

1. zonkey (производное от zebra + donkey) = помесь зебры и осла

2. zorse (zebra + horse) = помесь зебры и лошади

3. zony (zebra + pony) = помесь зебры и пони

4. zebroid = помесь зебры и животного, зеброобразное существо

p.s. use of the above words as name calling is optional = обзывание кого-либо вышеуказанными словами - на ваше усмотрение )))
Старожил форума
11.05.2010 07:30
Предлагаю 1-й микро-урок, пополняем словарный запас на букву ‘z’. Сам узнал о существовании таких слов только сегодня, но их легко запомнить.

1. zonkey (производное от zebra + donkey) = помесь зебры и осла

2. zorse (zebra + horse) = помесь зебры и лошади

3. zony (zebra + pony) = помесь зебры и пони

4. zebroid = помесь зебры и животного, зеброобразное существо

p.s. use of the above words as name calling is optional = обзывание кого-либо вышеуказанными словами - на ваше усмотрение )))
Старожил форума
11.05.2010 09:05
And what will come out if you cross a hedgehog and a snake? :-)))

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