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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Авиадиспетчер форум
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03.03.2010 22:53
"Эй, на баке!" (мор.)- translate, please.
Старожил форума
04.03.2010 08:10
Hello Mila! I would like to refresh from time to time my English due back to Rusiia. I am afraid to forgot it.
Старожил форума
04.03.2010 08:23
"Эй, на баке!" ~~~ Foredeck ahoy! (пиратское)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
04.03.2010 09:10
Hi everyone!
To Авиадиспетчер
"Эй, на баке!"
additions to boba's (pirates' slang)

Hey, forecastle!
Oi, F'cle!

to aalexv
Welcome to our forum="club"! Please do not feel embarassed as to post your messages. It doesn't matter if they are any mistakes. We all make them :-))) The more you write the better your English would be.
So see you next time.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
04.03.2010 09:23
to boba
Thanks for the test!Nice to know to be a student with honour ;- )))
Авиадиспетчер форум
Старожил форума
04.03.2010 17:45
Thanks, pirates!
Старожил форума
05.03.2010 17:22
Fifteen men onto a dead man's trunk,
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!
Drink and devil will drive you to the end,
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!
Старожил форума
07.03.2010 20:43
Hi everyone!

No, it's unjust this forum is gradually descending to the lower.
I can't abide it any more. That's it!

To the highest spheres of heaven soar up Mila's embodied fruitful idea!!! )

Lo and behold! What a wonder! It's up there again! Carry on! )))

Back to our sheep. A question to everyone who knows the "Shape of My Heart" song by Sting. There are two lines which I have stuck with:

"He doesn't play for money he wins,
He DON'T play for respect."

Why "doesn't" gives in to "don't" while the subject remains singular?
To underline that killer Leon was an uneducated Italian?
All alternatives will be keenly appreciated. From anybody.
Your opinion is what really matters!
Старожил форума
07.03.2010 21:16
2 NN
Take a look here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ...
There is the song of your interest with lyrics. According to the subtitles they sing "doesn't" the second time too. But it really sounds very much like "don't". BTW I've finally caught what it's about this time :-)
Старожил форума
07.03.2010 21:57
Thanks a lot. As usual you were the first to answer and just to the point.
Have watched and listened to the video several times trying to hear "doesn't" in the second line and ... now I am not that sure as have been before. Maybe it's just a swallowed consonant that caused me take it for "don't", maybe not...
Nonetheless, thank you MSL. At least for the useful link.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.03.2010 22:09
Hi to all!
Nice to see you NN! Long time no see!
and many thanks for the thread Up!
Hi to MSL- you have just "rocketed" the answer! :-))
Well, regarding your curiosity into the lyrics of the above, the story is the following.
When all this business started, blues,rock-n-roll...many performers did come from poor background and as a result rather bad or perhaps very little education. They just sang their songs about their life, feelings etc..Also sometimes for the sake of the musical rythm some grammar could be avoided/neglected..
I believe that overall beauty of the composition can be yet appreciated.
Старожил форума
07.03.2010 22:17
Hi Mila!
I like this song too. So I couldn't have kept silence. :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.03.2010 22:25
I like it too!!:-))
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
07.03.2010 22:50
Hello, everyone!

To the highest spheres of heaven soar up Mila's embodied fruitful idea!!! )

Let me continue the song topic. Imagine the song contest. Unexpectedly the overwhelming winner is Russian song with Russian lyrics : Свечка, свечечка, свеча, Ты близка и горяча. Я с тобою просижу до зари (c) И.Николаев. Imagine the world music community is eager to understand the refrain. As to me, I failed to find even approximate way of how to reproduce in English the anxiety of female Russian soul let alone to suggest the English version of the song. Small candle, very small candle… Do not suggest that literalism :) Is English capable enough in that case ?
Старожил форума
07.03.2010 23:19
When you are translating poetry it's better to get rid of any kind of literalism. Songs and poetry express feelings. Not thoughts. So you should bring exactly feelings rather the direct meaning of words. Your example I'd translate as follows: "A little, little candle, only your tiny light will shine for me all this lonely sleepless night until the sunrise". Or something like that.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.03.2010 23:21
Hi avia-beauty fan,

Well, talking about the "approximate way of how to reproduce in English the anxiety of female Russian soul "
-Свечка, свечечка, свеча, Ты близка и горяча. Я с тобою просижу до зари (c) И.Николаев.
"Something little, very little, cute little candle...You are hot and so much close
I can sit the whole night through, looking at you, just looking at you..."
Don't judge too much, as I am not a poet:-)) just a very modest approach to the beauty of languages, both Russian and English...Or, gosh, it's not that easy at all, when you understand the meaning in one language and then trying to recreate something similar in a completely differnt environment and mentality...
However, it's always huge pleasure to talk to you guys! :-)
Старожил форума
07.03.2010 23:29
Oh Mila, if knew you are going to suggest your own translation I'd never have dared to send my poor mumbling.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.03.2010 23:34
MSL,I wanted to say exactly the same..:-)
I think it's now down to avia-beauty fan to make the best of both ;-)) and come forwrad with perhaps another brilliant version.
Never say never!
Старожил форума
07.03.2010 23:44
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
07.03.2010 23:48
Need to go now!
All the best to all :-)
avia-beauty fan
Старожил форума
08.03.2010 05:01
Mila Love, MSL
I’m astonished. Two fine versions of real beauty were created by you almost instantly. My “Bravo” comes to both of you! Then here is my version suddenly inspired by yours! In the rhythm of refrain:

Oh my dear burning candle. Heat and light envelops me. I will be beside of you through this night…

At the dawn of the day I wish all women blossoming of the soul through all the seasons ahead.
Старожил форума
08.03.2010 10:30
2 Mila
Congratulations! Many happy days to you!

2 avia-beauty fan
Wonderful job! You've definitely caught the essence :-)

BTW is 8-th of March celebrated in the UK or elsewhere abroad?
Старожил форума
08.03.2010 14:22
2 Mila

Many happy returns of this festive Women's Beauty Day!
My best and warmest wishes are all yours.
Joining MSL, I wonder if or not it is celebrated in the UK?

Thanks for sharing your vision on possible origin of such confusing song lyrics bit as I ran across listening to the "Shape of My Heart". Following you, now I see how grammar could be neglected when it comes to the composition beauty and consistency.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
08.03.2010 19:14
Hello gentlemen!
Many thanks for your well wishes, really appreciated.
Unlike in Russia and in some post Soviet states plus a few in Afrika, Asia, the 8th of March is just another calendar day for us , and nothing else :-(
However we do have Mother's day, which is celebrated on the second Sunday in March. So it's just another way to say something nice + a small gift or flowers to all women, mothers in particular. There is also Father's day in June with the same purpose...
So many thanks to you all... and let's just move on, conquering this pricky mountain - English Language :-)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
08.03.2010 19:44
We nearly forgot Inna12!!!
So lots of love, sunshine and flowers to another Lady in the Club.
Старожил форума
08.03.2010 22:14
On behalf of all male residents of the thread, let me congratulate Inna12 as well as all other female (both revealed and hidden). And wish them all the days filled with goodness warmth and joy.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
08.03.2010 22:40
Why not?!
MSL , let your gentle and kind words refer "to all concerned" today.:-)))And may we hope that one day some silent readers and admirers will come forward and join our club and share the values of virtual communication.
Is that true that it is the 3-d day off today, extended weekend in Russia!? I wonder what people could be doing all this time...
Старожил форума
08.03.2010 23:16
Whom how :-)))
Don't think bad about me. I'm as sober as a glass (or how to say it?). I just herd this from a friend of mine who is a professional interpreter in addition to "surrounding Wednesday" e.t.c ;-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
08.03.2010 23:32
We say the following:

to be as sorber as a judge
ex. It's awful when everyone else around you has been drinking and you're as sober as a judge.
to be as drunk as a lord
be as honest as the day
Старожил форума
08.03.2010 23:41
Thanks Mila. It's time for me to go for now. See you!
Старожил форума
09.03.2010 17:35
Hello everybody!

I'd like to say a few words to congratulate the best part of our society.
Sorry for being too late, but better late than never, yeah?

Sweet-scented flowers, sunny smiles,
Sublime emotions, gifts in piles
And men's attention - twice as much -
I wish us on the 8th of March!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
09.03.2010 20:05
Hi Larisa
Nice to hear from you.
I do hope that you have had lots of attention and flowers from your male colleagues as well as your students :-)))
and definitely our male club members were great with congratulations, so many thanks to them all!
Старожил форума
09.03.2010 21:29
Hi All!
They've got me goat with their consumerism, while piloting foreign planes. To stop that I've gave the detailed answer in the thread "Иностранная техника, вопрос!" at the left side of forum. You may comment if you'd like.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
09.03.2010 22:05
Read through the thread mentioned and didn't see any POSITIVELY oriented comments to the long-lasting pseudo discussion about nothing but English as a language of communication.Your comments sounded too good for the absolute obsurdity that is happening to be there. As for me, to be engaged in the thread with rather notorious bla-bla -boists (c*), is waste of time.I also have this kind of gut feeling that posting any relevant comments could be easily reversed as "of being accused of arrogance or even verbally abused":-)))No, thanks.
Старожил форума
09.03.2010 22:15
They could! :-)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
09.03.2010 23:20
Xa-Xa!! They could and are reversing any reasonable argument into a row :-)))
Старожил форума
09.03.2010 23:41
Mila, I'm not arguing there. I's stupid. Nobody wants to listen to opponent here (on the whole, I don't mean this particular and some other threads). I'm just having fun :-)
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
10.03.2010 09:50
Hi there :) what have you been up to? How did you manage to survive without my company, I wonder?:))I had a splendid holiday, went to Lenkom theatre, there wasn't anything extraordinary in the play, but actors- Zbruyev and Churikova were a pleasure to watch:)
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
10.03.2010 10:03
as for "свечечка-свеча" I would consider using diminutive suffixes, "candling, candlie"?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
10.03.2010 20:43
Hi Inna,
Sorry to see you alone here..
Lenkom is one of the theatres I was always keen on going to...and yet hasn't got a pure chance:-( Now when I come to Russia in summer time , the theatre season is actually the "dead season". Perhaps one day there would be a chance...

Re: candling - the meaning is actually quite different from just bringing light, though it's quite good effort of yours:-)))
Старожил форума
10.03.2010 21:11
Oh, dear Mila and Inna, I'm too tired from those consumers from foreign planes. Sorry
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
10.03.2010 21:23
Oh, poor MSL
You shouldn't be going that far "to the left" :-)))
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 11:19
Mila, that's all right. It turned out to be a wonderful session of psychological training ;-)
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 12:41
Hi, MSL! Do you like psycholgy the way I do? :)
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 12:50
Hi! Inna 12
No, I think likely not. Psychology was mentioned to simplify explanation. It's rather about philosophy. But I'd like not to discuss in publuc.
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 12:51
Every man should have a little secret, I agree :))))
Авиадиспетчер форум
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 13:14
"He doesn't play for money he wins,
He DON'T play for respect."

'I don't have no time for no monkey business
Dee do de de dee do de de'
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 13:25
2 Inna 12
It's not a secret at all. But a matter not to discuss in forum format. Like your personal information (real name, occupation, residence, relatives e.t.c) for example. Do yo want to discuss it here?
Inna12 форум
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 13:32
also you can add to the list religion, salary and my preferences in bed!
Старожил форума
11.03.2010 13:42
2 Inna12
It weren't my words :-)

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