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Brush up your ENGLISH!! Help to all who wish to know!


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Старожил форума
20.05.2009 23:32
Bye Mila and everyone for today, see you here
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
20.05.2009 23:37
MSL, All the best, bye!!
See you soon;-))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 19:46
Are you "all right" or "half left"?;-)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 20:14
Subject: Council Job

Council Job
A guy goes to the Local Council to apply for a job.

The interviewer asks him, 'Are you allergic to anything?'

He answers 'Yes - caffeine'

'Have you ever been in the services?'

'Yes,' he says. 'I was in Iraq for two years.'

The interviewer says, 'That will give you 5 extra points toward employment,' and then asks, 'are you disabled in any way?

The guy says, 'Yes ...a bomb exploded near me and blew my testicles off.'

The interviewer tells the guy, 'O.K. In that case, I can hire you right now.

Normal hours are from 8 AM to 2 PM.

You can start tomorrow at 10:00 - and plan on starting at 10 AM every day.'

The guy is puzzled and says, 'If the hours are from 8 AM to 2 PM, why don't you want me to be here before 10 AM?'

'This is a council job,' the interviewer says.

'For the first two hours we just stand around drinking coffee and scratching our bollocks, not really any point in you coming in for that.'
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 20:31
Hi, Mila!
Each man has the right to the left! :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 20:35
Human rights, anyway...;-))))
Is it only me, as I have noticed that our forum is somewhere in the middle. There are no updates on new messages being posted???I'm wondering...why?
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 21:01
I think people got tired to type. Pilots usually aren't used to write too much you now. Especially when grammar is in focus. :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 21:05
Well, I know..Everybody gets tired...:-))) I didn't mean anything, just was wondering ..and sudddenly saw that the update appeared:-)))
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 22:31
to Mila Love:
Are you "all right" or "half left"?;-)))

I am "all left" ;-) but ambidextrous ;-) - kind of a pazzle, ah?
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 22:43
Is there any difference between Council Job and Consulting?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 22:44


wow!! I didn't think about it !!??Great..
Ambidexterity is often encouraged in activities requiring a great deal of skill in both hands, such as juggling, swimming, percussion or keyboard music, WORD PROCESSING, surgery, body boxing, and combat...
Are Any of those your particular interests?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 22:49
Council job - is a job in what we used to call "local soviets" BACK in the USSR....or local authorities..What do you call Luzhkov's people who come to their offices every morning to find the solutions to everyday social problems???
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 23:04
2 Mila
Aren't local authorities elected in the UK, are they?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 23:09
Yes, that's right...
Anyone could apply for a job there as cleaners, drivers, office "rats"...apart from the councillors, who need to be elected via local elections.
while counsellors are people who give advice to people ...
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 23:21
councillors, who need to be elected via local elections.
while counsellors are people who give advice to people ...
I haven't realized the difference earlier. Thanks.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 23:23
Not at all! My pleasure.
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 23:28
I'm out for today. Good lack!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 23:28
It looks like that somebody is trying hard to beat the record of more than wicked posts ;-)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 23:31
Good luck, MSL!
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 23:47
to Mila Love:
Swimming, boxing, gymnastic and lately baseball.
But the only word that is typed with the left hand(or left partb of the keyboard is "a stewardess" :-)
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
21.05.2009 23:50
all those "letters" on the left;-)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
22.05.2009 22:19
Hi everybody!! Today is Friday - the beginning of weekend.
I was looking through some files and found some oopsy language quatations:
Device not ready - девица не готова!

Старожил форума
22.05.2009 22:33
Some more about devices: http://www.flickr.com/photos/e ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
22.05.2009 23:18
Good one! ;-)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
22.05.2009 23:33
some more....
*Would you like a hot dog or a....cold cat?
*Urine: Opposite of you're out.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
22.05.2009 23:58
And a nasty joke...
A boy went to the hospital with his mum. While his mum was registering, he saw a girl who was crying.
"why are crying?"he asked. The girl answered " the doctor is going to cut my finger!". The boy kept asking: " why he is going to cut your finger? "
"I am going to have blood tested" she replied.
And then the boy cried out loud. He cried even louder than that of the girl.
The girl asked"Why are you crying?"
The boy replied" I am going to have my urine tested!"
The girl "..........!
Старожил форума
23.05.2009 00:10
*Urine: Opposite of you're out.
Failed to catch the point... :-(
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
23.05.2009 00:12
urine sounds "you are in"
Старожил форума
23.05.2009 00:16
Got it! :-)))
Старожил форума
23.05.2009 00:19
Englishman learns Russian. "Будь здоров" memorized as "Boots are off"
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
23.05.2009 00:24
and my last one for today

Once Banta Singh attended an interview.

Interviewer: Give me the opposite for Made in India

Banta Singh: Destroyed in Pakistan

Interviewer: Keep it up

Banta Singh: Put it down

Interviewer: Maximum

Banta Singh: Mini Dad

Interviewer: Enough! Take your seat

Banta Singh: Don't take my seat

Interviewer: Idiot! Take your seat

Banta Singh: Clever! Don't take my seat

Interviewer: I say you get out!

Banta Singh: You didn't say I come in

Interviewer: I reject you!

Banta Singh: You appoint me

Interviewer: ....!!!!!!! ......!!!!!
Bye MSL, for now and have a lovely weekend!!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
23.05.2009 20:54
Hi everyone!
I do hope that weekend is as nice at your place as it is in the south of England today. Light breeze, sunshine, +20 and lots of people at the seaside ;-)))) Time to relax and time to have something delicious for barbeque!!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 00:14

A nice hot bath was just what the doctor ordered after the long day at work.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 00:37

ICAO Language Proficiency RATING SCALE

ICAO Avaition English
In one of the Forums read that those who are discussing the topic are not quite clear ...
There are 6 levels in ICAO Language Proficiency RATING SCALE

Operational 4
Pronunciation, stress, rhythm, and intonation are influenced by the first language or regional variation but only sometimes interfere with ease of understanding.
Basic grammatical structures and sentence patterns are used creatively and are usually well controlled. Errors may occur, particularly in unusual or unexpected circumstances, but rarely interfere with meaning.
Vocabulary range and accuracy are usually sufficient to communicate effectively on common, concrete, and work-related topics. Can often paraphrase successfully when lacking vocabulary in unusual or unexpected circumstances.
Produces stretches of language at an appropriate tempo. There may be occassional loss of fluency on transition from rehearsed or formulaic speech to spontaneous interaction, but this does not prevent effective communication.
Can make limited use of discourse markers or connectors. Fillers are not distracting. Comprehension is mostly accurate on common, concrete, and work-related topics when the accent or variety used is sufficiently intelligible for an international community of users. When the speaker is confronted with a linguistic or situational complication or an unexpected turn of events, comprehension may be slower or require clarification strategies.
Responses are usually immediate, appropriate, and informative. Initiates and maintains exchanges even when dealing with an unexpected turn of events. Deals adequately with apparent misunderstandings by checking, confirming, or clarifying.
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 10:44
Ha-ha-ha. Seems like people prefer to discuss the language proficiency related topics in Russian and in terms of cruelty and unfairness of the modern requirements. There are a lot of instances at the left side of the forum :-)
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 13:21
By the way,Mila, have you ever passed any test concerning englesh language skills? (like ICAO test or smth like that). Why do I ask? they say that in the most of cases, native speakers are unable to get 6 level ICAO. Is it true or just rumour?
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 14:06
Yes, that's well true...There is a sort of Bravada among those to the left;-)))When it comes to practicalities they either IGNORE any advice or become EXTREMELY RUDE/SARCASTIC .... I reckon this is simply arrogance. In England you can call that type of a person - a "moron"..
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 14:17
Thanks for your post! Yes, I do have a BA (degree) in teaching General English and now near native speaker level as English is my working language.
Re : ICAO - I haven't passed those levels simply because I am not in AVIATION.. So answering your question you might be right to the point that native speakers would not pass ICAO proficiency tests up to level 4... simply because they do not know Radiotelephony.
So please do appreciate the difference between proficiency in General English and Aviation English as they are different.
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 16:58
Thank's a lot, Mila!
I suspected that you are not in aviation, just decided to ask...
You are defeantly true that "native speakers would not pass ICAO proficiency tests up to level 4... simply because they do not know Radiotelephony",
but what about native speakers pilots?
as far as I remember the USA postponed ratification of ICAO level 4 till 2011 (as Russia did too) because they are not sure their pilots are able to get level 4 now!!!
what can you say about it?
P.S. it's not the fact about the USA. sorry if I'm wrong
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 18:13
2 StraightAhead

It's a big surprise for me that native speakers have to pass trough ICAO language proficiency test, if I understand you right. Are you sure it's true? If so, it's like writing an essay for Russian pilots to prolong a validity of a pilot licence. Just imagine :-)))
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 18:13
Sorry if misunderstood something. The site (few posts above)is from Anglo-Continental for those who come to the UK to learn English including Aviation specification, Radiotelephony. It means that English is not their first language.
As I live in the UK I don't know anything re: the situatuin in the USA. But presumably if you are not a native speaker and fly planes you need to quilify for certain level of proficiency.
ICAO Level 4 English testing is a standard requirement for the issue of a licence for students who do not have English as a first language. This test will be completed before a commercial pilot’s licence is issued.
Also have a look at one of the sites
http://www.pilottraining.ie/fl ...
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 18:24
If this might help as well to realise what means to become a pilot. As far as I know it's not that difficult to become a commercial pilot. You need to be healthy, have good command of English and Maths and lots of money, as it's rather pricy.

http://www.cvtips.com/how_to_b ...

To become a pilot you need to obtain a commercial pilot certificate. If you do not have one of these, you cannot be legally hired to fly an airplane. In order to obtain this license you must pass commercial pilot ground school. In addition to that school, you must also log at least 250 hours flying. These flying hours consist of mastering certain skills, and learning to fly in particular conditions. But everything is not done after completing pilot ground school. The last step consists of a test called a check-ride. A check-ride is similar to a driver's license test. The pilot is asked to plan a trip, and is then accompanied by Federal Aviation Administration test examiner. The examiner will test you on your knowledge of the plane, as well as ride along with you to ensure that everything is done perfectly.
# Most commercial pilots also get certificates in many other areas. These include medical certificate, multi-engine rating, and an airline transport pilot certificate. An airline transport certificate is the one that will allow you to be the pilot in command of a commercial airliner. The requirements are strict. If you are looking to obtain this certification you need to first pass a written test. You also need to have a first class medical certificate. In addition to the written certifications a pilot must also log 1500 hours, including 250 as the sole pilot in command.
# You must have flight experience if you are looking to get hired. It is unheard of nowadays for a pilot to get hired with only 250 hours of in flight experience. Airliners are looking for pilots who are well versed in a lot of conditions, and have been through every imaginable circumstance. Some smaller airliners may have less rigorous requirements.
# There is no college course requirement to become an airline pilot. But there are two routes that most aspiring pilots tend to take. They either attend college in order to get the background necessary, or they go into the military. Both of these avenues offer the training needed in order to become a commercial pilot. College allows the student to take flight courses as well as log the flight hours necessary to become certified. If you decide to go the military you make a commitment to fly for them for many years. But after that you are free to become a commercial pilot. The main difference is that a military pilot leads the military life, where as the college bound pilot lives like any other citizen. It is all a matter of your life preferences and current situation.
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 18:52
Amusing site.
And this particular page might be found useful for our military colleagues who want to join the civil aviation and not only:
http://www.cvtips.com/military ...
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 19:06
though most information rather obvious... but anyway useful to improve English
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 19:24
Here is List of States that have provided information concerning compliance with language proficiency requirements.
http://www.icao.int/anb/fls/lp ...
according to this list: the Russian Federation has taken the decision to introduce a transition period up to 5 March 2011
the USA informing ICAO that no differences exist between the national regulations and/or practices of the United States and ICAO language proficiency requirements.
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 20:12
100% you are right!! In modern AND quickly changing world the requirements for English profeciency are obvious. Of course your, as pilots, first duty is to FLY A PLANE safely ;-)))and it looks like that the Russian Federation is becoming very much in need for foreign types of planes ;-((( so to be able to operate them you need to read in English.
Keep on mastering!! V.
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 22:42
2 Mila
Just to avoid miscommunication if any.
By this:
though most information rather obvious... but anyway useful to improve English
I meant the page from this site: http://www.cvtips.com
about how retiring military man should write a CV to get the civil job
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 23:41
Its' OK, no misunderstanding indeed, just a bit of tired...The day was too nice to stay inside, so we decided to do a bit of gardening :-)))
From tomorrow I am on a short hoilday- half term ( a week)- it's a break in the middle of the summer term. There are 3 terms in the year:
Winter or Christmas term- from September till Christmas - 1(week) half term in the end of October
Spring term or Easter term- from January till April - 1 (week) half term in February
Summer term - from the end of April till the end of July...Although the dates might differ from school to school...
So lots of rest, sleep, walking along the coast or even swimmimg in the sea...
Bye for now and all the best to all!
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 23:49
Enjoy your time!
Mila Love форум
Старожил форума
24.05.2009 23:53
Thanks ;-)))

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